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As much as I wish it wasn’t the case, technology is an amazing thing until it isn’t. I’m sure you’ve had instances where you are loving technology and then four seconds later shaking your fist at it! I’m happy to report (at least in my experience) that way more times than not, the various trading technologies that exist for us as traders operate as they should. However, this wasn’t the case for me on this particular morning. My broker’s platform was acting goofy and things just didn’t seem right. I’ll let you be the judge of just how bad it was. Perhaps, I was the one being the fool and I was simply blaming the wrong thing. If you believe that to be the case, then by all means, please call me out in the comment section! I love day trading futures in the world of prop firms, but yeah… from time to time headaches arise. Let me show you what I mean! and its employees are not a Registered Investment Advisor, Broker Dealer or a member of any association for other research providers in any jurisdiction whatsoever and we are not qualified to give financial advice. Investing/trading in securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk.