This content is restricted to CTU members

Today we interview member Jeff S. We look at his trade from after hours. The beginning of the webinar pertains to his stop loss location and a rehash of what ‘grandma numbers’ are.

TRXC is what Jeff traded and we take a look at why he decided to get involved. He noticed that it had news after hours and decided to watch it the following business day. After talking about why he entered the trade, we actually see a super ideal entry location but the daily candle formation is quite bullish. So he wants to play a breakout and increase his position. He then walks us through his logic for selling when he sold. Unfortunately, Jeff used ‘profit is profit’ and didn’t trail his winner. We do see this was near the top for this particular trade but it has to do with habits.

Jeff is relatively new to the program but is a shining example of someone who is about to put into action EVERYTHING he has been taught.

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