What is a “Short Squeeze?”: WATCH THIS

Due to some, quite dramatic, events within the world of the stock market there are some bankrupt traders and potential brokerages. I want to walk you through a true story which destroyed some who took part in it. Via the insane amount of price movements (in very short amounts of time), you can know with full certainty people’s lives where changed for the better, but also, for the absolute worst. I wanted to walk you through this true story as it offers up a massive warning to everyone thinking of becoming a day trader in the stock market. The markets can make you rich, but they can also absolutely destroy you if you lose sight of what maters most: risk management. The markets don’t care about who you are, your story, your race, your height, or anything else. It is a creature that will wreck your life if you are not careful. I know. I know. I am sounding very dramatic right now, but all I can respond with is to watch the video and see just how crazy the market can be at times!

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