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DO something! That’s all I ask! Whether it has to do with trading the markets or not, it’s amazing how when you simply “do”, good things begin to happen. Add in an underlying plan with “do”, and WOW… things can get extremely explosive (to the upside!). This week’s guest, Davy, is a new member to the community but he sure did get me motivated. The opening part of the discussion was my favorite as he walks us through his opening journey. He actually never mentioned “the stock market” until about 15 minutes in, but the story he told beforehand is what success is all about. Grabbing your bootstraps, putting on the hard hat, and going out and “doing”. If you’re someone who enjoys using excuses and playing the victim card, this episode will not be for you, but if you’re a hustler… then let’s go!


Clay: This is The Stock Trading Reality Podcast episode 272.
Announcer: This is The Stock Trading Reality Podcast, where you get to see the realistic side of a trader’s journey. Get inspired and stay motivated by everyday normal people who are currently on their journey to trading success, and this is your host, 50-degree Pacific Ocean water ain’t got nothing on him, Clay Trader.
Clay: For those of you that listen to the episode on a routine basis, hopefully, you remember a fun fact where I talked about having lunch with the Navy Seal and all that, but along that same timeframe, when I was out in San Diego, where the Navy Seal’s training and all that sort of stuff, it was back when ocean temperatures, I guess, were so pretty cold, but my brother-in-law who was a former Marine, and he’s adventurous that’s why I like to hang out with him, one of those iron sharpens iron type situations, but I mean, when we go places, I mean, let’s just put some mental.
Clay: Let me put it this way, and I think I’ve said before, but my brother-in-law, Matt, he’s even more out there than I am, but he doesn’t believe, he thinks I’m weak. He thinks anybody is weak if they listen to music while they work out or run or anything because it decreases from the mental anguish you put yourself through. So, he’s like, “No, I don’t listen to music because I need maximum mental anguish,” and I’m just thinking, “Okay, Matt. Cheers to you, man, but I think I’ll listen to music when I work out and stuff like that.
Clay: So, that’s just his mentality, but that’s also why I love hanging out with him. I mean, he’s definitely pulling me up and it’s good stuff. Anyway, so we’re out there and his theory, which I agree with, he says, “Clay, I mean, we’ve lived in Michigan, but right now, we’re in California right next to the Pacific Ocean. We have to go swimming.”
Clay: I was like, “We do have to go swimming. I don’t care how cold it is.”
Clay: I mean, the Navy Seals do it. So, that’s where we got our inspiration from. I mean, that’s how they always try to break them is get them as cold as possible. Yeah, 50 degrees, that ain’t got nothing on me. We were out there swimming. Biggest waves I’ve ever been in. Apparently, they weren’t even that big. I mean, Lake Michigan can produce some wave, don’t get me wrong, but these waves were definitely bigger, and I guess not even that big, but it was a good time.
Clay: We actually did get kicked out by the lifeguard because we’re not really kicked out, but we had to come in a little shallower because there was riptide and stuff like that out there, but it was a good time. It was cold, but it’s all mental. It’s mental anguish, right? We pushed through it, and it was a good time, and I would highly recommend it. Find some cold water. Just go out there and do it. It’s a little painful at first, but the pain is not actually that real.
Clay: As for our interview today, turned out great, absolutely fantastic. I will say that it takes a little while to get to, really, to even hear the word stock market, but with that being said, pay attention to the journey. Pay attention to just how much he does. You saw from the title of this, The Power of Due. So, just keep that in the back of your mind. It’s going to really reveal just the underlying power, the underlying productivity of just doing something, of having goals, of approaching things with a plan, of sometimes maybe setting your ego aside.
Clay: As you’ll notice, for one position, he just says, “Well, just to get my foot in the door, I took the position.” He did something that, I mean, he didn’t really want to do, but he had a bigger picture, a goal, but he was doing stuff. So, like he said, “Yeah. The first part, not a whole lot of stock market or trading, talk it up, but very, very important not only from …” because these attributes definitely do pertain to and contribute to being successful as a trader, but really just as life in general how to be successful in life with whatever you’re doing, I mean, just pay attention, again, the power of due, him taking action.
Clay: He’s relatively new to the community. I discovered that. So, he’s not really active in the chatroom right now. Afterwards, when we were done recording, I tried to persuade him to get a little bit more active, but Davy is his name. Without further ado, let’s hear about Davy and his journey.
Clay: Davy Crockett, welcome to the show.
Davy: Yeah. Thanks, buddy.
Clay: Now, before we got recording, I couldn’t resist, but in my defense, when you did email, actually, let me take a step back. Thank you very much for volunteering to be here. I really do appreciate that. It makes my life much easier. So, thank you for replying to that email in the first place, but within that reply to the email, you made a comment about Davy Crockett and all that. So, I mean, all of this is in good fun, but I discovered that although you’re not wearing the raccoon cap right now, you do have one very close by you, which also you happen to be in Tennessee. So, I mean, this is about as good as it gets.
Davy: You can’t make this up. Yeah.
Clay: Yeah. You really can’t make this stuff up.
Davy: Plus, let me take it a little bit further for you. I used to live in Texas, not too far away from the Alamo.
Clay: I mean, right now, I do think you’re making this up. This seems all too good to be true. I mean, I think you’re just telling me what I want to hear at this point in time.
Davy: No.
Clay: I’m just waiting for you to say, “Oh, yeah, and then after this interview is over, I’m going to grab my musket and then go hunting,” or something like that.
Davy: You got to be careful. You’re dating yourself. Not everybody knows who Davy Crockett is.
Clay: Let me put it this way. If you don’t know who Davy Crockett is, then feel free to find some communist country out there. You have two or three available to you, and move to it. That’s all I’m going to say. If you don’t know who Davy Crockett is or Daniel Boone, what are you doing with your life? You just had made poor life choices along the way, but all right. Well, before this turns into a US history podcast, again, thank you for being here. Let’s just start at the start. So, I mean, where did all this begin for you? Where did you hear about the markets, and what events or what have you unfolded and played out that brought you to the point where you made that decision that you wanted to get a little more hands-on and serious about it?
Davy: Oh, boy. Well, that can be a long story, and could be a boring story, so let me try to catch all the highlights, but I do think it’s important that we at least level set everybody and say that I’m 55 years old. So, I was born in 1965, but, actually, let’s take a step back. I’m 54. I have a birthday next week. So, Clay, I really appreciate you giving me this birthday present a week early. Thanks.
Clay: So, what date, though? April what?
Davy: April 29th.
Clay: Okay. My daughter has one on … As of the recording of this for you listeners, hers is on the 24th. So, I like you already right in the ballpark. My daughter has reminded me for the past month, “Hey, dad. 18 more days, 17 more days.”
Davy: Oh, gees!
