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The Trading Freedom Pathway | A Lifetime Membership

A Process To Bring Clarity And Confidence To Your Trading Strategy

Eliminate Emotion - Connect with Consistency - Stay Focused

Better Understanding

Effective Tools

Plan of Attack

Your Strategy Should Not Be Scattered and Confused

The Strategy You Use Will Either Create or Cripple Consistency

Understand the Basics

Build a foundation of knowledge that will propel you forward.

Learn the Tools

You don't have to make things complicated in order to have success.

Create a Plan

Create clear and smart rules that can save you from pitfalls.

Start Trading

No rush. Take it one trade at a time.

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The Trading Freedom Pathway Process Sets You Apart

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Part of this process is surrounding yourself with other like-minded people. That’s why you get lifetime membership to this community.

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The Trading Freedom Pathway Process helps traders take control. Becoming a member ensures you'll stay focused on what matters most.

Enjoy the Confidence

When you gain a focused confidence, you will see the markets with a whole new clarity.

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Take It One Step At a Time

Learn At Your Own Pace

4 Key Steps, All The Powerful Tools

This powerful pathway can be learned at your own pace. Each simple step will lead to more confidence and clarity.

4 Key Steps

Learn Anywhere And On Any Device

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The 4 Key Steps

  • Step #2: The Confidence – After you’ve discovered what information you need to be using and what information you should be ignoring, it is time to understand the tools that will allow you to wisely organize this information in an easy way. A very common problem among traders is some people are overcomplicating these tools while others are oversimplifying them. There is a “middle ground” that must be located and that’s where Clay, as your guide, will provide assistance. When you are done with this step of the process, you will be connected with your confidence knowing that YOU can clarify the information in a way that you ARE confident in.
  • Step #3: The Creation – At this point you will have complete clarity in regards to what information you should use and ignore. You will also have confidence in how to organize this information properly by using worthwhile tools and techniques. Next is the creation of trade plans that are clear, have smart rules, and will help you to manage risk in strategic ways. The focus will be how to create these trade plans as quickly and easily as possible.
  • Step #4: The Trading – This is when the process becomes a reality for you. When you combine the Clarity and Confidence you’ll have to create trade plans that are structured, you’ll be able to navigate the markets with purpose. Whether you choose to trade stocks, options, Forex, futures, cryptocurrencies or something else, the key is being able to “do it time and time again” in an overall risk controlled way. Or summarized in one word: consistency.

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What You Get Today (FOR LIFE!)

Enroll in The Trading Freedom Pathway TODAY and gain instant access so you can immediately begin to take control.

Lifetime Access To ClayTrader University

Get lifetime access to an ever expanding series of online trading courses in video format that you can go through at YOUR own pace. No need to rush, your access to this content will not expire!

My Top 10 Over 10 Scanner Setting's Guide

Get instant access to Clay’s Top 10 scanners he has discovered over his 10 plus years of trading. No need to worry about “How Do I Find Things To Trade?”

Live Weekly Training With Clay

Every week, Clay is LIVE, sharing trading education and teaching you the successful habits of traders, the tools and helping to hold you accountable with these interactive learning opportunities.

Direct Access to Clay

Because we are a relatively small company, this allows for Clay to personally interact with all his members. When you email in your questions, it will be Clay personally reading and replying from the other end.

Lifetime Membership to The Inner Circle

As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron” and that’s what you’ll have access to here. Network with other like-minded traders and take advantage of money making trade alerts and ideas that we share among each other.

As A Bonus, You'll Also Get:

  1. Access To Clay's Personal Trading Video Journal
  2. Immediate Access To Any New ClayTrader University Courses That Clay Creates In the Future (at NO Extra Charge)
  3. Special Disounts at Clay's Other Brands: MoneyWithClay.com and MaintainTheGains.com

Tour The Trading Freedom Pathway

Want to know what it's really like inside The Trading Freedom Pathway? Then come along on this detailed tour as I give you an in-depth look into what you'll gain access to with your lifetime membership.

The Cost of Confusion

How much is unclear planning costing you? How many potential opportunities passed you by in the sea of noise within the financial markets? How many of your trades lost you money because you didn’t know when you should have sold? How many times have you hesitated to take action causing you to then miss out on making money? Can your strategy help you understand when a perceived opportunity may actually lose you money? A lack of clarity may already be costing you a great deal. Get lifetime trading education to help you avoid the cost of confusion and achieve your goals.

