Day trading stocks online is fun. Day trading stocks online can also make you a whole lot of money when you know what you are doing and have a valid stock strategy. With that being said, should you always be trading? Do you always need to be researching and scanning for a stock to buy? Absolutely not! There are times where day traders need to step back and realize they should be done and stop trading. I realize I’m talking in theory right now, so to make this concept a bit more clearer, let me use some of my personal day trading results to illustrate exactly what I mean. Let’s take a look at some of my trades where I eventually needed to wave the white flag and admit I should stop! There is no shame in admitting you need to stop, that’s part of being a day trader, but you need to know when you should be stopping and I address and show all of this (and more) here. Let’s get to it!

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