I’ve been gone on vacation for the past week and have not made a single trade! I don’t know about you, but for me, when I’ve been gone for several days I feel like there is a bit of rust that needs to be shaken off. I’m happy to report the “dust shaking” strategy was at full bore as I was able to find three different Sniper Shot trade set-ups. Did I make money or lose money on these set-ups? You’ll need to watch the video to find out! While I can’t say it is a “must do” for you, I would say to always remember to consider at least going a bit slower when you are just returning back to the markets for whatever reason. Especially when it comes to vacations. It seems our minds are a bit more “cloudy” then in other situations given we’re returning from an almost euphoric situation. How did the rust shaking turn out? Let’s see what happens!

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