In some stock market environments, you can get out a big bat and take big swings. In other environments, you need to be much more conservative and chip away at the market. I’ll be the first to admit trading is way more exciting when you can take those big swings; however, from experience, if you take big swings in the wrong kind of environment, you’ll “enjoy” some massive pain. I’m by no means perfect at it, but the quicker you realize the days where you need to be chipping away at the market, the quicker you’ll build quality results. Sure, these results may not stack up in one day, but when you put several “chip away” days into motion, it’s amazing how fast they do add up. What does a “chipping away at the market” type day look like? Let me show you with some of my personal day trading stock results that I captured, live, online. Learn to chip away at the market and within the bigger picture of day trading, you’ll be putting yourself in a much more comfortable spot.