Clay: So, she won’t listen. So, I’m very glad to hear that it’s coming up soon in two days that way. I guess, hopefully, she doesn’t start with, “Hey, 365 more days,” but she’s excited nonetheless. Hey, well, happy birthday to you in a few days.
Davy: Well, thank you. Well, I appreciate this gift. So, born in 1965, was raised in the ’70s in South Texas. About the extent of my understanding of stocks was the good old EF Hutton commercial. Do you remember the tagline?
Clay: EF Hutton? No.
Davy: “When EF Hutton talks, everyone listens.”
Clay: Oh, okay. I have heard that. I’ve heard that, but I would have never been able to attach that to EF. Okay, but yes, I have heard that slogan. All right.
Davy: Yeah. That was a big one in the ’70s. As a kid, that always piqued my curiosity. I was like, “What are they talking about?” No clues. In the Crockett household, there wasn’t a whole lot of financial education, certainly wasn’t much in the school system. So, I was pretty much financial ignorant growing up. I come from a household where we have a very interesting combination. My father was a Marine Corps pilot when my parents got married, and my mother was a musician, very fine musician, pianist. They actually met in an officers’ club in Kingsville, Texas. My mother had wooed him through her musical talents, and he leaned over to one of his buddies and said, “I’m going to marry that girl,” and the rest is history.
Davy: So, anyway, back in the ’70s, growing up, I had this Marine Corps father and this musician mother. Relationship didn’t go that great by the late ’70s. They got a divorce. Then I was posed with a question, “Do you want to live with your mother or do you want to live with your father?” As a 15-year-old kid, it was a pretty easy question to answer, “Gosh! I want to go with mom. She’s the fun one. She’s the musician.”
Davy: At that point in my life, I had really spent a lot of time developing musical skills, developing musical intelligence. Definitely had my mother’s blood in me. We moved to Kearney, Nebraska of all places after the divorce, and that’s where she was from. So, she graduated from high school there, and had a lot of friends and family is still there.
Davy: I was introduced to my first job at the age of 15, and I was working for a music store as the piano delivery person and cleaning shop, and I started learning how to repair band instruments, trumpet, trombones, that type of thing. I had that job actually through high school and into college there in Kearney. That was my first introduction to actual money and paychecks and whatnot.
Davy: In college, because I had such a musical background, I took a degree program. It was called music merchandising. So, it was a business major with a music minor. Felt that was a perfect fit for my experience so far, and working in the music store, and doing the playing on the side, but-
Clay: I was going to say that sounds like an awesome major. What was it? Musical merchandising?
Davy: Music merchandising.
Clay: Nice. Yeah. Where did you go to school in college?
Davy: It was Kearney State College at the time, which became part of University of Lincoln.
Clay: Okay.
Davy: That was back in Bob Devaney days.
Clay: All I know is I’ve never heard of that major before, but for what seemed to be your skillset and passion, that seem to be, literally, the perfect fit for you.
Davy: Yeah. Absolutely. It was a lot of fun, but I will say that there’s a nomadic blood in me, maybe it comes from the Davy Crockett heritage, but I actually went out on the road full-time with a band. So, it was traveling all around the upper Midwest. Great experience, great way to see the country, great way to see some of the various cities and cultures and diversity here within this country. Not exactly a great financial means of making a living or whatnot, but, certainly, at that point in my life, it was a perfect timing.
Davy: Did that for about a year. Still not really having any type of financial intelligence. Just living paycheck-to-paycheck. After doing that for about a year, I took a job in a music store, a music store chain, actually, in Omaha, Nebraska, and I was selling pianos and keyboards and synthesizers, and all that fun stuff. That’s where I really started getting my business knowledge worked up and salesmanship and really understanding, starting to understand the value of money.
Davy: I was there for probably maybe four or five years, and now at the end of the ’80s, really, and I got that itch again, and just up and left, went out on the road with another band. This time, we were traveling up and down the East Coast, even played … You’re up in Michigan, aren’t you?
Clay: I am. Yup, yup. Grand Rapids area.
Davy: Yeah. Awesome. We played in Troy, Michigan.
Clay: Okay.
Davy: Right outside of Detroit.
Clay: This doesn’t mean much to you, but this is totally, totally random. The episode before yours, the guest had an uncle. So, the guest lives in New Jersey, but he had an uncle that lives in, can you guess it? Troy, Michigan. So, I have no idea how Troy, Michigan just came up in two podcasts in a row, but it did.
Davy: It’s a sign.
Clay: Yeah, it’s a sign. I don’t know of what, but anyways, but yes, I am in the State of Michigan.
Davy: Yeah. So, I was up there in Troy, Troy, Michigan, and playing up and down the East Coast. Just a great, great way to see the country. Did that for about a year. It’s not exactly an easy way of life. I left that band and went back to South Texas where my father was to reconnect with my father. I took a job managing a music store down in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Davy: Interestingly enough, Clay, that’s where I started to leverage some of the computer classes they had back in the early ’80s when I took Fortran and COBOL and Basic, and some of those old computer languages. I wasn’t exactly a rockstar in those realms, but I certainly had an aptitude for the coding.
Davy: This music store in South Texas was a bit behind the times. They had a manual bookkeeping process. God bless her soul. They had about an 85-year-old bookkeeper that was keeping all the ledger cards, mainly doing that since 1923 or whatever the case was. I had the privilege of teaching her how to work on a DOS computer program.
Clay: Some of the younger viewers have no idea what you’re talking about. This is some good stuff.
Davy: All right. Well, hopefully not too boring. From there, I helped computerized some of the processes within the music store. I was playing on the side on local bands to supplement income. Still pretty much living paycheck-to-paycheck. The only way that I could see to really make a big leap in pay grade and pay scale was to change career paths slightly, not hang out in the retail realm, but get over into the manufacturing distribution realm. I really had my eye outside sales rep positions within the music industry because some of those at that point in time were pretty darn lucrative positions.
Davy: I figured, “Man, I’ve got the background for traveling around. I’ve got the sales background. I’ve got the love of music industry. I think that would be a perfect fit.” In order to get my foot in the door, I took a position in Austin, Texas. So, I moved to Austin, took a position with a band instrument manufacturer distribution center. It was a small privately owned company, but it was global, and we’re talking about 3,000 employees. So, manufacturing sites in Japan, in China, in Taiwan. They had some local facilities at that time, too, doing manufacturing.
Davy: So, I really thought, “I was in a big time. I mean, this is big business here. Wow.”
Clay: Right. You’re in the big leagues now. Yeah.
Davy: Exactly. I was working in the customer service department. That was an opening that they had. I figured, “Let me get my foot in the door and then I’ll start working my way towards an outside sales position.”
