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One aspect of being a newbie trader is not knowing what you don’t know. In theory (and exactly what happened here), you could be having a really solid thought while making a very strong argument, but not realize it! I recently received a comment on another YouTube video from someone who is, in their words, “very new” to trading… yet, they made a very valid observation but were simply missing a few things. Those missing “things” is what I want to share with you in this video. While I don’t have anything against trading stocks per-se, I can say that futures trading gives certain people distinct advantages when compared to trading stocks. If you are someone who is just getting started in day trading and don’t have a whole lot of money, futures trading is something I’d highly recommend you at least consider. Let me share with you why! and its employees are not a Registered Investment Advisor, Broker Dealer or a member of any association for other research providers in any jurisdiction whatsoever and we are not qualified to give financial advice. Investing/trading in securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk.

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