You can’t win every trade you make! If that were the case, everyone would hop in the internet and start making money rain from the sky. Part of being a day trader is learning to take loses. Losing money is not an enjoyable event; however, if you plan on being a day trader for the long term, you’ll need to learn how to manage risk and take loses as needed. The good news about this is just because you may lose does not mean you can’t make another trade. You’ll need to be careful that you are not revenge trading, but if you can find some wiggle room, you can keep yourself in the game and potentially make back the loses quite quickly. Day trading is hard and it can quickly become impossible if you don’t learn to manage risk. The sooner you realize that it is okay to take a loss, the sooner you are forcing yourself to focus on the skillset of a day trader that will keep you alive in the game. There’s no shame in losing! Let me show you how this all works using some of my personal day trading results that I captured, live, on video.

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