Davy: There’s an interesting twist in the journey there. It wasn’t too long after I started the position. I mean, we’re talking weeks. One of the things that I saw was that our perpetual inventory system was always jacked up. It wasn’t right when it came to parts. I noticed that we had a tendency to send out a lot of free repair parts, and nobody is ever keeping track of that stuff.
Davy: So, I’m a self-starter. I’d like to take care of problems, fix problems. So, on the side, I wrote this program in a visual basic for applications to actually create packing slips and create file that could integrate with our system to basically keep track of these inventory transactions, so we can keep a more accurate inventory on our parts.
Davy: All of a sudden, I’m an IT genius. The CEO of the company came in, pulled me aside, and said, “No, you’re not going to be in customer service anymore. You’re going to be IT.”
Davy: I was like, “Okay. What am I going to in IT?”
Davy: “You’re going to be a systems analyst.”
Davy: I was like, “What is a systems analyst?”
Davy: He says, “I don’t know. Figure it out.”
Davy: Please understand that at that point in time, in domestic US, we had about 48 employees, I think it was. The IT department, by me joining the IT department, it doubled the IT department size.
Clay: There we go. Maybe you mentioned this, but maybe I lost it, what approximately year was all this happening then?
Davy: Okay. So, yeah, sorry I lost track here. I took that position with the manufacturing distribution in 2004.
Clay: Okay. So, IT, yeah, I mean, I guess it wasn’t cutting edge at that point in time, but, I mean, IT was still, I mean, the whole technology, whole computer thing was still relatively new at that point. So, I can see how it would have been a relatively small IT department like you said at that point in time.
Davy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, it was definitely a milestone in my life, and I didn’t realize how big of a milestone. So, I’m ready to share this with you, buddy. I’ve been ready to share this with you for a long time.
Clay: Uh-oh.
Davy: So, this is honest to God true. I’m basically in this position, don’t really know what I’m supposed to be doing, and I figured, “Well, I like to solve problems. So, what’s the big problem here?” Well, we’re really bad at sales forecasting. Well, so am I. I don’t really know anything about sales forecasting. At the time, I like to frequent this used bookstore chain. I kid you not, on a Saturday morning, I was perusing through the business area, and I saw an Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies book, and I figured, “Hmm, that’s interesting.”
Davy: Bought the book, read it, and it was life-changing. It talked about exponential smoothing, and all the VBA logic behind sales forecasting, Excel, and it populated all these neat charts, and I was like, “Holy cow! This is just really right at my alley.” So, I developed this program that would grab all of the transactions out of our ERP systems, and do all the sales forecasting calculations and populate an output of, “Hey, it should be this number.” It had this nice chart that went along with it.
Davy: I was like, “Oh, this is pretty cool.”
Davy: That thing, it sang within the company. The national sales manger pulled me aside, the national sales manager, 48 people in the whole company, he pulled me aside and he says, “You know what? You should play the stock market.”
Clay: Well, first off, that’s got to be one of the greatest quotes I’ve ever heard, “A book on spreadsheets changed my life.” I mean, that’s good stuff. I mean, I’d be a bull-faced liar if I ever said that I expected to ever hear anybody really say that, but I mean, with hindsight now, it makes good sense, and I appreciate you going through all that because the common theme that I noticed and I picked up and that I think is a very valuable learning lesson, especially to maybe younger listeners out there, I mean, I guess really listeners of any age, but you seem to always have a plan, and you just did what you needed to do to get to that.
Clay: So, in my mind, I just think back to you didn’t have an ego, and you said your first job was, “Well, I have this degree, but whatever. I’ll just get into customer service,” right? That was your foot in the door was just taking a position that was customer service. In this day and age, people, they seem like they don’t understand how a totem pole works, and you don’t really just start at the top of the totem pole, but here you are, you understood the fact that, “All right. I got a bigger plan, but let me just get my foot in the door. Let me just do customer service.”
Clay: You did customer service, and then you made yourself valuable from that point of view. Why? Because you actually cared and you observed the way the inventory system is all jacked up. I mean, think about it. If you just show up and you’re just like, “I hate my job. Woe is me,” blah, blah, blah, I mean, you’re never going to notice anything or maybe if you do notice, you just don’t care because you don’t have a bigger plan to do anything, but you noticed, you cared, you made some things about it.
Clay: Then I’m not going to recap everything you went through, but, I mean, it’s not shocking at all to hear how one thing after another after another after another. I mean, think about it. Had you not done all that, that book would have never caught your eye in the first place because you didn’t ever needed to really even been paying attention to that anyways.
Clay: Well, because you did all that other stuff, I mean, that’s why it caught your eye. So, I guess I would argue that the book didn’t change your life. Your plan was going to be … I mean, it’s not really a coincidence. I just actually wrote an article. I want to do a podcast on it about lucky people or what makes people lucky or what is a self-described lucky person. Basically, your entire story describes exactly that.
Clay: People that are lucky go out there. They do stuff. They’re proactive. They have a plan. It’s amazing how when you actually go out there and do stuff and have a plan and care about what you’re doing, how luck just seems to show up and how you luckily just saw that book luckily, but, I mean, in hindsight, it all makes perfect sense. This is, I don’t know, maybe I’ll have to rearrange the podcast schedule so I can reference this because, literally, what you just talked about is a mere image of this article that some big psychology professor did on studying lucky people versus unlucky people.
Clay: Oh, and then that’s what finally brought you to the stock market. So, the stock market has finally showed up, but what a valuable way to get there. So, the guy says, “You should get into the stock market.” So, I’ll let you pick it back up from that point.
Davy: All right, buddy. Yeah. So, that was the seed that was planted in my brain. Of course, the first thing that popped into mind was EF Hutton commercials back from the ’70s and my vision of the stock market was, “Hey, this is a bunch of people in suits and ties, and they do this type of thing, and it’s a gentlemen’s club that closed off to people. Yeah, I’ve heard the term day trading before, but even that was such a foreign concept to me, but that seed was planted.
Davy: I started to cultivate it a little bit from just thinking about it. It took a while before anything took root, but what transpired is that in 2015, so we’re getting in the very close times here, in 2015, I decided that, “I’m 50 years old. I’m tired of the music industry, and I want to make a change.”
Davy: At that time, I was a bit concerned being that age and wanting to make a career change, but, nah. You know what? I’m going to go for it. I’m going to see what happens here. I didn’t realize how much my computer experience, IT experience and age was valued out there in the job market. I, easily, I mean, within two weeks’ time, I landed a job with a large multinational company. I’ll just say that we’re in the energy industry. I’ll just leave you with that. Great company. I love it. I am acting as a bridge between global supply chain logistics people and the IT people that are in the cubicles that are doing all the development work and programming, don’t understand where they paycheck comes from.
Davy: So, I consider myself bilingual. I can talk the business speak, and then I can talk the development speak to make sure that what we’re doing is actually bringing value to the company, and that we’re not doing stupid things. It’s a fantastic job. We’re talking huge, 160,000 people worldwide. I’m interacting with all kinds of different cultures. Love the job, but I had this big concern.
Davy: It’s like, “I’m 50 years old. I’m in this great company. I mean, what’s my plan? Can I actually be considered relevant in this job, in this day and age in the computer, in the IT realm with so much changes happened? How can I continue to prove myself worthy of having this position? Along with that, what happens if I just get locked up in some type of mass layoff, which is reality? What’s my plan B? Am I really going to be out there looking for another job?”
Davy: So, I was think, “You know what? Let me think more about the day trading thing.”
Davy: I got a couple of books that I was reading and some audiobooks reading on the subject. It just didn’t really, really thrill me, and it didn’t really make much sense. Then you’re right. Fate, luck, whatever you want to call it, interesting terms, but Alene and I, my girlfriend and I, every year, we do 15K runs. Usually, they’re part of the hot chocolate run, and they’re in different cities. We do at least one a year. In December, first week of-
Clay: I got to be rude to interrupt you because you made a comment, “Call it fate, call it luck, call it whatever you want,” and then your following statement says, “So, my girlfriend and I do …” That’s what it is. It’s you actually do something. When you do something, things happen. I mean, in this case, yeah, it’s a marathon. I don’t know where this is going, but I don’t know many people that are out there that do that sort of stuff.
Clay: I know a lot of people that do sit in front of Netflix and binge watch TV series all day long. I mean, I’m not quite sure if that really is going to make you “lucky”. So, I would argue, you’re not a lucky person. You just do stuff. When you do stuff and you have a plan underlying, I mean, all this makes sense in my mind, but I thought that was a little ironic. I don’t know what you want to call it.
Clay: Then I do this, and it’s like, “Well, that’s why,” because you’re actually a doer. You get out there and make stuff happen, but all right. So, where is this running stuff going to take us?
Davy: All right. So, we’re in Scottsdale, Arizona, Phoenix. It’s where this run was. Alene had some friends there that are rather wealthy that we were able to stay with. We had some money conversations. I learned that their two sons do day trading. It just floored me. I was like, “Oh, my goodness! These are just real people. These are normal people and they’re really doing day trading? If they can do it, I can do it.”
Clay: Right. They’re not on Wall Street. I mean, so I can see how that would be a light bulb like, “Oh, wow! It’s not some fairytale. It’s not some just book. It’s not some video I see. It actually happens in the real world.”
Davy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, now, let’s get into some details here that you’ll appreciate, my friend. So, I got back from Phoenix. I was on Bayer. I’m smart enough at this age to know that passion without education can be very dangerous. So, first thing I do is start my intensive research. I hit YouTube and I saw all kinds of different people out there promoting themselves, and telling about secrets, and I guess the best way I could summarize that experience is I felt like there were a lot of used car salesmen or televangelist preachers. They didn’t really sit well with me.
Davy: Then I came across your Trading 101 Playlist, and it starts off with What is a Stock. I was like, “Thank you. Thank you,” because I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what I needed. I think it was in that first video when you’re talking about what is a stock you talk about being a, I think it was a Sunday school teacher.
Clay: Oh, yeah, no. Back when my wife and I lived in Kansas City, we helped with the youth group, which I do want to disclose. I’ve had a couple who were like, “Oh, I hear you used to be a youth pastor.” I’ve never been a youth pastor. I’ve helped with the youth group, but I didn’t go to school or anything to be a pastor. My wife and I, I mean, I’m just a big child at heart, so I figured, “Hey, if these high school kids want to let me hang out with them, that’s a good way to try to stay young.” So, I helped with the youth group at my church in Kansas City, and even the one here in Michigan, but then when you get four kids, limited time, limited time, but yes.
Davy: You have to.
Clay: You are correct. I did help with the youth group. I am, again, for full disclosure’s sake, never was, and I’m not a youth pastor. Anyways, yeah, but that is correct.
Davy: Yeah. So, that series was just, it was a godsend. I just soaked it up, watched him multiple times, and then went to your website, and I saw where you were recommending at that point in time it was the stock charts and also the M1 app. So, with the stock charts, I had started up a subscription. I merely found there all of their resources within there, talking about all the technical indicators, and candlesticks, and all the different patterns.
Davy: I mean, I’m seriously engulfed in a self-learning mode. I tend to be a self-starter. I want to do things. I knew in the back of my mind that it may be a bit more than what I could chew, so be it. Now, I want to clarify something, Clay. We’re talking about December, about first week in December in 2018. Okay?
Clay: Yup.
Davy: So, from that point until Christmas, I’m doing some serious self-education. The day after Christmas, on December 26th, December 26th or 27th, right around there, I threw in $1,000 in the M1 app. I was like, “Okay. Let’s just start feeling what this is like with just a small amount of real money.”
Davy: I remember waking up the next day and looking at it. It was like, “Holy cow! It says 1,028.” I was like, “Okay. Now, wait a minute. Let’s do some basic Math here. If I had 10,000, that would be $280. If I had 100,000 in there, then it would be, well, I don’t know.”
Clay: It gets bigger and bigger.
Davy: Yeah, it does. So, I thought, “Okay. Maybe I am onto something.” I remember the very first trade was SQ and I did SQ because, Square, because somebody said, “Man, it’s really cheap right now.” I heard it on TV. I was like, “Okay. Sounds good.”
Davy: In hindsight, of course, I look at the big broad stock market-
Clay: Index.
Davy: Yeah. It happened there at the … I think it started around October 2018, and it actually bounced right after Christmas. So, as you put it, a blindfolded monkey could throw whatever and hit a winning stock-”
Clay: Yeah, a blind drunk money who you spin up and get even dizzier, I mean, they can still hit a bull’s eyes and still on the dart. I mean, it’s possible.
Davy: Yeah. So, after that first trade, I was like, “Oh. Well, this is easy.” I just continued with … I think I threw in another $1,000 in the M1 in January, and in February, it was just easy peasy. I’m like, “Man, this is my ticket out of a full-time job.”
Davy: Then March rolled around and all of a sudden, I started seeing red at times. I’m like, “What’s this? I wasn’t planning on this.”
Clay: This is good. Just keep on going. Keep on going. This is good stuff.
Davy: Yeah, but in all honesty, my friend, back in the beginning of December, I knew that this is something that I really wanted to pursue more and during my annual budgeting, I wrote out goals, and just give me a brief moment. This is going to take maybe five seconds. Let me pull it up on the computer because I want to read it to you, okay?