Pay Only When You Are Ready: No Pressure

The Trading Freedom Pathway

Pay-When-You-Want Plan

6 Payments | Lifetime Access


Each Payment Unlocks More Content

Learn With A Step-By-Step Path

6 Payments In Total

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Open To Residents Of All Countries

Lifetime Access to Everything on ClayTrader.com

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PayPal, Credit or Debit Cards Accepted

Still looking for more information about how the Trading Freedom Pathway is structured and what all is included? Find out more here

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Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!

I'm here to help. I want to help. Just give me an opportunity to help and guide you. If you are not satisfied then I will refund you back your investment in its entirety.

What Makes ClayTrader So Different?

The most common question I get from people who are looking to learn how to trade and want to invest into a course is: “Clay, how are you different compared to...

I applaud these people! They are doing their research on training courses and classes that will help them succeed in the world of trading. They are out there looking at reviews and testimonials trying to figure out who will be the best teacher/coach/mentor for them.

This is why I believe the “how are you different” question is such a wise one. I’ve been helping guide new and/or struggling traders since 2013 and I believe my success in helping traders can best be explained in the video below

We've Been Aroud Since 2013. This is Why...

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. There are only two requirements needed to do this program: You must know how to use the internet and be 18 years old or older. If you are not 18, you will need parental approval.

    I’ve helped people who are 18 and people who are over 70. The markets don’t care about your age, they treat everyone equally.

    The sooner you start, the better; however, later is also better than never!

    “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now!”

  2. No. This is a complete program that’s designed to get you from point A to point Z. There’s no splitting it up.

    If you were to purchase a home, you wouldn’t ask for a discount if you didn’t intend to use the garage. This is a systematic approach to success and you need all parts of it to become successful.

    You may think you are already good at one portion of the process that is covered in the program, but you’ll quickly find out that the students who took the longest to find success, were the ones who thought the same.

    I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard a variation of, “Wow Clay! I THOUGHT I knew how __________ worked, but after taking the class, I realize I only had a surface deep understanding of it. I was missing multiple details, that when added together, can really screw things up!”

    I have not only designed this program to show you new ways of becoming successful but also to show you how to become better at the things you may already know. Remember, the program is not just based on my experience, but it’s the experience of MANY members who have given me constructive feedback over the years (which I mean in a literal sense – I’ve been doing this since 2013).

    You must be totally and completely committed to this program if you want to become successful, so you must be willing to go “all in” and not “dabble here-and-there”.

  3. An often-overlooked concept is “making money through avoidance”.

    What do I mean? I constantly receive communications from people who made some mistakes that were completely avoidable. To be fair, the people didn’t realize these were mistakes until it was too late. However, the mistakes they made caused loses of money that are well beyond $2,497 (the amount required to join the program).

    Stop and think about the power and profitability that “the knowledge of avoidance” will give you access to. If you can learn what situations to “avoid” (which is one of the areas you WILL learn about), that means those loses would have never happened in the first place. As Benjamin Franklin says, a penny saved is a penny earned.

    If you invest $2,497 into yourself and learn something that helps you avoid a $2,500 loss (or more), you just paid off the entire investment into the program!

    But, if you want to go through the same struggles, blood, sweat and tears I had to go through, then by all means, you can do that. But if you want me to give you the straight-and-narrow pathway, then this is the program for you. Now of course, this does not mean you will never take any loses! That would be absurd! It does mean you have access to a person who has done many dumb things, so if you can simply “do the opposite” of these dumb things, you are putting yourself in a much better position.

    I’ve had multiple people try to go out on their own and figure it out. They failed for several months, then finally invested into the program and had immediate realizations of how “far off the path” they actually were. That’s because this program has been refined and developed over the past several years.

    Thanks to the online community we have, I am constantly getting feedback and recommendations on what can further be done to continue to improve the overall experience.

    One example of this is with the live weekly webinars. Over time, members said,

    “Hey Clay! It’d be awesome if you could bring on other members and do in-depth interviews with them about a winning/losing trade they’ve made”.

    The result? Now part of the program and live webinars is bringing on fellow members from time to time to conduct these interviews.

    One thing that has amazed me (but it makes sense when I stop and think about it) is how, over time, my team and I have seen a dramatic decrease in support tickets and overall questions.

    That’s because the content has been specifically tailored to overcome any struggles you may have, no matter what experience you have or where you are geographically or from what walk of life you come from.

    I listen to feedback and this has given me the opportunity to answer questions you have before you even know you have them. It’s kind of spooky in in a way! The bottom line is this, you need help and this program WILL get you where you want to be.

