LIVE WEBINAR: 1 Hour Trader Transformation

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This Free Event Reveals: How I transformed myself from an employee to being my own boss (and how you can too, even with no experience!)

Thursday - May 2nd - @ 7:00 pm est

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I’m all for physical labor. Sure, it is something you cannot do forever, but if you’re willing to do it while you are able, it’s a great way to give any longer term goals a jumpstart. I realize most people would love to just start sitting in a comfy office chair and never break a sweat, yet still make money, but the reality is, the odds are against that happening. My guest, Marty, is someone who I have nothing but respect for. He is someone who is doing whatever it takes to accomplish his big picture goal of becoming a consistent trader. In fact, in his daily work he is putting himself into situations that many people are not willing to do, which I find extremely inspiring. I know the saying is way overused, but it applies here perfectly… the saying: where there is a will, there is a way. Marty has a will and he’s definitely putting that to use to find a way.


Clay: This is The Stock Trading Reality Podcast episode 230.
Announcer: This is The Stock Trading Reality Podcast where you get to see the realistic side of a trader’s journey, get inspired and stay motivated by everyday normal people who are currently on their journey to trading success. And this is your host. Yes, he loses just like all other traders, ClayTrader.
Clay: Now maybe I’ve done this before in another matter, but I totally lose as a trader. And I hope at this point, I mean, we’ve done well over 225 episodes. I truly my goal is that I don’t come across as some sort of know it all trader that never loses or is perfect or anything like that. Never makes any mistakes.
I make plenty of mistakes, I have plenty of losing trades. And while I do realize that there are certain people out there, certain social media killer, whatever you want to call it, that really portray it like winning trades, winning trades always winning trades. I mean, does this person not lose, I assure you, they lose. But I just want to point blank address, yes, I lose, I make dumb mistakes, and I try my best to illustrate that.
In fact, there’s a video on YouTube and then on the channel where I literally kind of walk you through how to use the search function on the site itself, where you can go and find all the losing trades out there. So I say if you run a search for a loser or loss or lose or things like that, there is lots of content out there. But here we have just another bit of content. Yes, I definitely have losing trades. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes.
But as for you longer time listeners, hopefully once again, you’ve picked up on some of these themes where there’s always that underlying theme of risk control, risk analysis, risk management, because this one is talking winning trades is I’ll be the first to admit it’s so fun to talk about monster type winning trades and all that sort of good stuff.
At the end of the day, when you boil everything else down, it really does come down to the fact that, how is your risk management? How is your risk control? And all of that. But yes, I lose, and hopefully, like I said, you’ve never had the impression that I’m trying to conduct or carry myself or portray myself as somebody that never loses because I try my best to make it known and to talk about losing trades and such when they do happen.
Well, today we are going up above the north of the border, out west to BC, which I pretty good at my Canadian geography, British Columbia. I really hope that’s what BC stands for. But our guest is from British Columbia. Marty is his name, and he’s totally sport in the Canadian accent. I loved it. I felt like I was just bobsledding with polar bears while I was drinking my maple syrup. It was a great time. I try to keep my Canadian stereotypes to a minimum. But I can’t help myself.
The pickings are too good. But Marty has a great journey. And he’s got one where he is now in education mode, but he has traded with real money. And he’s done some things, and he walks us through his journey. Where if you’re looking to just hear from somebody that lays it out there, admits to his mistakes, admits to things he regrets, admits to things he wish he could have done differently, then that’s what you’re going to get out of here. And it’s a situation where, it is always much cheaper to observe and listen to people that have been there and done that, and simply avoid what they wish they would have avoided because usually what they wish they would avoid it has cost them money.
So if you avoid what has cost them money then the logic goes. Well, you’ll save yourself some money to except you’ll never have losses in the first place like some of these people are in like Marty talks about. So a lot of good stuff here. And somebody were, now that I think about it, I don’t think Canadians would get any more value out of it than anybody else because at the end of the day, it’s all psychology and trading, and it is what it is. But yeah, for you Canadian listeners out there, here’s one of your fellow countrymen.
So let’s get to it. And let’s hear about Marty and his journey. Marty, welcome to the show.
Marty: Thanks, Clay. Thanks for having me.
Clay: Now, you are Canadian.
Marty: Right.
Clay: And you are really helping push for the Canadian stereotype that at least I have about our friendly neighbors up north. Little background for those of you that are listeners, I didn’t even think this interview was going to happen today. Marty was having some headphone issues. But then he explained to me before we got started that as he was headed out the door to go spend an extreme amount of money on a pair of headphones. Maybe I added that part in as my own but a neighbor was there and said, “Marty, what are you doing and come use my headphones?” And here we are.
So it really is accurate that you Canadians are just a friendly bunch, isn’t it?