Clay: Yeah. Yeah. No problem. I can never argue or never just say, “No, no, no, no, no.” I mean, if you’re going to pull some numbers and talk about budgets, again, it goes back to that word plan, right? Plan, doing stuff, having goals, putting things into motion. This is the stuff that actually makes things happen. Still looking for it?
Davy: Yeah. I’m pulling it up.
Clay: Okay. That’s fine. You said five seconds. So, in my mind I was like, “All right. Let me make a five-second worth of statement, but I tried. I tried, but we’ll let you pull it up here, and I’m looking forward to hearing what this has to say.
Davy: Well, yeah. I absolutely don’t mind sharing. I think it’s important. It’s the good, bad, and the ugly. So, this was called my investment strategy, okay? All right. Our goal for 2019 is to generate an additional $12,000 in income. Our initial funding of broker account will be $12,000. If by the end of the year the annualized rate of return is less than the ROR from our vanguard 401K, we’ll consider abandoning this endeavor.
Davy: Process. On a daily basis, we’ll use daily-
Clay: Honestly, honestly, even if nothing happens, I don’t care. This is awesome. At least you … This is a legitimate business plan. I don’t even care if this is a massive failure. At this point, this is good stuff. I mean, at least you know. I mean, at least you’re looking at things from a very … This was all written down very clearly.
Davy: Yes, sir.
Clay: I don’t remember what I heard about. I feel like there’s some research out there that says just even writing stuff down, it takes things to a whole another level rather than just trying to walk it through in your head or keep it as a thought, but just putting it on paper or putting it on that spreadsheet or whatever, I mean, there’s power in that and of itself. So, well done in that regard before we even hear what happens, but okay. So, what were the results of this then?
Davy: Well, let me get into the process.
Clay: Oh, yeah. Sorry, sorry. I did cut you off. Yeah. So, what is the process going to be?
Davy: No problem. So, the process was on a daily basis, we’ll use daily, weekly, and monthly charts of the major markets to determine that the overall market direction is bullish, bearish or neutral based on short term, intermediate term, long term signals, and other chart indicators such as price performance oscillators, and relative stream indicators.
Davy: I was like, “Well, all right.”
Davy: Until we develop a short sale and option trading strategy, we’ll focus on long positions, i.e., our strategy is to buy low and sell high. We’ll focus on selling intraday. If the direction of the price is not increasing as expected, we’ll consider holding the position till the price is more favorable or exiting the position at a predefine stop/loss price prior into entering into the trade.
Davy: Not all trades will be favorable. To find instruments to buy and sell, we’ll limit ourselves to times when the overall market sentiment is bullish. We’ll analyze the sectors. Find the two highest performing sectors in related industries. We’ll search for instruments within these sectors that have favorable conditions such as a 50-day EMA above 200-day EMA, and 20-day EMA above the 50-day EMA. We’ll ensure volume is high enough to ensure timeliness as position closing.
Davy: We’ll also look for instruments place for a price breakout. We’ll avoid the volatility of earnings reports, but ensure enough volatility by leverage the average true range indicator. We’ll download the priority open low high closed data and calculate the pivot points, resistance one, resistance two, support one and support two levels.
Davy: With this data, we’ll find the candidates with the highest potential ROI while minimizing risk. If no candidates match our criteria, we’ll not enter into a new trade for the day. Every weekend, we’ll listen to the market reports, and analyze our profits or losses, and refine our strategy as we go.
Clay: That is an intense process. You might have just set the record in terms of opening processes and strategies that I’ve heard on the show so far. That was a five-paragraph essay. That was a lot of stuff there. So, I guess, how did it all work out?
Davy: All right. Well, I’ve got the stats. So, in April of 2019, that’s when I was able to fund an interactive brokers account. I dumped $12,000 in there. So, what I have here that I’d like to share with you is the results for the first year. So, I’ve got from April 1st 2019 to 03/31/2020. So, the number of trades that I executed is 161. So, that’s a monthly average of 13.42, weekly average of 3.1, and the average duration for my trades was 1.6 days. So, the overall win-loss ratio, I had 58.39% wins and 41.61 losses.
Clay: So far so good, although, how were the losses?
Davy: Yeah.
Clay: How are the losses compared to the actual amount?
Davy: This is the fun part.
Clay: Okay.
Davy: This is the embarrassing part.
Clay: It’s definitely not embarrassing. Everybody’s been there. There’s really two types of traders out there, and I said this before. There’s types of traders like you and I that, well, I’m assuming this is not going to be a pleasant answer here. Another is liars. So, I mean, really, that’s the two types of people out there, but all right. So, what were the actual results? Because from a win rate standpoint, it sounds good, but there’s always that awestruck there.
Davy: Yeah. The average win was $123.90. The average loss was $196.61. The biggest win was $1,695. The biggest loss-
Clay: Big, got you.
Davy: It was $3,879.50. So, it was the biggest loss.
Clay: Okay. That will set you back quite a bit when it comes to … What did you say your biggest one?
Davy: 1,695.
Clay: 1,695, okay. All right.
Davy: So, you look back and you lick your wounds, and the sad part is that biggest loss was just in February. That’s when I was getting cocky. The good old stock market was just saying, “Come on, Blaine. Come on, Blaine. Come on, Davy. You can do it. You can do it. You don’t need the stop/loss in there. Come on. Look at this.”
Davy: I literally, I watched it. I watched it drop. I mean, it was just like an elevator and I just shook my head. As I’m watching this, this is weird to share, but as I’m watching this, I didn’t react physically like, “Oh, my God! What am I going to do? I got to stop.” I just literally watched it drop and I sat on my hands.
Davy: I said, “This is why you not go forward without furthering your education, getting some training. This is bad.”
Davy: It’s also a learning experience. I also was confident that I can win it back.
Clay: Yeah. I mean, that’s exactly. I’m glad that that was your conclusion rather than you trying to blame some external source or something like that. I mean-
Davy: Oh, no. It was all me.
Clay: Because, I mean, the only way you can ever improve with anything is to blame the person in the mirror. So, that’s great that you did that because had you blamed some external force, well, yeah. Well, have fun trying to improve that if it’s supposedly somebody else’s issue or whatever.
Davy: Well, and full disclosure, too, on the big win, that $1,695 win, that was a 28-day trade. I had to execute that because I got burned by an earnings report and had lost $1,500 or I’m sorry, $1,100 with Enphase, ENPH.
Clay: Yeah, okay. Yup. All right. Yeah. I know that. That one can move if I remember the right one.
Davy: Yeah, yeah, it can. Past earnings reports were great reports, and they jumped up. I was like, “Well, maybe earnings reports aren’t bad.” Of course, that goes against what I had written as my strategy.
Clay: Yeah. I was going to say-
Davy: I broke my own rules.
Clay: I thought I had heard something about earnings reports and avoiding them.
