Day trading is hard. Swing trading is hard. The financial markets are where the smartest people in the world go to play, so if you don’t enjoy a good challenge, then stay away! With that all being said, as traders we should always be striving to make our life easier as a trader. Having a good game plan and knowing how to buy and sell a stock is a great start; however, that does not mean you know how making life easy as a trader works. I’m not a big believer in “how to trade” books, so instead of trying to explain all of this to you here, let me just show you what I mean using some of my personal day trading results. If you are a beginner and just getting started in the stock market, then you should be looking for techniques that make your life easy as a trader. I realize that sounds obvious, but the problem with the markets is many of the strategies and tactics to “make life easy” seem totally backwards. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that if I were to ask you, “how do you make your life easy as a trader?”, you would give me a logical answer, but one that is wrong in reality. Let me show you a great strategy that anyone can do. If you do this strategy, then in the big picture, your life will be easier as a trader!

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