One of the great things about being a human is that we can relate to other humans. Sure, we are not all the exact same; however, there are some general tendencies that seem to be very common from one person to another. Because of this, we can develop general rules of thumb to help us be aware of these potential pitfalls that we set for ourselves (with good intentions of course). One of these heuristic dynamics we tend to use can be summarized as Hanlon’s Razor. This can (and should) be used to many different areas of life, but for us as traders, as far as I’m concerned, it is an improvement tool that must be used. Hanlon’s Razor offers benefits for the two different groups of traders. Those that are beginners and just getting started in their trading ambitions and those that already have quite a bit of experience. It is our job as traders to use and leverage as many bits of data as possible in order to give ourselves an edge in the market, and I firmly believe that using the trader improvement tool of Hanlon’s Razor will assist in this quest. Let’s talk more about it!