Davy: Yeah, right. Yeah. So, anyway, it is what it is, but I made the conscious decision that time is extremely valuable, and I got reengaged with Clay roots. One of the things that you’re saying is that the one thing that you have control over is your losses. I was like, “Well, bingo.” You’re exactly right, my friend.
Clay: The only thing you have any control over is your losses, and that includes wins, too, because I mean, I think a lot of people, they forget about the fact that you literally can’t control how much money you make in a trade either.
Davy: Yeah. That’s right.
Clay: You can’t be like, “Hey, price stopped going up.” I mean, the price can go up and up and up, so I mean, you don’t have any control over how much money you can make, but like you said, the risk side of things, you actually can control that.
Davy: Yeah. You’re right, you’re right, and absolutely right. So, I subscribed to the Clay Trader University. Certainly, that’s been in the back of my mind for a year. I figured after this first year, if I’m not where I want to be, but I still think that there’s hope, then I want to engage your services. I got to say, my friend, this has been a mind-blowing two weeks, mind-blowing two weeks.
Davy: This is exactly what I was looking for. I need somebody to help me with all of the various tools. I mean, it’s like I wanted to build a house, and I went and bought all these different tools. I got a bulldozer, a hammer, and a bunch of 2x4s, and I’m over here, I’m building walls on the ground, and you’re coming along saying, “Hey, you know what? Where’s your strategy? Where’s your plan? Where’s your architectural drawings?”
Davy: I’ve got this little figure crayon thing over here and you’re like, “Hey, Blaine. I don’t think you should be building walls yet when you don’t even have a whole dog and foundation work done yet.” So, no, it’s mind-blowing how much I am learning through my exposure. I was also just blown away from the sheer volume of information.
Davy: I was like, “Holy cow! Oh, my goodness!”
Clay: Are you talking about just as a whole or just within the first class? In what regard, I guess?
Davy: Well, I-
Clay: Because somebody will be like, “Well, how much stuff is in?”
Clay: I’m like, “Well, there’s $500 of content.”
Clay: People are like, “$500?”
Clay: I’m like, “That doesn’t mean you have to do all $500.”
Davy: Oh, no, no, no.
Clay: There’s lots of case studies and examples, and then every week, there’s a live webinar, and that gets recorded. So, technically, the content grows by one hour every single week, but it sounded like anybody has to do it all, but, yeah, there is a lot of information, but my policy is always I would never want anybody …
Clay: I wouldn’t want you Davy Crockett with your raccoon cap on and your musket to be like, “Hey, I really wish there are just more example. I really wish I had …”
Clay: I’m like, “No, no, no. I’ll give everybody more than enough examples. That way, they can have them to their heart’s content and they can stop with the examples whenever they feel comfortable with it, but I’d rather have too many examples and too many case studies than not enough.
Davy: Yeah. Well, with me and my personality, I’m going to watch every single video that’s on there. I’m going to do in the order that you’ve prescribed. I’ll dabble around in some of the other areas within your website, but it’s absolutely all there with the membership. I’m digging it. I’m really loving it. I was on the live webcast last night, actually. It’s my first one.
Clay: Okay. So, I mean, for listeners’ sake, this stuff is not scripted. This stuff, I want this to be as organic coffee shop. So, just so I know, do I understand right? You just joined a couple of weeks ago?
Davy: Correct.
Clay: Okay. All right. So, last night, was that your first live webinar?
Davy: Yes, absolutely.
Clay: Okay. Well, I’m glad you still showed up here. Sometimes I can get a little animated on those things, get fired up a little bit.
Davy: Okay. Yeah. Let me comment on that, Clay. You know what? You’re exactly right. You do get animated on there. I love it because you are creating the environment just like we are sitting there in front of our workstations with those stocks moving rapidly. You’ve got to make decisions, and it’s incredibly tense. I told Alene last night, I was like, “This is mind-blowing,” because you replicated that experience. Whether you realize it or not, it’s like I can’t keep up. I need to make the decision.
Davy: Well, that’s exactly the point. You’re there to educate us. You’re there to teach us the strategy and provide this real-life experience. I loved it. The first thing I did as soon as we ended is I subscribed for the next week.
Clay: So, you’ll be there next Tuesday then?
Davy: Absolutely.
Clay: Okay. Well, how did you do? Were you able to keep up or did you just get left in the dust, which is perfectly fine given you just signed up two weeks ago?
Davy: Yeah. I got left in the dust. You called me out, too. It was pretty cool.
Clay: Oh, did I? What did I call you? For a grandma number? Are you the-
Davy: Yeah, I loved it because first thing is like-
Clay: Are you the one that said 112?
Davy: Yes.
Clay: See? I remember. I remember who I called out in the group. Davy, yeah.
Davy: I loved it.
Clay: Also, so what you’re telling, what you had typed in your broker, Davy, is 112. Just so I understand right. I’m like, “This guy says yes. I’m bringing the hammer.” I did not bring the hammer, though. I gave you a homework assignment, right?
Davy: Well, yeah, and I did it.
Clay: Does it all make sense now about grandma numbers?
Davy: Oh, my goodness! Absolutely. Absolutely. What was even more comical is that I was like, “Oh, he did not grandma. He must have said gamma or some specific mathematical term that I’ve just …” So, I’m searching your website. I’m searching your website on gamma, gana. What is it? I was like, “Did he really say grandma number?” I put that in and I was like, “Oh, my God! He really did.”
Clay: It makes sense to why I call them grandma numbers, right?
Davy: It makes perfect sense.
Clay: Okay. Good. All right.
Davy: It makes perfect sense. That’s the beauty of it is it makes sense to anybody that gets exposed to it. Anybody can understand it.
Clay: I think we have another record where one of the people that I … When I say call out, I don’t think I’m a jerk about it.
Davy: No.
Clay: I say it in a very, “Hey, man. Get better. Go study this because what you just told me is wrong, but if you study that, you’ll understand why it’s wrong,” which I’m glad to know that you’re saying, “Hey, no. That makes perfect sense now.” Because, well, hey, guess what? You went and did something. You did the homework assignment that I gave you.
Davy: Yeah, yeah, and it’s greatly appreciated because here I am today. I still hold down a full-time job, so I don’t have oftentimes opportunities, but within this COVID-19 situation, I’m working from home. I can open up the trading platform, and gees, in just a matter of minutes, I pulled in $226 for the Enphase trade.
Clay: Okay. So, that was going to be my next question. You’re still trading right now currently and is this real money or paper money that you’re currently doing?
Davy: Oh, no, no, no. This is all real money. I did paper trade for a couple of months. I begged and pleaded interactive brokers to allow me to paper trade before I actually funded the account. They let me do that for a couple of months, which I thought was a great thing. So, that’s the only time I really did any type of paper trading.
