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It’s time to once again to international and talk with a longtime member who lives down in South America! Jose (alias in the chatroom of “jose.olivieri”) has been with the community since almost the start six years ago. He is now a full time trader and has adapted some interesting mindsets towards the market, which when we talk about in depth, truly do make sense. At the end of the day, because trading is such a mental battle, you need to do whatever it takes to trick your mind (and voices) into believing certain principles. This is just one of the many things Jose and I talk about. There is lots of great stuff for someone who has been in the market for several years now. It’s time to go South below the equator. Let’s go!


Clay: This is the Stock Trading Reality podcast episode 214.

Speaker 2: This is the Stock Trading Reality podcast where you get to see the realistic side of a trader’s journey. Get inspired and stay motivated by every day, normal people, who are currently on their journey to trading success, and this is your host. He firmly believes there is nothing wrong with being an idiot: Clay Trader.

Clay: Absolutely nothing wrong, at all, with being a total moron, with being an idiot. In fact, we all start, by definition, as an idiot, by a moron. Now, if we act upon that status, that’s a different ballgame, but we all start off at that area. Me, for those longer time listeners, you know that not only was I an idiot when I started, but I took it to a whole nother level by being an extra idiot, and then took it to a whole never level by actually acting on that idiot status, whereas I thought I was gonna be rich because I invested into a penny stock, but no, don’t worry. It’s not like it was some sort of, “Oh, biotech. They might cure cancer,” or some sort of cool premise of a story.

Clay: Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty, wow, if that’s actually true, oh, yeah, that would make huge differences. No, for me, I thought I was gonna be rich on a penny stock company that did stainless steel mufflers. I wish I could say I was making that up, so I am king idiot. I am king moron; that’s why I have no problems saying, “Look, you’re being an idiot.”

Clay: How do I know? What gives me the authority, the confidence to call you an idiot? Because I really know what being a moron looks like, because I was quite the moron, and none of this is an exaggeration. I vividly remember being a senior … in my senior year of college, when I was married, and thinking, “I’m gonna tell Abby,” my wife, “Babe, I’m sorry, but I think I might have just wasted all this time and money on this stupid engineering degree because this penny stock is going to dollars.”

Clay: Like I said, I really wish I could say this was an exaggeration, but I was having those thoughts, thinking that I had just been a total moron for investing into an engineering degree. What did I just spend the last four years of my life doing? Why have I just been pounding these calculus books over my head in physics? And all this other stuff. I mean, dynamics, statics; for you engineers out there, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Why have I been spending my time doing all this? This stainless steel muffler company is gonna make me rich.

Clay: Well, yeah. There is nothing wrong at all being an idiot, but to my credit, and to pat myself on the back here, I at least acknowledged, “Clay, wow, that was stupid. Wow, you are an idiot. You are a moron. It’s time to change, because you are the problem.”

Clay: And nothing new around here; you’ve heard me say it a million times, and I’ll probably say it a million more times. The freeing part of you being the problem is that you are also the solution, so as soon as you can admit that you’re an idiot, that you’re a moron, that you’re acting like a moron, that you’re acting like an idiot, awesome. That’s step one to fixing the problem, because once more, the problem is the person in the mirror.

Clay: So yeah, I firmly believe there is nothing wrong with being an idiot. In fact, that’s, like I said, where you kind of start off by default. But … and maybe you have already acted on some of your idiot tendencies. Like I said, no judgment on my part; I get it. I’ve been there, but you’ve got to first acknowledge that you’re an idiot and then you can go on from it.

Clay: So there’s nothing wrong with being an idiot; that’s where you start, but come on, you’ve gotta acknowledge it. You’ve gotta blame the person in the mirror, when you do that you can start to take the appropriate actions to turn that whole situation around.

Clay: In today’s episode we have a long time … or I should say it’s been a long time since this guest has been on. We are traveling down to South America. He is currently in Argentina, as he explains, but Jose is this guest, and he was on episode 37. So he made the comment; I don’t quite do the math, but you know, it’s been three years since he’s been on. But as I told him, and I’m gonna say once more, but that’s a testament to his work ethic. It’s a testament to his devotion to all this, because he is surviving, and while I’m not gonna sit here and say that he’s making millions and millions of dollars, hey, you try to chip away at the market for three years and you’ll see that that’s quite the accomplishment, and that’s why I love bringing back people such as Jose. A while back we talked to Fordy; he was another one where he’s been around for years now in the community and he’s been surviving the markets, and Jose is actually now full-time trading. He gets more into that, but we have some great mindset conversations where the math can get a little, “Wait, do you mean that, or do you mean that?”

Clay: But at the end of the day it ultimately boils down to talking about a lot of mind tricks that Jose is using, and these mind tricks all revolve around math, and he goes into more of that, but there’s power in number. There’s power in data. You know what really hates data and really hates emotions, or hates numbers? Emotions do. Emotions don’t like data. Emotions don’t like math, because when you start to focus on those things, emotions have a much more difficult time of creeping in and screwing you up within your trades, and Jose has devised some good perspectives in that regard, and that was a very good conversation in which he called one of my tactics evil, which was, that was kind of one of my favorite parts.

Clay: It was like, “Okay, first off I appreciate your honest. Thank you, man. We have a history and I appreciate you,” but that kind of morphed more into, I think just, I now understand why he was saying that, and that just kind of furthered the conversation that much more.

Clay: But good conversation. As a little note, we had some technical difficulties, so I don’t know if it’s gonna pick up or not, but he does ask a couple times, “Are you there? Are you listening?”

Clay: He’s just … I promise I’m a good listener, but he just wasn’t sure. He just kind of wanted to make sure that everything was still working, so that’s why he did ask that on a few different instances, and if there are a couple areas where maybe, that was kind of a weird jump or that was a weird … that didn’t quite smooth … that’s probably why, so IT Nate, the producer, did his best job to patch everything together, but all in all, it’s a great episode. Had a very great time. It’s always fun to travel around the world and hear people’s stories, ’cause no matter where you are in the world, emotions are emotions, and there’s tactics that can be used to help keep them in that bay, and like I said, that’s kind of one of the primary focal points that we talked about, so I’m very confident you’ll enjoy my sit-down with Jose. Let’s get down to it.

Clay: And I was looking back; last episode you were on was 37, so it’s been a while since you’ve been here.

Jose: Yeah, three years.

Clay: But to your credit, you’re still in the markets. You’re still surviving, which is kind of-

Jose: Yes, so far.

Clay: … a compliment in and of itself, but alright. Well … and we have started recording, by the way, so this is … so don’t say anything you don’t want the world to know, okay?

Jose: There is … Yes, okay. I’ll try my best.

Clay: So don’t give me your credit card numbers, or … What do you have down in … you’re in Chile, right? Or are you now in Argentina?

Jose: Right now? No, right now I’m in Argentina.

Clay: Okay.

Jose: But we … I was building up for a return to Chile. We were planning to go back around mid-March, but we rented out our home in Argentina for a few months, so we celebrated our return to Chile, so next week we will be in Chile, and now we are in Argentina [crosstalk]

Clay: And your home in Argentina, is that the one where you sent me your current trade setup at?

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: Did you-

Jose: Yeah, it’s a beautiful place.

Clay: Yeah, did you follow that on Instagram? That’s got one of the most likes of any picture I’ve ever posted, so-

Jose: Yeah, no, I did. I saw your posting on Instagram, but no, I didn’t see there was a huge [inaudible] nice.

Clay: Yeah. So the world apparently agrees that you do have a very nice setup right now. I mean, that view is … Yeah.

Jose: It’s beautiful. [inaudible] the view doesn’t show it, but in front of the desk we have a 20 meter long pool, very nice. About a hundred trees, different kinds, so we have very nice … Yeah, this home is in a golf club out of Buenos Aires, south of Buenos Aires. It’s beautiful.

Clay: Are you a golfer?

Jose: Beautiful, beautiful base. No, I’m not. I don’t. I tried once, but no.

Clay: You didn’t get to … and I’m pretty confident in this memory, but you are into rugby, or at least your son is into rugby, right?

Jose: He was. He returned from Australia. He wasn’t … he trades when he was in Australia, so he took fine, and had many … he played rugby, and he also did a bachelor in business, so he got into finance and also learned, over there, to trade, and we sit together and we play together in the markets, which is fine.

Clay: Awesome. Father and son trading the markets. That’d be great if I could, hopefully-

Jose: Yes, it’s beautiful.

Clay: Yeah, if I could do that someday with my son, or my daughters. I guess anybody.

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Whoever wants to trade with me. I mean, that-

Jose: Anybody.

Clay: … that does sound fun.

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: And-

Jose: Yeah, yeah. But I’m not a trader yet. I am not a trader yet.

Clay: Work in progress?

Jose: Yeah, a trader in the making.

Clay: Trader … I like that, but I would think we’re always traders in the making, because when do you officially become a trader?

Jose: Yes.

Clay: I don’t know if there’s ever a time where it’s like, official. Like, the government, at least here in America, never sends you a certificate in the mail that says, “Hey, you are a trader.”

Jose: “You are a trader.”

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: I think the problem is a lot of people, they sign up for an online broker account and they’re like, “Hey, now I’m a trader.”

Clay: And it’s like, oh …

Jose: That’s not …

Clay: They have-

Jose: Yeah, and the other thing that I found is from the courses, your courses, or any courses, to being a trader is a huge … I mean, huge sea to cross.

Clay: It-

Jose: Yeah. Theory is fine. It’s beautiful and training must, is a must, but then when you are in the heat of the trading, it’s a different story. Yeah.

Clay: It is. There’s a big difference between the pages of a library book and then the-

Jose: Yes.

Clay: … screen starts-

Jose: The adrenaline.

Clay: Yeah, the pages on that book start to move around, and then all of a sudden you see money disappearing, growing, disappearing. It’s-

Jose: Yes.

Clay: … it’s definitely a whole nother ballgame. Alright. Well, obviously, like you said, this was like three years ago, the last time you were on this show, so I don’t expect you to remember everything, but kind of a summary, what got you interested in the markets? And we’ll kind of pick things up as far as where things are-

Jose: Pick from there.

Clay: … currently at for you, but …

Jose: Yeah, yeah.

Clay: Where did all this start for you?

Jose: Yeah, once I met a guy in Brazil. We were living in Brazil at the time, and we met a guy who did a nice investment or trade. It was not a short trade, but he invested in the crisis, Argentinian crisis, in the bank at that time, who went from maybe 30 bucks to 60 cents, and he made [inaudible] very quickly. I think he bet in 100,000 at the time.

Jose: So I did … that’s where I, you know, it piqued my interest, and then from there I did some few trades, and then I ran into penny stocks; got burnt. Ran into a guy called Clay, Clay Trader; then I started to study your courses. I’ve been studying and working, getting prepared, and I think in that, in the chat we had three years ago I told you that I thought of trading as an insurance, an insurance for unemployment, and that’s very much where I am right now after … in December, I left the company where I was working. You know, I was a partner at that company. I did well, but then I don’t say I’m unemployed; I’m unemployed from the corporate world, but the second I left the company I started working full-time in trading, although I think of myself at the moment, as I said before. I’m a trader in the making, and I’m training. I’m an intensive training at the moment, real life with real money, but not a big account, but I want to feel comfortable before I ran into, I start to trade a larger account.

Jose: So right now I’m using like $25,000 in the account, and I’m making good trades, some bad trades, but that’s what I’m preparing for. So I’m in the process of becoming a full-time trade for real, for living. At the moment I’m not living out of trading, but I’m, you know, I’m trying to make money out of it, but not trading fully to eat, but I will soon. I think in a month or two.

Clay: There you go, and I like this, and that’s why I’m glad you agreed. First off, thank you for not causing me to have to beg. Jose was very kind. Said, “Hey, Jose, I don’t know what happened, but somehow you slipped through the cracks and it’s been a long time.”

Clay: And he was like, “Oh, yeah, sure, I’ll come back on.”

Clay: So here we are. Thank you for making my life very easy, and I remember you mentioning … Yeah, Jose and I go real back, and I think I said this in our first conversation, but what I always have liked about Jose is he’s just always trusted me from the get-go. I mean, when I was starting to put out courses one by one, he would snap them up the first day. He wouldn’t … and I don’t mind, like if you need to ask me a bunch of questions, that’s okay. I understand, because there is lots of skeptical and crazy stuff out there, but Jose was never like that. It was just like, “Oh, I put out this new course.”

Clay: Boom, Jose bought.

Clay: “Okay, here. Put out this new course.”

Clay: Boom, Jose bought.

Clay: So that’s the one thing that I’ve always kind of … Why Jose is on my good side at all times, because he truly has always just … he just buys stuff and trusts me, and I like to think he feels he’s got his money’s worth, but …

Jose: Of course, of course.

Clay: Good, good.

Jose: Big time.

Clay: Now, you have kept me up to … I guess the whole point of that was that you email me back. We go back a long time, pretty much since I’ve started, and recently you did tell me that had went full-time, and kind of like you said, you’re full-time but it’s still a transition, but I kind of wanna go a little bit before that, because that is a popular topic for people out there, is hey, I wanna become a full-time trader. I wanna do this as my main form of income, and I wanna just make it happen.

Clay: And making it happen, quote-unquote, yeah, that’s a good sound bite, but there’s a lot that goes into it, so how did you actually know when you were ready to quit the corporate job? I mean, did you have certain numbers?

Jose: No, I was boot. No, no, I was boot.

Clay: You were booted out?

Jose: So it’s not that I left … Yes, yes. I didn’t … you know, actually, I’m 53, so in the company I was working for, it is not a rule, but 55 usually people get fired, you know? Sent home. So I was getting to that age. It was a very nice, very nice, leaving. I mean, a very nice process of leaving this company. I was boot out, but it was sort of like an agreement, so it was not harsh, fired or something.

Clay: So I think I-

Jose: So I was not fired.

Clay: Right, in America, it sounds like you got some sort of severance package? A-

Jose: Yeah, yeah. Nice, it was nice. It was okay, you know? So I’m not in a rush to generate income, so to speak. That’s why I am taking my time with a little capital. Well, it’s not little, but it’s no, you know … it’s …

Jose: But I am taking the time to ensure that I am ready for going to a larger account that would allow me to live comfortably as I would like.

Clay: And-

Jose: But I’m determined. I’m determined to [inaudible]

Clay: Oh, yeah, there’s no doubt about that. You’re determined, but like you said, three years ago when we talked, you were kind of looking at all this as the insurance policy, ’cause you understood the context of your situation, meaning, yeah, this job’s not gonna be here forever.

Clay: So over the past three years, have you always been kind of setting money aside to prepare for the day that finally occurred, or how did you kind of approach that from more so a personal finance situation? Because what I want listeners to realize is it’s not like you just … “Okay, I separated from my company, and now my only hope is trading.”

Clay: No, you’ve been preparing for this for a very long time, but how exactly have you been preparing from a personal finance perspective? Just setting money aside? Or walk me through that.

Jose: Okay, so basically save money from bonuses, yearly bonuses, whatever was left out of my income, my paycheck, but not … it was not that I needed to save money for … or, you know, X amount of money, but I was saving money, so I was able to get some real estate, and then I saved money to buy some stock, and also I had corporate stock, which I transferred to an investment account.

Jose: So basically, three sources of capital, so real estate; I have some long-term investments in hydrogen and water, basically stocks that relate to those things; and also the small account for trading, smaller account for trading.

Jose: Before I left the company I used to trade … I used to trade a few times, like two or three times a week, [inaudible] trades. Can you hear me?

Clay: No, I’m … yep. I’m curious, your hydrogen. So what is … and before I go any further, for listeners out there, Jose, myself, are not licensed investment professionals. This is merely for entertainment purposes only and we’re just having a conversation, but Jose, what is your thought process behind wanting to invest into hydrogen? So you own hydrogen stocks.

Jose: Yes.

Clay: So what is your thought process? Again, buyers-

Jose: Well, it’s-

Clay: … don’t go run out there, throw your kids’ college tuition money. This is just Jose’s opinion.

Jose: No, no. It’s a romantic story. My dad, maybe I was 10. My dad used to tell me about the cars that would run on hydrogen, and you could drink water out of the pipe, out of the exhaust. When I started to learn about these technologies later on in my life, a few years ago, I realized that Toyota had one car, the Mirai, and Hyundai was launching one, and then I learned about these companies that we were working around the hydrogen, like Fuel Cell, Plug, Ballard. So I started to invest in these companies, and then I learned that back in 1884, Jules Verne, in his novel The Mysterious Island, he really relates to this and says that, “Someday, my friends, basically the water will run the world. The water and energy that we get from water will be much bigger than coal.”

Jose: And that’s happening. Actually, there are several cars that run on hydrogen; in California, there are about 40 stations, and when I think about it, I think about my dad, who passed away a few years ago, and I think about if we are to have a future as humanity, we need to really speed up our conversion to zero emission. Hydrogen is becoming … to my view, at least, a source for zero emission to have. Actually, Olympics 2020, are you hear me? Can you hear me alright? Are you there?

Clay: Yep. Yep, I’m just listening.

Jose: Yep, Olympics 2020 in Japan, it will be a showcase for the hydrogen economy. Today, Wales, in Europe, heat their homes, injecting hydrogen to their homes instead of natural gas. You can run through Europe with a hydrogen car. You fill up … you know, there are many applications, [inaudible] applications, forklifts. Forklifts, there are many, many … There’s a phone which battery runs on hydrogen. There are trains already running in Germany and UK, buses all over the world, especially in South Korea and China. China has invested big-time in hydrogen.

Jose: So it’s romantic because I think of my dad. It gets me closer to my dad, and I think in the future this really will be come … this ticker will be like Amazon or Walmart or, you know, those tickers, if you had bought them back then.

Jose: So maybe it was a little bit early in the party, but still.

Clay: You believe in the long-term party, is what you’re getting at?

Jose: Yes. Yes.

Clay: And do you have any other stocks that you’ve invested in within your retirement accounts, or however that’s structured down in South America? Or you’re-

Jose: No, no, no, no.

Clay: … not all in in just hydrogen, are you?

Jose: Hydrogen and water for long term.

Clay: Do you own Microsoft, for example, or Walmart, or anything like that?

Jose: No, no. No. No.

Clay: It’s … and you said you own some real estate, too, right?

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Okay.

Jose: Home and apartments. [crosstalk]

Clay: Oh, you own some apartments?

Jose: Yes, yeah.

Clay: How many units are they?

Jose: Two.

Clay: Okay.

Jose: Two large ones, and a nice home.

Clay: Alright, so you … kind of went off-track there a little bit, but you know, you had mentioned having … we went off-track, but it was my fault for taking us there.

Jose: No problem.

Clay: But getting back on … See, that’s why I love Jose. No problem. No problem. People south of the equator, I feel like that’s just kind of the atmosphere. It’s no problem. Don’t worry about it. No problem. Up here, sometimes I think us Americans get a little antsy, but …

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Are you guys a little bit more laid back down there?

Jose: Most people are, yes. Yeah.

Clay: Well, when you have-

Jose: Well, actually, it’s … actually, it’s my … try to be concerned about real problems. The rest is just yeah, whatever. I shouldn’t-

Clay: Gotcha.

Jose: Yeah.

Clay: Now, you had mentioned you have a smaller account for your trading?

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: And I still don’t wanna come up quite through present day, yes, but yet, while you were nearing the end of the December, which was when you got the boot from the company, what sort of trading were you actually doing when you still had your job? Was it more so swing trading? Were you able to still day trade? But tell us about your trading at that point, and the type you’re doing.