    As a final note, I genuinely do believe in investing into your learning and “avoiding preventable losses”. HERE you can see all the money I spent on real estate investing education before I did my first deal. (one of the first videos I ever did)

  4. Kind of. Let me explain.

    Am I available via the community chatroom and email? Yes. Absolutely!

    What about “in person” though? Do I hold “in person” classes?

    My program is an online process created by me, personally, over multiple years. All the information is my best stuff and I don’t hold anything back. There’s no difference between me teaching you what I know in the online lessons, verses what I would tell you “in person” if we were discussing the same strategy or subject.

    Not to mention, out of all the people who have become successful, none of them have had “in person” access to me. In fact, many students that make great money I’m not aware of until they reach out to me to tell me of their success and thank me.

    This program was designed to get you results without having to talk to me “in person”. I put a lot of hard work and years of experience into making that a reality.

    As far as getting feedback from me, I regularly comment and post in the chatroom and answer questions. I cannot guarantee that I will answer every question within an hour, but my policy is to always reply within 24 hours (unless it’s a holiday or something like that).

    I do broadcast live via the weekly webinars, so that is somewhat “in person”, however, you are with other students. So while it’s technically not “one-on-one”, you can still ask me questions and it gives me the opportunity to address the common questions I’ve seen popping up.

    So, to answer your question, no, you do not get “in person” access with me included with this program. I could do “in person”, but the prices would be so much higher. Think about it. I need to rent out a conference room. I need to pay for plane tickets for my team and me. I need to pay for hotel rooms. The overhead costs add up very quickly and the price I’d have to charge would go well beyond $2,497!

    This program is an entire, straight to the point, step-by-step process delivered to you in the exact same way that I would deliver it to you if we were speaking “live and in person”. It’s literally like me sitting down with you and telling you exactly what to do. All you have to do is listen and implement.

    The best part is, you don’t have to leave your home. You don’t have to jump on a plane and come out and meet me. And you can do it whenever and wherever you’d like.

    As a final note, I do offer 1 hour phone coaching sessions for $497, but this is not a requirement for anyone to do.

  5. You will gain lifetime access to:

    • ClayTrader University
    • The Top 10 Over 10 Scanner Setting’s Guide.
    • Direct Access to Clay
    • Weekly Live and Interactive Trainings
    • Clay’s Personal Trading Video Journal
    • The Inner Circle Chat Room Community
  6. No. You do need to know how to operate a calculator though.

    If you understand the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division… and can count to 100, then you’re fine.

    I’ve never once had to find the hypotenuse of a triangle or do calculus within the markets.

  7. That’s a great question. My training program is a program that is extremely different than other programs online. I know this because over the years of being in business, I’ve had thousands of interactions with people who have paid for other programs. I love to interact with as many people as possible (even if they never spend a penny on my services) because it allows me to see where other programs are failing, and in return make sure my program goes above and beyond. I found two very common theme among ALL of these programs.

    First, they do not offer any true access to the “main person”. Sure, maybe you can talk with some other “coach” or whatever they call them, but it’s not “the person” shown all over their site. Because ClayTrader.com is still a relatively small business, I am able to personally interact with all members who have made the commitment to my program. When you email in with a comment, question or concern, it is 100% me on the other end reading and replying. This is something I take very serious as it is something that I can brag about “making us different” from the rest.

    Second, no matter what they say in their marketing, when you get the course, they ALL assume you have a basic understanding of the markets and a general idea of how trading works. I do NOT operate in this manner. I assume you know nothing. I’ve made my program 100% beginner friendly. In many ways, starting off brand new is actually an advantage. You are able to start with a clean slate and not have to worry about fixing the bad habits that many other traders have developed.

    I have been blessed with a very specific talent. That talent is to take something complicated and explain it simply so that anyone can understand it. During my senior year of high school, we were required to job shadow three different professions (one week each) and then write a final paper on it. My three weeks were spent with an engineer, a lawyer, and a teacher. While I ultimately chose to major in engineering due to the huge job demand for that profession, the experience I enjoyed the most was with my former 5th grade teacher. She allowed me to teach a few different lessons (and put my own twist on them) and I had a great time with it, but most importantly, I discovered an unknown passion and talent I had for trying to help others learn. I love to teach/coach/mentor (whatever you want to call it) and there is truly no better adrenaline rush than when you help other people’s lives and show them how to achieve the freedoms they desire.

    The bottom line is, if you are a complete beginner, this course is for you. If you’re experienced, this course is also for you, I’m going to show you how to identify your bad habits, and more importantly, fix them. There are so many ways to make trading less stressful and more controlled, and hence, more consistent, I’d like to pass that knowledge on to you.