Marty: Yeah, I never thought of it like that. But I guess it happens on such a daily basis that it’s just a matter of life up here now, eh.
Clay: Yeah, I mean that the law of diminishing returns, the kindness happens so often that it has no effect on you. That was a good description of it, but I could only think and maybe I don’t know if that makes me like racist or something. But as soon as you told that story, I’m like, I’m totally bringing that up. And I’m going to fill the gap of the Canadian being friendly. But in all seriousness, that was very nice of your neighbor to do that.
Marty, you said that you’ve listened to all… Have you really listen to every single past episode or is that a little exaggeration?
Marty: No, not at all. I’ve heard them all and wait every week. And when you are looking for volunteers, I feel like you’re speaking to me here for the last three months. That it was my turn to put forward a bit.
Clay: Sorry about that Marty, I had myself on mute, and I started to talk, but then I realized that I was on mute. So that was not an awkward silence, that was intended. But well thank you very much for volunteering to come here. And I appreciate that and I’ve said that to some past guests but people like you those that volunteer and I don’t have to go out there and hunt you down or anything like that make my life a whole lot easier. And I really I mean, we’ve interacted in email and I think through the chat box maybe, so I have a broad understanding of your story to an extent but I’m excited about this one because like I said, I know you from like the name just pops up from customer service, but I don’t really… You’ve never told me anything an email of a deeper story, have you?
Marty: Yeah, no, not at all. [inaudible 00:06:50]
Clay: Okay, so I don’t feel I have to feel guilty about forgetting about some sort of heartfelt email you sent me or anything?
Marty: No. My story is going to sound a lot like a lot of the past guests, right? I don’t know if it’s just… Because my story started with the podcast and maybe I just followed along there or whether that would have been my journey to start with. But a lot of the things that I learned are the same points that I should have had learned before I got started, because I did blow up an account before I got into CTU. But-
Clay: Well I’m sure hopefully we’re going to come across that at some point during your journey.
Marty: … Yeah.
Clay: Well, we are regardless now that you let that cat out of the bag. I always like to hear a good bloodbath story of accounts being blown up. And I think listeners do too. So I’ll make sure to not let that pass by but where did it actually all this start for you, Marty? I mean, where did you hear about the markets? And what sort of things played out that got you to the point where you decided that you wanted to just be more hands on with it?
Marty: Well, I think I heard about it when I was younger, when I was a kid. My stepdad I remember him saying “Oh those guys wear suits all day and then jump out of windows at the end.” And that was when I was way younger and through school I don’t remember ever coming across the markets. I guess I probably did but it never came on to my plate until I guess recently, like I have a little girl Kaylee and in order… So I was chasing the six figures a year salary, right? And here in the Okanagan part of Canada average is forty, fifty thousand.
So it’s quite a jump but luckily we have our Alberta neighbors there that have the oil patch, right? So I ended up out there for six or seven years. This was before I had Kaylee and I always to all the guys that were working up there or had kids and my tool push, for example, he had four kids, and he’d been rigging all his life. And he’d made it to maybe three or four of his kids birthday party, right? And I was just like, man that’s not going to be me when that day comes.
So that day did come. And I did try going up north to work I call it from here or whatever. While Kaylee was in this world, I missed her so much and it just, it wasn’t the same, right? I wanted to be at home and live it and so.
Clay: If I can interject out of curiosity, what sort of hours it sounds like you must and I’m fully ignorant here on the oil field and how it all works. But you must go up to these destinations you just live on site then, is that how it works and just you’re always working crazy hours?
Marty: Yeah, so I did a couple different things in the oil patch. So the hours and routine changed a little bit, but yeah, I was… So I’d either drive or fly from home which is 12, 13 hours and I rented a place up there. So even when I was on call and at home, I still had to be there within an hour. So just know life, right? And my family and everything all down here. It’s a completely different world, right? The money is good, but the sacrifice of just missing life wasn’t worth it to me when Kaylee came into the world, so.
Clay: Yeah, I can see that. Having four kids myself, that would be a very difficult situation to be in. So you’re up in the oil patches, like I said, before I cut you off. And how long did you actually do this for time wise? I mean, was this sounds like a several year type situation?
Marty: Yeah, I’ve been back and forth a few times. So the first stint was up there is four or five years and then for a while I lived here and drove back and forth. So 13 hours each way. And so I would work on like a 15 and six schedule. So then it would knock two days off my days off driving. So I was home for four, right? It took up the whole life. My dad owns a kitchen cabinet shop here in Vernon. He’s been in business coming up on 30 years here so even when I was in high school, I worked there and got into the carpentry end of it here.
This was before the oil patch actually jumping all over the place here, but then I took a carpentry apprenticeship. Just worked at my dad’s business there. So I always got that to come back to here, but the pace is slated to the Okanagan pay schedule. Call it the sunshine tax, right? You pay for the sunshine through your dogs.
