What would you do? You’ve just become, unexpectedly, homeless and you’re sitting there in a motel room. It sounds like a Hollywood movie script, doesn’t it? This is the exact set of circumstances my guest, Bradley (”modelact” chatroom alias), found himself at a stage in his life. If you’re ready for a an inspirational ride, then let’s go! If you are looking for someone uses who plays the victim card and pulls out a deck of excuses, this won’t be the guy for you! Bradley was extremely kind to share what many others may have wanted to keep to themselves. He was very polite about it, but yeah, his life was hit by some whirlwinds that sometimes just happen. I enjoyed his approach to life and his attitude overall. Therein lies a great learning point though. As you’ll see, even with such a fantastic attitude towards life and keeping things positive, trading still ahs the ability to push you to the limits and expose all the shortfalls. Bradley and I get into some solid discussions over trading psychology and how tricky the human mind can be. The moral of the story is this, if you enjoy a good “not gonna give up after getting punched in the mouth” type journey, you’ll love this one! Let’s go!