I truly do not want to post these day trading results. I would have much rather taken this video and put it down the garbage disposal; however, it is what it is and it illustrates the challenges that we as day traders face. If you are not aware, day trading online can be a great way to make money, so don’t get me wrong, but it is also a massive challenge that requires a boatload of dedication and perseverance. It’s not one’s fault but my own, but I also have to deal with what I call The YouTube Voice. We as day traders will have many voices visit us while trading, and the one I’ve learned to identify and deal with is the voice that reminds me I’m going to be posting my trades publicly on YouTube. This adds in a dynamic of wanting to “make cool videos” which can sometimes lead to making bad trades. Or, as you’ll see in this live trade video, it can lead to me attempting to redeem myself and make up for actions that made me look silly. Let me show you what I mean.

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