Jose: No, I love trampolines, so I was looking at trampolines, mainly, so I did three days, three days’ tradings. Three days, pretty much, on average, was three days trade. Trades that took three days to evolve, on average.

Clay: Awesome. That’s an interesting stat; so your average was three days? Oh, when he says trampoline, for listeners, I offer a course called trampoline trading, and I mean, Jose, I’m pretty sure you were doing trampolines three years ago, if I remember right. I mean-

Jose: Yes, exactly.

Clay: You’ve been doing those for a long time, haven’t you?

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: Okay, good. My memory still is serving me right.

Jose: Yeah.

Clay: And-

Jose: Yeah. I was a bottom fisher.

Clay: Yeah, there you go. Now, how … three days is the number for the length of time you’re in the trade, right?

Jose: Yes, that I used to be. That I used to be.

Clay: So how, do you have any … and then do you have any idea how … what the length of time before you actually got into the trade? How long did you have to watch? Do you have any idea kind of on what the average wait time was?

Jose: No, I’ve waited for … in the beginning I waited for your newsletter. I used your newsletter. Then I started to … I learned to fish, and then basically I look, and usually Mondays or Tuesdays I used to place an order before the week was, and then I was out, most probably.

Clay: And okay, good. So you’ve built up this system for a while, and do you still use the newsletter at all, or is that kind of just what got you started?

Jose: Yes, yes, yes. No, I look it very carefully. I love it. I use it all the time.

Clay: Good. And then you also go out there and find your own to supplement it, too, at points?

Jose: Yes, yes. Yes, yes.

Clay: I like it. So you have a good, solid watch list every week when it comes to the trampoline set-ups, and-

Jose: Yeah, and also I currently use more, as well, the chat. The chat is a great source of insights.

Clay: But you don’t hang out in the lounge too often, huh?

Jose: No.

Clay: You’re more just hanging out in the pits.

Jose: Yes, exactly.

Clay: I mean, you’re a cool, normal guy, laid back. You should hang out in the lounge a little bit more. But to be fair, I don’t wanna put any wrinkles in your system that you’ve been establishing, so you just keep on doing what you’ve been doing.

Jose: No, some of the guys were harassing me the other day, so I say it’s not a good place for me.

Clay: Yeah, well, just, you do whatever you feel comfortable with, because you’re finding a groove, so we’ve gotta keep you in that groove.

Clay: So you’ve been doing trampolines, and we’ll jump back to December. You get the boot, but like you said-

Jose: No, there is an event before December. I was telling you about before the conversation got off, and I was telling you-

Clay: Oh, okay. Yeah.

Jose: … Sir Dave Brailsford. He was the head of the British cycling in 2002, and I was telling you this team had only one single medal in 76 history, but in Beijing, 2008, Beijing Olympics, his [inaudible] won seven out of 10 medals, medals available, and he was a former cyclist who also had MBA, and he applied basically theory of marginal gains to cycling, so basically what is the breakdown that it takes to cycle? And then [inaudible] improve by teeny pieces each of the components, not only in the back, but also in the cyclist, in himself, like the way they sleep, the way they was their hands, or the way they put their socks in their shoes.

Jose: So that was the way that, by compounding all those improvements, they were to significantly increase their performance, and that was how they got the medals, and also he wanted then, he took the team to the Tours de France, and also won several tours as well, with British cyclists.

Jose: So I thought, how can I take this into trading? So back in October I told my son that we will set up a 10,000 account each, and we will bet who makes a million first, applying 1%, and basically when I told some people, or some people asked me what I was doing, I was telling about this challenge. Many people laugh at me, but basically …

Jose: Are you there, Clay?

Clay: I’m here. I’m just listening.

Jose: Okay, okay.

Clay: Good stuff.

Jose: Basically, if you take … let me see, like 10,000 at 1% compound, you know? It will take about 465 trades to make a million. If you take 1,000, for instance, instead of 10,000, smaller account. Forget about the commissions and fees, but you will take about 695 trades to make a million. If you start out with a hundred thousand, you will make only 232 transactions to take a million.

Jose: So we started with 10,000, so out of the process we’ll go back and forth, you know? It’s a very fun process. I’m about 15% in the journey. I go back and forth, you know? If you draw the curve at 1%, it’s very … at the beginning, it’s very … you can’t see an improvement, but right now I’m a percent, a little bit higher, like 2.8% per trade on average, and I realized … So I’m using this also as a way to form myself as a trader, because I’m trying to make this to discipline myself, which is a more difficult thing.

Jose: And then what I really found out that I hate, I hate, trades that are like 15% or 30%. That’s … I really hate them, because you get greedy, and I try to keep my feet cold. I think I’m gonna use a cup with an ice so I can put my feet there to maintain the small gains. So I love the small gains, and I think … I see, I use sometimes lately, more lately, Clay, you are mentioning excellent trades out of the newsletter, but I think that’s evil.

Jose: I know that you’re saying that because I like you very much Clay, but evil. Large trades are evil. Large gains are evil, because large … you know, large gains may take you to large losses as well? I know risk management, but the mind is the mind. But if you get used to the small gains, little gains … the 1% is not little, but you know, the yield is amazing. The story, if you are persistent and you work hard enough, I mean, there is no way around it. This is math.

Jose: [crosstalk]

Clay: That’s true, but here’s what I … so I see what you’re saying in terms of large gains, but let’s say you put yourself in a trade and you just say, “Okay, I’ll sell if it goes here. If it drops down to this level, I’ll get out.”

Clay: But then it keeps going up.

Jose: No, no, I know, but I’m not … I understand, and I know … it’s not that I pull out at 1%. It’s if I get 1%, I’m happy with .2%, but if I get 1% I try to really ensure that I’m gonna get the 1%, because at the end of the day I know that it’s not that trade that will make my day, but it’s the 464 trades, or 65 trades, that will make my day, so I’m not trading for one trade. I’m in the process of making 464 trades of 1% on average.

Jose: The reason that I’m going, I’m gonna get there in half the time if I’m able to keep that rhythm, you know? I lose pretty much three out of 10 trades, basically, and I try to keep those losses small, but I have noticed that when I make large trades, usually large trades come afterwards with large losses, and I try to keep myself calm. I’m not to make those type of losses, but you know, the mind is the mind.

Jose: But when I make … if I continue making the small … if I keep gaining the small amounts, it’s cool. I don’t have to worry that much. I don’t lose that much, so I’m not worried about … yeah. It’s beautiful to get 30% trade, I can’t deny it, but I’m more happy when I make 1%.

