While I’m known as a trader, I do also invest! Investing does not need to be talked about nearly as much given the long term nature of the strategy; however, I do still enjoy talking about it. I wanted to take a few moments to share with you one of my favorite ETF’s for investing. Will this kind of investment be for you? I have no idea. I don’t know what your goals are and what kind of place you are in life, but I’d imagine there have got to be some of you out there that would find value in this ETF. An important aspect of investing for me is to be able to understand “what” the ETF is doing and “how” it accomplishes its goal. In my mind, the ETF I will be sharing with you makes perfect sense in a very simple way. I’m not too smart, so I need simple! Let’s talk about this ETF and see if it is something that can help you meet your goals in investing!