    If you’re wondering if this program will work in regard to preparing you with the knowledge to trade, the total and completely answer is YES. Can I guarantee you will make money? No! Of course not. No one can. When all is said and done, it will be up to you to use the knowledge you have acquired to build a trade strategy that best fits your needs and your personal risk tolerance level (which is different for us all). If you’re still skeptical, I offer a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. Simply try the program, do the work required and give me a chance to help. If you don’t feel as though you are learning and making progress, you will get a 100% refund.

  8. You will gain LIFETIME ACCESS to: 

    • ClayTrader University
    • The Inner Circle Private Community
    • The Top 10 Over 10 Scanner Setting’s Guide
    • Direct Access to Clay
    • Weekly Live and Interactive Trainings
    • Clay’s Personal Trading Video Journal
  9. This guarantee is based on honestyeffort, and your personal growth in confidence as a trader (in other words, do you feel as though you are making progress in your understanding of the markets?).

    It is NOT, I repeat, NOT based on you becoming a massive millionaire success in only 30 days – sorry to burst your bubble, but the market takes more than 30 days to master.

    With that being said, there are two ways to invalidate the guarantee.

    1. All training courses are available instantly via streaming video. There is also an option to download them to your PC/phone/tablet/etc. If you download any material during the first 30 days, this will be documented via our software (via the email address you sign up with during checkout process). Downloading of any content invalidates the guarantee.
    2. The guarantee comes from the fact that I am VERY confident if you put in the effort and work, you will be satisfied with the program. Therefore, you must show “effort and work”.

      “Effort and work” are being quantified as completing the first two classes and giving me the opportunity to personally help you. The second class, Robotic Trading: Skill Sharpening, includes study guides that should be printed out as part of the training course. As part of your Refund Request, you will need to send us these study guides showing that you did indeed fill them out and put in the effort. You also must give me a chance to personally help you. If you are struggling and/or need clarification on something, you must email me with your questions and give me a chance to help.

      If nothing has been downloaded, you’ve filled out the interactive study guides and have given me a chance to personally help, but do not feel any progress, then I refuse to keep your money. You will be refunded in total. That I can guarantee you.

    *** Pay-When-You-Want $497 Payment Plan – this payment method invalidates the guarantee. Given this process is 6 payments, and the guarantee is 30 days, I hope you see how the numbers do not work out. If you don’t like the content after your first $497 payment, you can simply stop paying.

  10. From a sale’s tactic perspective, I should just give you some random number that makes my program sound like a magic formula… but, that’s not how the markets work.

    Everyone is different. Everyone has different goals. Everyone has different current life circumstances.

    I can say this though, you will begin making money via the “avoidance factor” immediately. What do I mean?

    I constantly receive communications from people who made some mistakes that were completely avoidable. To be fair, the person didn’t realize these were mistakes until it was too late. However, the mistakes they made caused loses of money that are well beyond $2,497 (the investment amount required to join the program).

    Stop and think about the power and profitability that “the knowledge of avoidance” will give you access to. If you can learn what situations to “avoid” (which is one of the areas you WILL learn about), that means those loses would have never happened in the first place. As Benjamin Franklin says, a penny saved is a penny earned.

    If you invest $2,497 into yourself and learn something that helps you avoid a $2,500 loss (or more), you just paid off the entire investment into the program!

    So, while I don’t know how long it will take you to “make money”, you will immediately begin to learn about how to avoid those situations that can lead to large loses of money.

  11. The Trading Freedom Pathway has two payment options; one payment of $2497, or 6 payments of $497. Learn More

  12. That is truly a case-by-case situation.

    First off, everyone learns/absorbs information at different rates. I remember back in school, friends would be done with an assignment and I still was not even half way through. Does that mean I’m an idiot? No. It just means I need a bit more time to absorb/understand the information.

    Second off, everyone has different time schedules. So, a single person with no other commitments who absorbs information quickly is going to be ready sooner than a parent of 4 kids with not as much time.

    That does not mean achieving success is impossible in either situation, it just means “how long will it take?” is a very open-ended question.

    The pgroam was developed with the end goal in mind, so I don’t ramble on for hours upon hours with meaningless and unnecessary information about myself or how great I am (like I know many “teachers” do). I don’t sit there and spend half the time setting up the “and now you need to purchase this” (upsell) angle either like so many other classes.

    I myself hate going through programs that don’t get to the point. So, this course gets right to the point. There will be no wasted minutes as every single second of the course is filled with valuable information to help you succeed. Do I remind you constantly of key ideas? Of course! I don’t want you to not understand how important certain concepts are, so I’m all about offering up friendly reminders.