Clay: And I 100% understand where you’re coming from. I guess, first off, I love that honesty. When you say showing the big gains is evil, I guess my point is that … and I try to say that in those videos that you’re referring to. Even if you screwed up half the trade, you could still make such and such percent, and at some point if you’re in a trade and it keeps going in your favor, I realize that’s not what you’re aiming for, but I mean, if it happens and you let it happen, well then, I mean, big gains can occur. So-

Jose: Of course. Yes, of course.

Clay: And that’s more of-

Jose: And I will not … and I will work to get them, of course, but if my mind sets that I’m getting large gains on large … and very … you know, it’s from time to time it happens, but I’d rather be more focused on the smaller gains, because in the long run, in the long run, the math shows that it’s the way to go.

Clay: Right, and I think what you’re saying, which I fully agree with, you’re just looking to form consistent habits.

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: You’re not out there looking, “I only want 10%, or heck, I only want 5% or more and then I’ll be happy.”

Clay: No, your definition of success is just consistent trading, consistent habits, and something that you feel that’s gonna allow you to stay consistent is by focusing on that 1% number. So like you said, it’s not like you’re just gonna only settle for 1%, but you’re doing that to keep your frame of mind in the framework of, “I don’t wanna let greed blind me. I don’t wanna let greed blind me, but if I just focus on, hey, if I do 1% then I can actually still get to a million. That is just gonna help keep the greed away.”

Clay: Is that pretty much what your goal with that is?

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: You’re just looking for any way possible to keep the greed out?

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: Okay, perfect, so-

Jose: Because I know I’ll get there. I mean, it’s just … it’s not a matter of if I’ll get there. It’s when I get there, if I keep my mind at 1%.

Clay: Exactly. So keep … I like that. So keep your mind at 1%. That’s a clever way to just … or in other words, to keep the greed away, just focus, because the math, it does. It adds up, and a lot of people lose track of that which can lead to problems, but if you just focus on-

Jose: And also, in addition to that, what it makes me moving and keeps me … is when people laugh at me, because many people laugh at me and I don’t care, because [inaudible] look, I did the math and I know it works. It’s just, you know, I’ll show you when I get there, but I’m not in a hurry.

Clay: I like that. “I do the math.”

Clay: That’s true. A lot of people, I think, forget about the math, and as you’ve already acknowledged, there’s a lot of emotions that can come in and start to toy around with the math, but as of right now you said you’re losing about 30% of the time? Did I hear that right?

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: And are those all discipline losses, or some of those losses where you break a bunch of rules and then-

Jose: Most-

Clay: I guess walk me through, are they controlled losses, or-

Jose: Like, I can … Look, I can give you gain, .91; loss, .39; loss, .14; loss, .57%. Gain, 121. Gain, .12%. Gain, 3%. Loss, .89%, .04%. Loss, .6%. Gain, 5%. Gain, .8%. Gain, 14%. Gain, 4%, 427.

Jose: They tend to be small, but I do. I do have some screw ups, big screw ups, like -8% loss. I get another win.

Clay: And-

Jose: Yeah, I got several losses.

Clay: So that one would have been a lot smaller than 8%, because-

Jose: Yeah, yeah.

Clay: Or did it turn out-

Jose: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It just … yeah.

Clay: ‘Cause you broke rules, and that’s what allowed it to expand to 8%?

Jose: Yeah, because I didn’t hear Clay telling me, you know, “Fuck, get out.”

Jose: So [crosstalk] tactics-

Clay: I like how you’re … Yes. But I’m not justifying. 8%, that’s no good, but it’s good to hear that you had a 14% win in there. I heard a 5%, so it’s not like, for listeners’ sake, I hope you caught that, too. Remember, this whole 1% thing is a mindset type thing; it’s not a literal mathing where Jose gets to 1% and then he sells, because if you were thinking, “Well, geez, wow, if he’s aiming for 1%, he took an 8% loss. That means that that wiped away eight individual trades.”

Jose: Yeah, no.

Clay: But-

Jose: On average, on average, I’m 2.8%, and that’s the number I’m looking at. I’m looking at the average, because my average is [inaudible] the 1%, to 1%.

Clay: And what is your average for the losing trades?

Jose: I don’t care. On average, where I’m looking is I know I lose three out of 10, and I look at my average gain per trade, which is 2.8%, so because at the end of the day it’s the compound of that number that will make me faster, to ramp faster or slower, to my target.

Clay: Alright. I might … but what happens if your average loss percentage is, let’s just … I’m just making this up, 10%? So if your average win is two-point-whatever but your average loss [crosstalk]

Jose: No, no, that’s the average considering both, wins and losses.

Clay: Oh, I see. Okay, okay. You’re combining that all.

Jose: Yes, exactly.

Clay: And right now you’re averaging-

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Okay. That makes … alright. I thought you said, “I don’t care about that.”

Clay: Wait a second, I’m not-

Jose: No, no.

Clay: … a mathematical genius, but that would be an important number. Okay.

Jose: Yes, yes. Yeah.

Clay: Now, do you have … that would be an interesting stat, though. Have you ever looked at what your average percentage winner is versus your average percenter loser?

Jose: My win/loss rate is 3.22. My positive trades are 76%.

Clay: Okay, interesting. I like this. By the time this airs, I’m trying to think. We talked about another guy that you had … he was all about the … what you’re doing, just looking at numbers, taking the numbers and letting the data, the numbers, drive emotions from the process and … I don’t remember what you did. You were … were you a company owner? What did you … let me ask you this way.

Jose: No, what I-

Clay: In your former career, were you focused a lot on data?

Jose: No, no. I was … I am, still, I am a professional consultant. I grew up out of a managing consulting firm in Chicago. I’m basically … that’s where I lived all my life. Lately I was really more of a dream hunter in the corporate world. I look at finding the CEOs that wanted to improve their performance in the companies big time, and I am sort of a … look at ways to disrupt their operating model by applying many technologies at the same time and make that happen. So I’m not … you know, I’m a simple guy with a simple mind, very, very basic.

Clay: I like simple guys.

Jose: So I’m not a data … Yeah, yeah, I was not a data scientist or anything. I’m very basic.

Clay: But you have … that’s actually a very interesting point. You’re not a data scientist; you’re not a scientist at all, but yet you still know that data, numbers, is gonna be the straightest path to getting emotions out of the way.

Jose: Yes.

Clay: And that really is the key. For you long-time listeners, you heard back, I don’t know how many episodes ago, but we talked about the guy that … if you’re focused on the data, you can get rid of emotions, and that’s exactly what Jose is also doing, and that’s what I do. You can’t look at, “Okay, I gotta do this.”

