One of the most common questions I get from those who are thinking about getting more involved in the online world of day trading is this, “how much time is required?”. Some people have full time jobs so they are curious if they can fit it into their schedule, other people want to add in another stream of income into their personal finances. Before anything else, the upfront context of day trading is this: it takes LOTS of time and effort during the learning phase. As is the case with anything worth doing, you will need to devote yourself to learning and put in the required time. Sorry to report, but there is no magic pill that allows you to become a profitable day trader in a week. For those people who do have the passion and drive to overcome the learning hurdles, then as you’ll see in this video of some of my personal day trading results, the time requirement can be pretty small. Do day traders always make money? Nope! Risk management is a skill that will cause you to lose money, but in a good way. Let me show you what can be accomplished within six minutes of day trading!

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