    In all honesty though, it’s essentially impossible to get through all the content. Because there are weekly live trainings, which are all recorded and placed into an archive for members, the content library quite literally grows every week.

    My point is this: do you “need” to do every single hour of content? No, absolutely not!!!! But my coaching business plan revolves around never allowing any member to accuse me of not offering enough examples.

  13. Can I be bluntly honest with you? While I’m not saying you are not having success, if you are on this page and reading this question, then you know deep down you are not anywhere close to your full potential.

    I can not promise you will learn any new “broad concepts/ideas”, what I can say I’m confident in is you will discover all those “little things” that when added together, make huge differences and cause more control and success as a trader.

    As the saying goes, iron sharpens iron, so for all you know, simply getting involved in the online community that comes part of the program may be that extra “kick” you need to reach your full potential.

  14. I have students from all over the world–the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South America, and Asia. The tools and strategies you will learn are not only proven to work worldwide, but they open the doors to multiple markets, as you’ll see in the next question.

  15. I completely understand because I’ve had that same experience with other programs as well. Here’s why this one is different. Most programs are created by people that are brilliant marketers who know exactly what buttons to press to get you to buy, but when it comes to actually being able to explain concepts in a way that anyone can understand, they fail miserably. Or, in many cases, they don’t try at all because they are simply focused on “setting you up” for the designed, “and now you need to buy this to continue your journey”…

    Again, refer to Question #4. There are zero hidden costs or upsells with my program.

    That’s where my program is different. My program is completely focused on “the good stuff” and not focused on subconsciously trying to manipulate you to get you to “buy more”.

    Not only is what I show a proven method that I’ve discovered and done myself, but it’s been used by hundreds of my students that have found success as well. If it didn’t work, then I would not have all these success stories. As long as you follow the plan and implement it, you will gain control of your trading.

    The other common problem is that most programs go out of date regularly. Here are two reasons why this program will never go out of date: First, I am constantly are keeping the content “fresh and relevant” via the weekly live webinars and trainings, and that’s the most obvious reason; and second, the methods I show are very simple and don’t need updating.

    Why? How is that possible? The tools I use center around how to measure the emotions of other traders. And if there is one thing that will never change about us as humans, it is that we are emotional creatures; therefore, the strategies taught will never get outdated.

    Sure, there are always new “trades” that can be talked about and broken down into detail (once again, this is where the weekly live webinars are so powerful and useful), but the underlying dynamics of each trade remain the same and will never change due to our inherent status of being emotional creatures.

    Finally, the other reason I get results with this program is because we have a group of people there to help you 24 hours a day, seven days per week. This is not just a private community for anyone who invests into the program, this is our family. I realize this may just sound like “sales talk”, but it’s 100% the truth. HERE is just one example of the relationships that have been built and continue to be built within the community.

    When you join this program, you’ll notice it is far beyond anything else you have ever purchased or seen online.

  16. My program is for EVERYONE. How can this be true?

    What I teach can be applied to ANY time schedule you want and/or need.

    The tools and process you will learn about are the same whether you plan on “day trading” or “swing trading”. The only difference is the manipulation of the time aspect, which is one of the things you will learn extensively about as part of the program (among much else).

    This is why I am shocked more people don’t use the tools I discovered to trade the markets. It truly gives you total flexibility.

  17. It is for EVERYTHING. How can this be true?

    What I teach can be applied to anything (including baseball cards) that has a value which changes over time.

    Stocks, options, currency pairings, futures, cryptocurrencies, etc. all have values that fluctuate up and down over time… because of this, the tools and planning process I teach can be applied.

    If you want to dig deeper into options and Forex, you will have the choice (at no extra cost) to go through the online classes for those topics.

    Bottom line, in the community we have people who trade everything from stocks to options to forex to futures. Even with that, we all “speak the same language” because we are all using the same underlying tools.

  18. Yes, my online program can be purchased with six payments of $497.

    Here’s the cool part, this is a Pay-When-You-Want plan. Meaning, you pay whenever you want to. No time pressures. If you make the first payment of $497 and then the next payment is not made until three months later, that’s okay!

    Each payment releases more and more content to you. If you want more content, just make another payment and you will have instant access to it. After the 6th (and final) payment, your Lifetime access to the Live Guidance Opportunity begins.

    There are no credit checks. It does not matter what country you live in. And again, there are NO time pressures.

    Learn at your own pace and pay at your own pace.

