My data collecting has continued and now I’m to the point where I’m over 200 trades of what I call the Sniper Shot Strategy. At some point you need to draw the line and declare “this is enough data”, and that’s what I’m doing. I respect if you don’t think over 200 trades is “enough”, but I’d hope we can at least find a middle ground that is it no small number of trades either. While I’m not here to proclaim I have found a golden goose holy grail trading system, I do want to share with you the data I’ve collected. Unfortunately though, there was a train wreck that occurred near the end of the data collection. It was actually very disheartening and it caused me to stop looking at the data for a week (which is how I ended up with 207 trades instead of 200). Finally, I want to once again address the notion that “day trading is a coin flip and total gambling”. This is a topic I’ve covered a million times, but it’s one that can not be addressed enough because it’s a constant false narrative you see. Let’s jump into the data and see what we can learn about The Sniper Shot Strategy.