Being wrong is part of being a day trader. If you as a human have an ego too big to ever being able to admit, “I was wrong”, then let me tell you… day trading is NOT for you! If you want to learn how to day trade online and find success, you must be able to lock your ego in a closet. You must be ready and willing to admit that you were wrong about a money making opportunity. There is no shame in being wrong. In fact, within the world of day trading, when someone “admits they’re wrong”, it should be celebrated as it shows a true focus on risk management. There are no guarantees in the market; however, one guarantee that is at 99% is that if you do not learn risk management, then you will eventually fail. Here’s the cool part though. Just because you admit you are wrong does not mean that, overall, you will lose money as a day trader. When you manage your risk wisely, it is more than reasonable and possible that you can still make money. I understand that “losing money in order to make money” sounds a bit backwards, but it’s the foundation from which you should build from as a beginner day trader. Let me show you what I mean using some of my personal day trading results.

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