  19. This is a very valid question, but the answer is a bit backwards and a perfect example of how sometimes “logical” thoughts are completely counterproductive when it comes to the market.

    The broker and platform you use depends entirely on the strategy you are implementing and the goals within that strategy.

    Look at it like this…

    You’ll know what broker and platform you need once you know what strategy you are doing…

    You’ll know what strategy you are doing after you build one for yourself that fits into your personal time schedule and risk tolerance levels (which is different for everyone)…

    You’ll know how to build a strategy for yourself once you understand the building tools available…

    You’ll understand the building tools available after going through a proper training program.

    This is where my program comes into play. I will walk you through everything needed to build a strategy that WORKS FOR YOU.

    I understand. People that advertise and proclaim an exact strategy that will “work for you” is an easy sale’s pitch, but that’s not the reality of the markets and trading.

    As mentioned above, you and I as humans are different via our personal risk tolerance levels. For example, you may define “fun” as going skydiving. For someone else, they’d look at you like a crazy person and tell you their definition of “fun” is curling up next to a warm fire and reading a book. Who is right? Who is wrong? Neither! They’re both having fun, just in different ways due to their personal risk tolerance.

    The same is true for trading. Two people can have success (fun) in the markets with varying strategies (risk tolerance), but the connection between the two is they are using the same tools, just in a way that best benefits them.

    Bottom line, this program will teach you the tools to build the strategy that works for you. Once you have your strategy, you’ll know exactly what requirements the broker and platform will need to be able to offer you.

    This is the freeing power of knowledge. You’ll know what you need, so now it becomes a matter of the broker and platform PROVING TO YOU if they’re good enough.

  20. That’s a wise question and you should always know every single thing you get when you enroll into a program.

    At the core, there are 3 ways I “attack you with knowledge” that will give you access to the information you need to succeed.

    Here we go…

    Attack Plan #1 is ClayTrader University. Like any University, it is separated into 13 individual classes covering a wide range of topics. The big difference (in a good way) from a normal University is you can take these classes on your time schedule and at your pace. Because you gain lifetime membership, you do not have to worry about losing access to these classes after a predetermined amount of time.

    Depending on the class you choose, times can range from 8 hours to 20 hours (just to clarify, these classes are broken down into individual videos, so it is NOT a single continuous 20-hour video).

    After signing up, you will be directed to a welcome video where I guide and explain the exact order you should take these classes.

    With Attack Plan #2 you will have access to weekly live trainings where you can continue to learn through practical application. The webinars are based on current events and headlines in the market. This ensures you will always have fresh and current new examples of how money could have been made.

    Also, part of the live trainings is interactive interviews with fellow members. These are “group interviews” where we all ask them questions about a recent trade they’ve made (we’ve had members talk about both winning and losing trades). For some members, they believe this aspect alone is the most valuable part of everything the program offers.

    Attack Plan #3 comes in the form of my personal trading video journal where I cover a variety of topics and concepts. The best way to explain how this works is to simply show you a few of the titles from the video journal.

    • How to Spot a Trading Halt BEFORE It Happens
    • The Chasing Tool in Action
    • Why Traders Fail – Don’t Be a Sheep!
    • I Look Foolish, but a Good Lesson
    • Easy-to-See RvR Panic Buy

    The video journal is a “living information source” in the sense I add new videos to it over time. It started at only one video and is now over 100 videos! Take note, there is no requirement to watch every single video, but my policy is I would rather have too many examples than not enough.

    The glue that binds all 3 of these information sources together is The Inner Circle online community. As the saying goes, iron sharpens iron and that is the idea behind the community. Surrounding yourself with other like-minded people who are all serious and striving to take advantage of new opportunities themselves is a recipe for success. The Inner Circle not only offers a live chatroom, but you will also get my weekly Power Profit Scan newsletter.

    In other words, you are getting a boatload of content for a very reasonable investment amount. I know what other people charge, and when it comes to the amount of quality content for the amount spent, I stand firm and confident that my required investment amount to join the program is more than fair.

  21. The good news is you don’t either of these to begin learning.

    You will need some software to get you started learning, but no worries, there is plenty of free software out there that you can use while you learn – which you will be shown as part of the program.

    Bottom line, you don’t need anything fancy at all to get started. You just need an internet connection and an attitude of readiness to follow the steps I lay out for you and you’ll be good to go!

  22. NO. And I very well may raise the price.

    If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. Here’s a quick ClayTrader.com history lesson though. My online program started out at $997… then went to $1,497… then went to $1,997… now it sits at $2,497 – and I’m aware of the competition, my price is in all actuality, too low.

