I recently had a comment on YouTube asking me what my first step was to becoming successful. I still have many goals left in life, so I’m not even sure that I would consider myself successful at this point; however, I have been very blessed so far in my endeavors. Regardless of how you define successful, the good news is that the first step to becoming successful is actually extremely simple. In fact, some of you will probably feel like this is all clickbait and a sham of a video because the first step is so simple. I promise though, there is no clickbait! In my personal experience, the first step I did sets you up in a big picture way that can really only keep you pointed in the right direction. Whether you want to get involved in day trading, real estate investing or any other kind of side hustle, if you do this first step, you’ll be positioning yourself in a very strong spot. The game of life is one big chess game and you want to be able to give yourself as firm a footing as possible. You want to set up a strategy that will keep you pointed in the right direction and hold you accountable to the actions you take. Like I said earlier, this may all sound very intensive, but it’s not. It’s so simple…

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