Davy: The reason is because the money that I put into this was something that I considered it may go down to zero. I may lose everything, but I am an emotional creature. I am a creative person. I know that I’m going to overreact when it’s real money, and I needed to get that out of my system. So, it’s taken a year, but now, I’m not necessarily desensitized to it, but I don’t overreact. I know I’m going to have wins, I’m going to have losses. Robotic trading is a great way to put it. I’m in that mindset now. I just need to sharpen my tools.
Clay: Because I can see some people saying, “Well, this guy still got a lot to learn. So, why is he using real money?” There’s two big distinctions here. First off is money that he can totally, if it goes away, he’s not going to be living in a van down by the river or something like that. Second is you’re now operating in a very structured environment where you’re not out there with real money saying, “Well, it helps me learn because I need to have my emotions attached to it, which is a valid point. I mean, I get it.
Clay: That totally makes sense because as much as you try paper trading, demo trading is never going to be the same as trading with real money on the line, but way too many people use that as they get out of a jail car and they’re like, “Yeah. Well, I want to do that,” and then they go and they’re just watching random stuff. Who knows if that stuff is even valuable or is even valid information, but at least you’re operating within the framework of structured learning.
Clay: So, I mean, it’s definitely an apples and oranges situation, but I would say you’ve thought things through, and it’s not like you’re putting yourself at great risk or anything like that. So, I mean, what is, as of right now, are you mainly practicing just day trading of stocks, day trading of options? Are you swing trading? What is your current strategy? What are your current goals or whatever you want to really call them right now?
Clay: I realized some of this may be ambiguous because, I mean, you’re still only two weeks into the program, but I mean, in your mind, what strategies and such are you putting into motion?
Davy: Okay. Very good question. I really put a halt on my trading, 99% of my trading. I am working from home and I can do my day job and I can also take breaks and come over here on my broker account and I sit on my hands. Alene makes fun of me because I literally am sitting on my hands going, “Don’t push any buttons. Don’t push any buttons.” I watch the candlesticks form. I watch the identify support resistance levels. I got various timeframe charts. I’m looking at how they are interacting with each other and how some are forming a certain patterns while others aren’t. I’m just eating up the environment just to learn.
Davy: Now, today, I broke that rule because it was like, “Oh, man! This is just a no-brainer.” I executed the trades and I was like, “Okay. That’s great,” but I also stopped for the day. No more. Got more learnings to do, my friend, more learnings.
Clay: That’s the goal. That’s a realization that as long as you’re always realizing that. Breaking rules, now, breaking rules are not okay, but think about it. In order to break a rule, you have to actually have a rule in the first place. So, that’s what you want. I mean, you need to have rules.
Clay: Now, of course, you need to follow them, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing if you break a rule because it’s, A, you acknowledge that you broke that rule, and it sounds like you did, and then, B, which is the most important one, don’t keep breaking it because if you keep breaking it, then it’s either a dumb rule that doesn’t make any sense or you just don’t have any self-discipline, and both those lead to the same spot, and that means you’re not going to be a trader for very long, but it sounds like the path you went down was, “Okay. I had rules. I broke a rule. Okay. Tap the breaks. Let me reassess the situation.”
Davy: Yeah. Well, in this particular instance, I don’t really call it breaking the rule from the standpoint. I saw exactly the support level that was just blatantly obvious that this is going to happen. Here, again, it goes back to playing with the real money. This is work. I watch it like a hawk, and pulled off a successful trade out of it.
Davy: To me, I equate that to walking down the street and seeing a $20 bill on the sidewalk. Are you going to pick it up or are you just going to walk away? Trust me, I’ve had multiple instances sitting there on my hands and I see a setup and going, “Hey, that looks good. That looks good,” but I listen to that inside voice going, “Sucker. I’m not going to do it.” So, I don’t.
Clay: So, you’re saying that you want to take the trade and you don’t or that you don’t want to the trade and you realize that it’s trying to suck you into a situation where you shouldn’t be taking the trade?
Davy: Bingo. It’s old habits. It’s habits. It’s me pretending like I know what I’m doing because I see a line forming in a particular direction. It’s like, “No, no. That’s not the way this works, buddy.”
Clay: Got you. Okay. That’s all right. So, that’s what you’re mainly focused on is just admitting the fact of things aren’t as easy as what they maybe appear at all times, which is so common and really tricky. In fact, talked about this with the previous guest was he made a comment about, “Yeah. So, I knew what candlesticks were, and I knew what supports and resistance were, but I didn’t know how to use any of them.”
Clay: I thought, “No, that’s actually brilliant because, sure, just because you know what a candlestick is, and you know where the high is, the low is, the open and the close, that doesn’t mean you actually know how to use the candlestick to make money within the market consistently.”
Clay: It sounds like that’s exactly what you’re touching on here and you’ve realized that, “Wait a second. Calm down. There’s a little bit more to it than just that.”
Davy: Yes, sir. You got it. Nailed it.
Clay: Well, okay. Good stuff, and I don’t know where the time went, but we’re coming up on an hour. Do you have any … I mean, I know you have … Stupid question. You definitely have goals, but, I mean, do you have any timelines or, for example, are you envisioning yourself being someplace six months, a year from now or are you just totally going with the flow, going as life happens? I mean, I know that this is all a plan B because you’re a planner, but, I mean, do you have any maybe macro type goals or things that you have in motion and that you’d like to see? If so, what are those?
Davy: Well, I want to absorb as much in Clay Trader University, everything that you have to offer. My goal is to gain enough confidence and be able to prove on a piece of paper, an Excel spreadsheet that, hey, this is something that I can consider as supplementing income in case I lose my job, and maybe that opens up opportunities for me to take maybe a part-time job and do this on the side, and also could potentially provide me with an opportunity to make money post-retirement.
Davy: Then the third underlying subtext of these goals are that, is it possible to actually control my destiny with this and take the decision to say, “I’m going to do this full-time on my own terms and not wait for a layoff or retirement or something like that”? I know I’m a long way away from there.
Clay: Well, I mean, as long as you’re not sitting here saying, “I want this all to happen within the next month,” then I’d say you’re being realistic. I do like the idea, though. I mean, I’m not saying it would happen this way, but I think it would be wise to scale into the position or scale into not just going, “I have a job. Boom, I have no job. Now, I’m a full-time trader,” but I like your idea of maybe picking up a part-time job while you’re focusing on trading. That way, you can still have a source of income, and I always think back to …
Clay: I don’t know if you ever listen to her interview, but Shawn was one of our first guests, and she took 250 bucks into over 10,000 with options and she’s doing great, but she was always all about that she worked at bar at nights or something just because she wanted to keep the income coming in. She didn’t want to put maximum pressure on her shoulders about, “Oh, I got to make trades because I got to make money because I got to pay for bills.”