    As I’ve explained in other questions, given I am always adding new and fresh content, the amount of information and examples continue to rise, so if I do choose to raise the price again, you can NOT “reserve” it for the current price.

    If you’re serious about becoming a success, making more money and changing your life and your family’s life for the better, then the time is right here, right now. There will never be a perfect time, and believe me, if you’re waiting for a perfect time, you’ll wake up one day in a retirement home wishing you lived life in the now and not tomorrow because before you know it there will be no tomorrow.

    If you want to be a failure, then embrace procrastination. If you want to be a success, then embrace action. The time to take action is now.

  23. The Trading Freedom Pathway is our all inclusive training program, including courses, live training, and the Inner Circle.

    The Inner Circle is the name for our online community, you can purchase it as a stand alone subscription or gain access for life with the Trading Freedom Pathway.

  24. The Trading Freedom Pathway is an “all inclusive” training program. Including:

    • 13 full length video courses teaching everything from the basics of chats, all the way through advanced trading strategies using stocks, options, futures, etc.
    • Weekly live training classes held on Tuesday nights
    • Access to our private trading community, The Inner Circle
    • Clay’s Trading Video Journal

    All of this content is yours for life!

  25. You will have the opportunity to receive support in several ways.

    First, ME!

    While I do run a successful business here at ClayTradre.com, it’s not to the point where I have zero time to personally help with students. One of the saddest and annoying things I see very commonly is people reaching out to me and then hearing they’ve already invested into another program. When I ask them why they haven’t reached out to that person, I always get a similar reply…

    “after I bought the program, I don’t get responses, or they take days to reply.”

    That is a shame and unfortunately happens all the time.

    I am not a one-man operation, and I do have a couple employees. I choose to invest into the company and hire people so I can leave my time open to help those people who want it. This is also why the investment amount to join is what it is. If I’m going to invest into the company to hire people, then I need to know you are extra serious about learning.

    If you are looking to freeload, sorry, my time is too valuable for that. I need to spend it on those who want to invest into themselves.

    Bottom line, email me, contact me via social media, talk to me in the live chatroom. If you want help, I’m here.

    Second, the online community that you will gain access to. The more you get to know people, the more productive everything else becomes (including making money!). There is power in personal interactions and I call many members my friends.

    Trading is tough. When those tough times come, it can feel very lonely if no one around you in your “real life” can relate to your struggles. Surrounding yourself with other traders offers great accountability and motivation, both in the good and tough times.

  26. The Trading Freedom Pathway is delivered through pre-recorded videos, PDF files and an online community. It is available 24 / 7 / 365.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re on vacation or you decide to travel the world for eight months and then come back to focus on your trading. All of the content will be ready and waiting for you, including any updated content that you get 100% free of charge.

    You have lifetime access so you can never possibly fall behind. Once you sign up, you can get started immediately, right after you click the “start” button and create your account. You’ll have access within seconds. You can start tonight and begin taking action before the sun rises. The best time to start is, of course, right now.

    One note, there are weekly live webinars that you might “miss”; however, that does not mean you will never be able to view them. All live webinars are recorded and placed into an archive so you can view whenever you want.

  27. I’ve been where you are. I know the feeling of “trapped” because you either don’t enjoy your job or you know your personal finances are not reaching their full potential. I can 100% relate.

    I’m Clay. I’m a 35-year-old normal guy who makes a living trading the markets, coaching, and blogging. I am not the stereotypical “Wall Street trader” who lives the crazy lifestyle that is often portrayed in TV and movies.

    I don’t drive a super fancy car, I don’t own mansions, and I don’t have millions upon millions of dollars. What I do have is a gorgeous wife, four great children, a fantastic family, awesome friends, and a “job” that allows me to spend most of my time with them.

    In other words, I’m just a normal person, like you – so please don’t think you need some kind of Harvard degree or superior intellect in order to find success. I will say, I’m not afraid of hard work and I have the “no excuse” mentality, so if you are of that same mindset, then perfect, we will mesh nicely together!

    I first became interested in the financial market in 2005 while I was still in college at The Ohio State University studying to get my degree in engineering. I am someone who has always enjoyed the “game of numbers” in terms of how can I take $100 and then suddenly turn it into $500?

    Given this is “the game” that the financial markets revolve around, I was instantly hooked.

    Like most new traders, I was all over the map in terms of my consistency. I would nail multiple winners in a row, but as soon as I thought I had it figured out, I would have multiple losers in a row. Stress, excitement, fear, enjoyment, frustration – I was on an emotional roller coaster, can you relate?