Clay: I mean, you just gotta take what the market gives you, focus on the data, and if you focus on the data and structure, overall trade plans, in certain ways, then the numbers, the data, can work in your favor. Is it gonna be perfect? No. Is it gonna be flawless? There is no such thing as a flawless, holy grail strategy, but it is gonna help keep the voices away and try to keep those as stabilized as possible. I don’t think anybody can promise that they can eliminate the voices that show up, eliminate the emotions, but the goal is definitely to trade without emotion, and hear the voices. It’s okay if they show up, but the minute you start listening to them is when people get in trouble. But if they visit, you say, “Hello,” and then you punch them in the face. Well, then, that’s the goal that we’re really trying to do as traders, and it sounds like the 1% thing is how Jose, that’s kind of like your one-two combo, how you’re punching the voices in the face, Jose?

Jose: I try. Not always works, but yeah, I try. Yes. Yeah, at the end of the day, it’s like I know two things. I’m gonna lose, but if I lose little and I keep my 1% straight, I win the challenge.

Clay: Absolutely. Losing is definitely-

Jose: I win the challenge. If I win the challenge, then I might call myself a trader.

Clay: Well, right now you’re well above your 1%, and that’s the goal.

Jose: Yeah, but I’m not a trader. If I get … I need to get … because now, you know, like I told you, I’m 15% in my journey. It’s not that hard. I started with … actually, it was not 10,000; it was 11,000, and right now I’m about 23, $24,000 in that gain. I started and when I was 18 … 31, but I know that I’m gonna have to change my strategies or the way I trade as I move in the process. It wouldn’t be the same as I’m doing right now, because it’s not the same, probably, with my account, where I am now, when I was at 500,000. If I make this one, 500,000, probably, most probably, the way that I look for 1% is gonna be much different than what I do today.

Jose: So I’m going to have to evolve all my trading to make that happen as well as the account grows, so it won’t be the same.

Clay: You’re absolutely right. Now, does that worry you at all that you’re gonna have to … ’cause I look at it like this.

Jose: I’ll worry when I get there.

Clay: If you have a strategy that works … fair enough. But I mean, I get it. You’re trying to get to that million dollar mark, and that’s great, but I mean, if all of a sudden-

Jose: If I miss that mark-

Clay: … well, in order to get-

Jose: If I make my 500, I’m happy as well, or you know, 100. Doesn’t matter. It’s like a state of mind. It’s not-

Clay: No, absolutely. I get it. I just would hate to see you say, “Oh, I’m at 500,000 with this strategy, but now the strategy is a pitfall, because to go from 500 to a million, I have to start to change everything around.”

Clay: I would say, “Jose, do you realize what you’re saying? You just made $500,000. Maybe you should just start over again and do 500,000 all over again.”

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: I mean, and that … so, but like you said, it’s just a state of mind, and I’m glad that’s the case. I assumed that’s what you meant, but I’ve learned never to assume, so I just wanted to double-check, and really want to drive it home to listeners that Jose is not … this is all stuff to … these are ways he’s mentally tricking himself, which is … I get it. It may sound kind of crazy if you’ve never traded before and you’ve never met the voices, but if you have been in the heat of battle and you know how the human mind works, then you will quickly realize that, oh, yeah, it’s definitely a business of learning how to Jedi mind-trick yourself into acting certain ways.

Clay: So right now, as we trade, I know you’re doing day … so you’re not only doing trampolines, right, as of now?

Jose: No, no, no.

Clay: Because you’re full-time?

Jose: No, no, right now I’m doing whatever the market presents.

Clay: And what is your ideal … do you have any preferable setups that you’re looking for from the day trading perspective?

Jose: I’m Clay-biased.

Clay: Clay-biased?

Jose: So-

Clay: So talk about the Clay bias set up. This is new to me.

Jose: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think although you play with both [inaudible] I think you like more to bid on the short side, so I don’t know. I look mainly short, different type of short. I don’t know. I’m trying to learn to think with my left brain, part of the brain, if it’s that way, so I … long, to play long, is sometimes easier, so I’m forcing myself to play short most of the time. But I do longs as well.

Jose: I don’t have a … I like cliffs. I like launchpads. I like resistances and supports, and that’s it. There is no specific game I’m playing.

Clay: It sounds to me like your choice is you just want simple.

Jose: Yes.

Clay: You’re not looking for anything complicated.

Jose: No.

Clay: You’re not looking for anything where you’ve gotta do this, and then you do that, and then you do this, and then you gotta look at this.

Jose: No.

Clay: It’s just more of, “Give me some candlesticks. Give me some volume.”

Jose: Exactly.

Clay: “Give me some supports, resistance levels.”

Clay: Do you-

Jose: And give me some channels. Give me some channels, nice channels as well.

Clay: Yeah, okay, so some trendlines. Do you using moving averages at all?

Jose: Yes, yes. A 13, 15, and 200. Sometimes the 20s, but simple. Simple moving averages.

Clay: So in other words, if I was sitting next to you down in Argentina, that nice set up you have going on, your chart would look pretty plain?

Jose: [foreign language 00:48:52] plain. [foreign language 00:48:54]-

Clay: [foreign language 00:48:55] plain.

Jose: [foreign language 00:48:56].

Clay: And plain … I think plain is powerful, because you don’t need to over-complicate things-

Jose: Less is more.

Clay: … like I see some people doing.

Jose: Less is more.

Clay: And … exactly. Less is more, for sure. Now-

Jose: Sometimes works.

Clay: … is this-

Jose: For many people, works different things. I have a friend who uses Elliot waves. He’s so fond of Elliot waves. Whatever, it works for him, it seems. Well, great. My mind is very simple. I’m a simple man. Yeah.

Clay: You’re a simple man with a simple mind. I like that. That’s-

Jose: With 1%, you know, give me my 1%. I’m happy.

Clay: Yeah, exactly, ’cause 1% adds up pretty quick, yeah.

Jose: Well, not very quick.

Clay: As long as … like you said, it’s just math.

Jose: It’s just math. It’s not that quick, but with time it becomes snowball, big, big, big snowball. At the beginning it seems like it doesn’t move, but then if you are persistent, persevereant, and you keep grinding it, grinding, grinding, the snowball effect will show.

Clay: Absolutely, and once again, just to coin your phrase, the snowball will show up. It’s just math.

Jose: It’s math.

Clay: It’s just math, and that’s how it works.

Jose: It’s simple math, you know? It’s like compounding-

Clay: You know, the one-

Jose: … compound interest. There’s nothing magic about it.

Clay: Right. I think I learned about that in … Yeah, pretty early on in school, compounding interest. Are these … so for this 1%, is this a combination of the trampoline trades and your day trading, or-

Jose: No, no, just day trades. No.

