Financial problems are all too common when it comes to personal finances and attempting to take control of your live and freedom. You are not alone with the problem and in all actuality, I respect that you have a problem. How so? Well, by saying you have a financial problem shows that you are being self aware of your financial situation and not deceiving yourself. I commend that! The only way to fix a problem is to first identify it as a problem in the first place. That brings us to why you are here, you are wondering if day trading is the answer to your problem. You want to know if learning how to day trade online and make money is a suitable solution to your financial struggles. Once again, I deeply respect you as you ask this question. It shows that not only have you admitted there is a problem, but also that you are seeking a solution to it. In this video I want to discuss with you the considerations you’ll need to make and think over as you determine whether or not learning the skill of day trading is the right solution. With over 15 years of experience and doing many dumb things, I can speak with a relatively high degree of expertise on this issue, so let’s have a discussion and see if day trading would be the proper next step for your financial situation and goals.