Being a day trader can be a very mentally challenging pursuit. When you know your hard earned money is on the line (and can be lost!), it creates a mental situation that is extremely unique compared to most instances. Yes, a big part of learning how to trade and be successful is understanding technical charts, candlesticks, etc.; however, there is an even bigger challenge: your emotions. I’ve been trading for almost two decades now and emotions are something that you constantly need to be guarding against. Even at this point in my journey, if I’m not careful, I can fall into many of the traps your mind will set for you. You’ll never be a perfect trader from an emotion standpoint. After all, we are all humans and made up of emotions, but what you can do is be very aware of your personal emotional status. At times it won’t be pleasant to need to be honest with yourself and admit you are falling apart mentally, but you know what? It happens! Put your ego aside and realize sometimes your mindset is going to break apart. It’s okay and if you acknowledge it is happening, it can (and will) save you lots of headaches in the big picture. Let me show you what I mean using some of my personal day trading results I captured, live, on video.

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