Clay: … are these all separate?

Jose: No, just day trading. I’m trying to-

Clay: Okay, the 1% is for day trading.

Jose: Yes, yes.

Clay: Okay, I see. Alright. And then your trampoline trading, swing trading, that’s all separate?

Jose: Swing trading is separate, yes.

Clay: Okay, alright. Gotcha. That makes sense. So the 1% mentality is more so geared towards the day trading, and that does make a lot of … that makes logical sense to me, given just how quickly the voices can come about when you are out there day trading.

Clay: Okay, and I’m trying to think. Let me see. I’m pulling up the chat room now, so-

Jose: I-

Clay: Let’s see. You’re [inaudible] today.

Jose: Yeah, and then it was not a resist.

Clay: Resistance, click. Yeah.

Jose: It was a support, so I get messed up, but no, the other interesting fact, Clay, is we have a colleague in Chile, Nico, that is part of CTURK, I guess.

Clay: Oh, yeah. Have you met up with him yet?

Jose: We talk a few weeks ago and we plan to get together when I get back into Chile. He plays options, and for some reason I don’t. Because I’m simple, I don’t seem to get my arms around it, so we’re going to sit down to discuss our different approaches and, you know, maybe he helps me to understand better the option play.

Clay: Now, you have to make me a promise.

Jose: I will, of course.

Clay: Okay. This is like the official, first ever Clay Trader meet and greet in Chile-

Jose: Of course. Of course.

Clay: … so you guys, so you’ve gotta have somebody take a picture. We need documentation.

Jose: Yes, yes. You got it. Yes.

Clay: I mean, and for any other members out there, if you’re in Chile, get ahold of me. I’m … and if you wanna join this meet and greet-

Jose: Or in Argentina. Or Argentina. You know, we can do any …

Clay: Yeah, there you go, or Brazil. Is Brazil okay? I’m trying to think about what other members-

Jose: Yeah, yeah, I’ll fly to Brazil. No problem. I lived in Brazil for many years. I love it.

Clay: Okay, there you go. So I know we have members, like you said, in Argentina, Chile, and I know we have at least two, I think, in Brazil, so a few Brazilian people are listening. There you go. We have a South American meet and greet in the works.

Jose: Exactly. It is-

Clay: Awesome. That’s great.

Jose: It would happen in the next couple weeks, because I’m going back next week to Chile.

Clay: Okay, well … alright. By the time this airs, actually, it may be a little bit too late, but I don’t know. Still contact me and I can get you in touch with Jose, and maybe you guys can all do another one or something like that, but yeah. Please do take a picture, though. I think that’ll be … that would just be neat to see, that members now in other country are meeting up face to face and just talking the market with each other-

Jose: Yeah, and help each other.

Clay: … which is the fascinating part about-

Jose: Helping each other.

Clay: Yeah, exactly. Helping each other. Yep, that’s motivating. That’s good stuff for sure.

Clay: Let’s see. How is your son doing, by the way? ‘Cause you said that this was-

Jose: I keep telling … he’s just right by my side at the moment. He has an amazing vision. He’s like, ah, so good in making, in seeing patterns and seeing … it’s amazing. It’s really … he’s 21, but his view of what’s going to happen is great. Now, he has been having … he has been having … like, works for the rear, for backwards, is the … in the sea, what is the animal? The … not the octopus. The one that has clamps in their hands, eh? Crab?

Clay: Crabs.

Jose: He’s like a crab. He has worked a little bit backwards in the last week or so, but I say, he’s got a great vision. He has been having some challenges placing the orders and placing the stops, but I keep telling, you know, he’s in training. He has to be patient. He’s very young, and for him, 1%, I mean. He’s 21, so I said, “Look.”

Jose: His name is Ezekiel. I said, “Look, maybe in a year or two or three you could be a millionaire by 1%.”

Jose: He doesn’t have a rush. He has his life, you know, ahead of him, in front of him, so I said, “Don’t worry, just focus on 1%.”

Jose: And he’ll get there faster than me, for sure. I’m ahead of him, but he’ll get faster, because he’s younger. His brain works better. Your mind is a little bit worn out. You know, I’m … my eyes, I don’t see that well. The other thing that I note is that when I trade, it’s like I usually have a great trade in the morning, the first trade, my first couple trades, and then the third or four are bad, really bad, so we have at home a nice pool and we have a ping pong table, so we try to … we try to take some breaks and play some ping pong in between trades or go to the pool to have some breaks, but that’s another thing that I notice.

Jose: But definitely he’ll be a great trader.

Clay: Awesome. And like you said, good on him for getting interested in and involved with this stuff at age 21. When people are like, “Hey, I’m only 16 or 17. Is that too soon?”

Clay: Absolutely not. Now, I’m not ready to say you’re ready to become a hardcore day trader, but as far as just starting to learn about the market and compounding interest and all that sort of stuff, it’s never too to start-

Jose: When he started-

Clay: I mean, the sooner you start, the better.

Jose: Yeah, when he start I told him, and I told my … I have a daughter as well but she doesn’t want. I told my wife; also she doesn’t want, but I told him, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what you want to become in life, like a doctor, a professional rugby player. At that time he was playing semi-professional.

Jose: I said, you know, “If you are lawyer or whatever, this skill you need to learn, because in the future, maybe, you know, this could be interesting, or maybe you do it for life.”

Jose: But [inaudible] people don’t … I don’t know. They don’t believe, or I told my wife the other day. She was somewhat positively criticizing me about the trading, that we don’t generate value and we don’t have, you know, we don’t produce anything, and I told him, in my previous job, if I get a good deal, many, many people will be out of work. Many. Many. In this job, I don’t … what is morally, ethically … Morally, ’cause it’s not ethically, but morally, more rewarding? Is this job, or the other job?

Jose: So-

Clay: Well, you are providing value, though, because-

Jose: No, [crosstalk 00:58:08]-

Clay: … let’s just say that-

Jose: … liquidity to the market, but people don’t understand that-

Clay: Exactly.

Jose: … that you can make money just by clicks.

Clay: Exactly. That’s kind of always, like, “Well, you don’t add anything. All you do is buy and sell.”

Clay: Well, right, but if you removed all the … so for you listeners out there, if somebody ever throws that accusation, “Well, day traders add nothing to the economy. They serve no purpose.”

Clay: Say, “Okay, fine, then remove all the day traders from the market, and then when little grandma goes to sell some of her retirement, she’s not gonna have the best possible price. Why? Well, because you’ve removed a bunch of people from the market. The more people you have in the market, just the more volume you have, the more, better prices you have.”

