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I understand. If you are a beginner in the stock market and trying to figure out “how to start”, it is very easy to get overwhelmed by all the information out there. When it comes to online stock brokers, the confusion and uncertainty can build up that much faster. Let me try to save you some time and headache in regards to the best online stock broker for beginners here in 2021. As someone who is just getting started in the stock market, I believe there are two areas that matter most when selecting an online stock broker and platform. The first are some quality default set-ups that lay out everything for you upfront. The second being, the ability to (eventually) venture down he pathway of doing some personal customization. As you get more familiar with the markets and trading, it will make sense for you to begin to customize your platform for you and your trading strategy. But again, at first, you don’t want to get overwhelmed, so having some pre-mapped out templates will be a time saver. Let me show you what broker I believe you should get started with!

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