Clay: She might be totally full-time now, but, I mean, at that point, she was a big believer. Yeah. Just keep some side hustle. Keep some part-time job. So, I would fully agree with that comment when you made that about maybe knocking that around as an idea because those make a lot of sense.
Clay: Well, as I wrap things up here, if I were to give you the time machine and you could take this time machine back to the start and I’ll let you define start if wherever, what would be one bit of advice that you would give yourself?
Davy: Oh, boy! I forgot about this. Time machine, time machine, time machine. I would want to go back to that point when I started my first job and the advice is, “Hey, buddy. Financial education, focus on that because this is the route towards freedom and time is limited.”
Clay: Yeah. That’s good. I was wondering if you’re going to say, “I want to make any changes,” because I feel like your journey was so poetic in the first place but-
Davy: Thank you.
Clay: I mean, that’s also a good answer, but like I said, if this is the court of law, I think I could make a good argument that because you went about things certain ways, I think it’s taught you a lot of good lessons that you’re now putting to play here. So, I realized your first little process and your plan for trading didn’t work out, but, I mean, that was just epically thought through, and you had all sorts of requirements. So, overall, though, I totally agree where you’re coming from, but I think you’re one of the few … Every now and then, somebody comes along and they can actually give a valid reason of, “Yeah, I don’t think I would change anything.”
Clay: I’m like, “You know what? I can agree with that.”
Davy: I appreciate that.
Clay: You made a good argument for both ways. All right. Well, let’s move to fun stuff here. So, first question and you can’t say Davy Crockett, but what is your favorite movie?
Davy: Tootsie.
Clay: Tootsie? That’s-
Davy: Oh, boy!
Clay: I feel like … I’ve never seen it, but is that the girl with the black hair. She’s like a cartoon character or am I just totally-
Davy: No. That was a Dustin Hoffman movie, where he is a starving actor in New York and he dresses up as a woman to get a soap opera gig, and he got the gig, and then he has to continue on his charade as a woman. It’s hilarious. 1983, I think it came out.
Clay: Okay.
Davy: Another good answer that’s probably tied for first would be Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
Clay: I’ve heard of that one, but I haven’t seen that one. Okay. Well, my wife and I, we have some movies that we’ll have to maybe look into then for some movie nights. What about favorite food? What do you like to eat down in … Tennessee-wise, are you closer to Nashville or to Memphis or are you just not in-
Davy: Right outside of Nashville.
Clay: Okay. So, hot chicken?
Davy: Yeah. Hot chicken is good, but I’ll tell you what, if you’re talking about favorite food, I absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, miss beef fajitas in Texas. I used to go to a place in Austin. Serrano’s is the name of it, and I frequented in that place so much when I was there that I kid you not, I’d be pulling up into the parking lot and they’d start frying up or not frying up, but they’re start cooking up the fajitas for me. Amazing. I haven’t had good fajitas any place else outside of Texas.
Clay: I once went to Texas and I had went and did some barbecue there, but it was definitely good, but beef fajitas, I mean, that makes sense, but it sounds like it was just a little small mom and pop shop then?
Davy: Yeah. I think there were three or four restaurants there in the Austin area. I don’t even know if they’re still there. Good stuff.
Clay: Nice. It does sound good. Then, all right, well, three word. Actually, Nashville, so if I were to do another meet and greet in Nashville, are you going to show up at it?
Davy: I’d be wearing a Clay Trader underwear.
Clay: There we go. There we go because we did one there I think in 2017. We did a meetup in Nashville. It was a really good turnout, but, yeah.
Davy: Yeah, absolutely.
Clay: I had the Hattie B’s. Is that the hot chicken place.
Davy: Yup. Yeah. Very good. Yeah.
Clay: Okay. Yeah. That was definitely good. Now, I’m like when I see KFC saying, “Nashville Hot,” it’s like, “No, it’s not. What a gimmick. I’ve actually had the real thing.” So, it’s burn me. I’m almost a hot chicken fan, but it’s funny. There’s another member who’s down there, so he served as our tour guide when Nate and I landed on the plane. He sends us a text, “So, food-wise, what are you guys thinking?”
Clay: I don’t remember what the one choice was, but the other one was hot chicken and Nate and I are looking at each other like, “As supposed to cold chicken, is that a real thing? What do you mean by hot chicken?” We showed up having no idea what that actually was, but now, I’m familiar with it. Good stuff. All right.
Clay: Well, final three words or final question, three words and these three words would be what you need or what would you associate with or believe needs to be associated with what it takes to be a successful trader.
Davy: Hmm. Tenaciousness comes to mind. Humility comes to mind, and documentation.
Clay: Well, I love the word documentation, but knowing that a book on spreadsheets changed your life, I can’t really say that I’m surprised to hear that one of your words is documentation, but I fully agree. Documentation, I mean, all three of those are good, but documentation, yeah. One of those that I can see that might not actually be the first, somebody might ever used that word, but, I mean, it’s a great word nonetheless, for sure.
Clay: Well, I’m happy to have you part of the community. Maybe you told me the email, but, honestly, when people reply to emails, I usually just skim over them because I want to show up and knowing as least amount as possible, but I’m glad to have you part of the community just two weeks in. Glad that you’re enjoying.
Davy: Thank you.
Clay: Glad that you did the homework assignment from last night’s webinar. So, will you come back at some point because it sounds like you’re setting yourself up to do very well. So, I know a lot of listeners are probably going to want to hear about and fellow members, of course, going on here, how things continue to go. So, will you come back at some point then?
Davy: Yeah. We should make this annual event.
Clay: There we go. I like that. Well, you better be there with your Clay Trader underwear if we ever do another Nashville meetup.
Davy: You got it.
Clay: Because I’ll hold you to that, but Dave, thank you very much for being here. I really do appreciate you taking some time out of your day to do this.
Davy: Thank you for being my sensei.
Clay: There we go. Thank you for listening so far, so far, so far, but all right. For you listeners, though, before we go, final few things. If you’re listening to this on iTunes or any of the other podcast players, then be sure to subscribe. That way, you know when new content is released, especially on iTunes, if you could leave us a rating or better yet, a written review on iTunes. That helps us out quite a bit. It goes a long way. We would be very grateful for it.
Clay: If you’re listening at, on the show notes page, then there’s a little live chat box there in bottom right-hand corner. So, feel free to click on that. Comments, questions, suggestions, constructive criticism, all that, would love to hear from you. So, feel free to click on that live chat box. It will start off as a bot, but just ask to be sent to a human, and we would love to hear from you.
Clay: So, thank you again to all of you as listeners. Thank you to Dave. We’ll see you all back next week.
Announcer: This has been The Stock Trading Reality Podcast. Thanks for taking the time to hang out. To learn more about Clay and the Clay Trader community, including the trading team, premium training and more, visit

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