    When I finally identified what my problem was, my trading consistency really began to take a turn for the better.

    What was my problem? I did not have a core strategy, nor any sort of foundation to build my strategies around. How was I supposed to gain the confidence required for success when I didn’t even have a core strategy?

    With this realization, I began the hunt for tools that would begin to give me confidence in my trade plans and lead to consistency in my profits. After a long and intense search (my nice way of saying “trial-and-error”), I finally found a tool and analysis technique that was an emotion killer!

    As my emotions were eliminated and controlled thanks my new discovery, my consistency became more and more predictable. Did I win all the time? Of course not! (Anyone who claims this is a liar!) Did I begin to see an upwards trend to my consistency? Yes!

    Eventually, thanks to the financial markets, I was able to get my personal finances to where I believed they should be and I took the biggest step of all – I quit my day job and became my own boss!

    Now I ask you, what’s better than choosing your own hours and choosing what your dress code will be? Or that you don’t have to listen to whining from fellow employees or your boss? Maybe you like your job (that’s awesome!) but how nice would it be to have additional income streams to create some breathing room within your personal finances? Learning to trade opens countless doors of opportunity.

    And so, my goal with the online program is to show you not only what’s helped me to become successful, but what’s helped hundreds of others, like yourself, become successful as well.

    I do love to teach and coach; however, I will also be 100% transparent – I won’t sit here and claim to be a sweet and innocent little angel. If I’m good at helping others create freedom and people are willing to pay me to learn this skill, why not create an additional stream of income for myself? My students learn a skill that can set them free, I make a bit of extra money – sounds like a “win-win” deal to me!

    Bottom line, you learn the skill and you change your life and achieve whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. Simple.

    I know this all works because I have taught it to hundreds of people who have taken this knowledge and used it to better improve themselves and their lives.

    If you’re ready to get started, then let’s go!

  28. If you think this program is too expensive then you may be thinking about it in terms of a random collection of videos or simply information, not in terms of what this program can do for you, your dream goals.

    The reason you would commit to this program is not to get a set number of videos or specific information, but for the results it could generate for you. You may think $2,497 is expensive for an online program, but I must ask you this – is $2,497 too expensive of a commitment for potentially creating the freedom you desire for both you and your family?

    Let’s keep perspective. Depending on the source, the average college education costs over $50,000 and takes four years to complete. Plus, you are paying massive interest if you use a loan. Again, depending on the source, student loans are the second largest debt a consumer can make only behind a home mortgage. However, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the average earnings of a college graduate the year after grading is $50,516. That’s only if they actually get a job! When you commit to into my program for $2,497, you’re committing to something that has way more potential than that. While trading success does not happen overnight (nor, like anything, can be guaranteed) assuming you are ready to work hard, trading does give you the potential opportunity to enter a world where you determine the size of your paycheck, not your boss. Not to mention, how many people have gone to college and are now in debt and unemployed? It’s all about perspective.

    My online program is completely fluff free. I have organized everything in a fluid and logical manner to ensure you are able to understand and apply the skills in efficient amounts of time. I also offer a 100% 30-day money back guarantee. College does not and has never come with a money back guarantee.

    What you’re giving yourself for here is the blueprint, the roadmap, the guidance of how you need to approach the markets and plan a trade. I did this by myself and it took well over a year of trial, error, and failure to finally begin to figure stuff out. My students have the opportunity to not experience the headaches that I did. A great way to not lose time is to learn from someone who has already wasted time, effort and money… that’s where I come into the mix! Learn from my mistakes and enjoy the benefits.

    So, the real cost of this knowledge and guidance is the extensive time of my own life, blood, sweat and tears. That’s the real cost. But I’m giving it all to you for $2,497. If you still think this program is too expensive, then perhaps the program is not for you.

1 program, 2 different ways to invest into it:

30 Day - 100% Money Back Guarantee

The Trading Freedom Pathway

LIFETIME Membership


Includes LIFETIME Membership To:

ClayTrader University

My Top 10 Most Profitable Scanner Guide

Direct Access To Clay

Weekly Live and Interactive Webinars

Clay's Personal Video Trading Journal

The Inner Circle Private Communtiy

Pay Only When You Are Ready: No Pressure

The Trading Freedom Pathway

Pay-When-You-Want Plan


Each Payment Unlocks More Content

Learn With A Step-By-Step Path

6 Payments of $497

No Credit Checks

Open To Residents Of All Countries

Pay Anytime You Want

PayPal, Credit or Debit Cards Accepted

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