Clay: You know? If you’re … Well, you can’t cause … Well, and you’re gonna cause the spreads to tighten up. You say that to that person, and they’re like, “What are you talking about?”

Clay: But day traders, they add liquidity, and the value they add is that they’re just helping the overall market get better prices, because when more people wanna buy something, well, then by definition that’s gonna force up the prices at least a little bit, whereas if you remove a portion of the market you are reducing a portion of the demand, and that’s just gonna call little old grandma, when she wants to sell some of her retirement, to not quite get as good of a price as what she potentially could have, so yeah, that-

Jose: Yeah.

Clay: I realize you understand that, but just-

Jose: Yeah, [crosstalk] I don’t even bother taking the long route. I just say, “Look, when I compare what I did before, obviously I created lot of value for the company I was working for and their clients, but it meant many people would lose their jobs, many, many, by the thousands. So I don’t harm anybody.”

Jose: At least now, with this job, with the trading, it’s fun. I’m home. I work with slippers and my shorts. I can take … you know, I can go to the pool whenever I want, and you know, the only one I could hurt is myself, if I’m not careful enough. So yeah, this is the best job in the world, no doubt about it. I mean …

Clay: I like that perspective a lot. That’s a unique perspective that I’m sure most people wouldn’t have, given your previous line of work, but that’s true. You’re not … you’re just not hurting anybody. The only person you’re hurting is gonna be, like you said, yourself.

Jose: I’m competing with myself.

Clay: And-

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Right, exactly. It is. It’s one massive competition with yourself. You’re absolutely right when you say that, and sometimes that’s hard, I think, for people to understand if they’ve never done it, but if you have done it then you know exactly what Jose is saying when he says that, and I guess you kind of already alluded to this, but as we come to the end here, your goal is, going forward, like you said, you’re in the process of things, and you’re just looking to build good habits, keep the greed voices away by focusing on that 1%. Do you have any other kind of big picture goals or anything that you haven’t quite shared yet?

Jose: Well, what I tell my wife is I keep looking for an amazing job. If I find one that provides what trading would provide for me I may be willing to consider it, but for the time being, this is it, and all my energy is focused on being able to live out of day trading.

Clay: I love it, and before we do go, I need a second promise from you, and I take some of the blame here, but it can’t be another three years before you come back on the show.

Jose: I’ll be here.

Clay: Can you make me that promise?

Jose: I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.

Clay: Okay, okay.

Jose: I might-

Clay: There’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be here.

Jose: I might … I might not be-

Clay: You’re here for the long haul for sure.

Jose: I may not be here on Earth, you know, in this life, but if I’m not my heart will be with you, man, so don’t worry.

Clay: Okay, I appreciate that, but all I’m asking … so promise number three, after you make that million dollars-

Jose: I’ll let you know.

Clay: … don’t be like, “I’m too good for that Clay guy.”

Jose: No, forget it.

Clay: You gotta still-

Jose: I’m simple. I like simple things. You know, if someday I get there, I’ll let you know, but not for brag or anything, just to let you know how was the process? What work? What didn’t work? What blocks I found in the way? How my mind worked. I’m gonna get there. I mean, there’s no doubt in my mind, so when I get there I’ll let you know.

Jose: I’m just enjoying the journey, so to speak. I’m gonna focus on the end. I’ll get there, but I’ll get there when I get there.

Clay: I like that.

Jose: But the process is really fun.

Clay: Exactly, and that’s the whole thing, and that’s actually a great way to end on. We’ve talked about this before, but that’s well-said, is if you’re just enjoying the journey, if you’re enjoying the challenge, that’s how you’re ultimately gonna get, or have any sort of change, at where you wanna go, because if you’re just in this strictly for the money then you … and you’re not here to kind of enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey, like Jose said, and just kind of go with the flow of things, and I’ll get there when I get there but I’m having fun, and having fun in a business-like way, but he’s enjoying himself, that’s what passion is, and if you don’t have passion then you’re gonna get burnt out very, very quickly and you’re never gonna quite make it.

Clay: And way too many people get into this thing because either they have to make money or they wanna make a whole bunch of money, and then all of a sudden, “Oh, wow, this isn’t quite as … I never really enjoyed this in the first place. Alright, yeah, I’m done.”

Clay: And they move on, and so I don’t think Jose could really have said that any better than what he did is, “Eh, no rush. It’s just math, and when I get there I get there, but I’m gonna enjoy myself along the way.”

Jose: It’s a marathon; it’s not a hundred meter sprint. Just a marathon.

Clay: Exactly, it is a marathon. You’re absolutely right. So bring your running shoes, I guess is the moral of the story here. Don’t show up with your sprinting spikes; bring your marathon shoes, because those sprinting spikes are not gonna … that’s actually a really good analogy. I may have to try to do that for a future video or something. That’s not … I like your mindset, Jose.

Clay: Well, Jose, in all seriousness, thank you very much for doing this, and thank you. I apologize for the technical difficulties, but I’m glad we pushed through and were able to piece this thing together, and like you already promised, we will definitely have to have you back.

Jose: Yes.

Clay: Way before three years passes by again. So Jose, thank you again.

Jose: Thank you, thank you, for your time, for your kindness, and for your teachings. I really enjoy your teachings and your lessons and the classes, you know, the weekly classes. I hope we have more of those. There are always nuggets, so I find them very, very valuable, so many, many thanks, Clay, and the group, because the group, yeah, adds more value to the journey.

Clay: Well said. The group … I … I’m obviously biased, but I do think that we have a good, solid group, and I’d like to think that given we’re well over 200 episodes on this podcast and it’s all group members, that kind of just shows the willingness of members to share their stories so that other members and people can benefit, so well said, and cheers to that.

Clay: But before you go as a listener, a couple final few things. If you’re listening on YouTube, be sure to check out the rest of the channel. There are other videos besides these podcasts. There’s live trade videos; there’s a vlog; there’s quick tip videos; a good variety, so check out the channel, and hopefully you decide to ultimately subscribe.

Clay: If you’re listening on iTunes or any of the other podcast players, and especially on iTunes, subscribe and leave us a positive rating or comment. That helps us out and goes a really long way, and we truly do appreciate it, and then finally, if you’re listening at or any of the other podcast … or on the show notes page, excuse me, then down below the thumbnail image there’s an area to leave comments. Leave a comment down there. We will interact. We will read. We kind of pride ourselves on trying to be as interactive as possible, and then also click that share button.

Clay: So Jose, thank you again. Thank you as listeners, and we will see you back next week.

Speaker 2: This has been the Stock Trading Reality podcast. Thanks for taking the time to hang out. To learn more about Clay and the Clay Trader community, including the trading team, premium training, and more, visit

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