Clay: The sunshine tax meaning those are higher taxes?
Marty: Well, no that the salaries a lot less down here because of the sunshine. I guess it’s how we put it.
Clay: I got you. So where the sun don’t shine that’s where do you need… They compensate for that lack of sunshine with higher pay then, is that the right understanding?
Marty: Yeah, that’s kind of what I was getting after.
Clay: Okay, you’re throwing all this Canadian lingo at me and maybe it’s just normal lingo and I’m just a moron. I mean that’s definitely a valid possibility to. All right, now you’re all over the place which is fine I mean that’s great. I like it sounds like you have quite a bit of skills if you know how to do carpentry and cabinets which shout out to your dad, 30 years in business that’s awesome, that’s really impressive. And you got oil patch skills, whatever that may be. Your mentality clearly not afraid to get dirty and stuff like that.
So I mean, this is all going on. And you mentioned going back and forth. So is this a situation where you can work in the oil fields for a time being and then come back and do let’s just say carpentry for example. And then all sudden, you could go back up to the oil fields if you wanted to, is that how that?
Marty: Yeah, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years, right?
Clay: Okay. So you’re still doing the oil stuff then and you’re just going back and forth whenever needed.
Marty: I hope not to do it again Clay. That’s a lot. I got back about a year ago was the last stint and I was only up there for a year and back you’re up. But that’s hopefully where the trading is going to take me just like you said, I do work with my hands a lot, and I’ve always I enjoy hard work and all the jobs I’ve had have been good, but intense manual labor, right? You work hard, which I enjoy, but getting older and just not wanting to do that forever, right? And being home to raise my kids is my main goal, right?
Clay: Well, I mean to me it’s there’s a dif… It’s perfectly fine for somebody like, “Yeah I really don’t want to do the manual labor.” That’s okay, but there needs to be okay so that’s your end goal. But sometimes in order to get to the end goal of not wanting to do manual labor, you have to do manual labor and get your hands dirty and all that and you have to be okay with that, and that’s where you stand is.
Your end game is I want to be done with manual labor. But you clearly don’t have any problem of bridging that gap by doing manual labor as a lot of people. And I’m not saying it’s society as a whole, but a lot of people make like, “Oh, I don’t want to do anything. I don’t want to do anything.” Alright, that’s fine if you just want to do some sort of non-manual labor thing, but then they expect to never do any manual labor to get to the never doing any manual labor thing. And it’s like well you could make that happen a lot quicker if you’re willing to get your hands dirty and stuff like that.
So that’s good that you are fully on board with all that. But I mean really I kind of because I derail the conversation with oil field stuff but as far as the markets are concerned from my understanding, your step dad said, “Oh, they wear fancy suits and they jump out of windows.” So that was way back when and then when did the market actually come back in your life in more of a kind of a focused way that kind of caught your attention once again?
Marty: Yeah well is about I guess I’m just over three years ago now. And I don’t even know what sparked it but the girlfriend said I came home one day and said I was going to learn to trade and so I started on YouTube, right? Of course down the journey and I watched of course every YouTube video I could. This went on for quite a while. I didn’t even own a computer. I didn’t have any reason ever to have a computer before.
I mean, I had them in the past a laptop kicking around here and there to watch movies on when I was working in the oil field, but as far as my computer skills went, that was about it. So I watched tons of free information probably went on six, seven months and then I just put a bit of money away and invested in a computer and I knew I needed to get a proper education everywhere I listened and everybody that did it always said, “You need to get the proper education.” But just everything I’ve tried to do, I kind of sit back and I watch it and I watch it probably for longer than I need to. But until I’m comfortable and then I just get up and do it, right?
My mom said I didn’t crawl across the floor or nothing. I sat there and then just one day I stood up and walked across the floor, right? Or I didn’t say, “May I or cookie or cookie.” It was, “May I have a cookie please?” Right. So I thought I could put that context into trading where I could sit back and watch these people do it and do it little did I know then that maybe a lot of them weren’t doing it right. So I had played a vast majority and not even knowing about the technical aspect of it that I was soon to be focused on brought me into the fundamentals and all the richest people in the world and the habits that they instilled.
There’s just so much information out there. But it’s all over the place, right? So-
Clay: What I found fascinating is you made that almost a side comment of well and now I don’t even know if they were doing it right. Which is the whole problem is when you’re new and you don’t know what you don’t know. Yeah, you’re watching people trade but like Marty just said, but I mean, are they actually even doing it right? Who knows. I don’t know what it… I mean, somebody could show me a knee surgery and they could be doing it completely wrong but I don’t know what a knee surgery actually is supposed to look like.
So for I know is they’re showing all sorts of bad habits and things that sure maybe it works out for that particular knee surgery. But over the long haul, that’s like the exact opposite way of how you should actually be doing it. But because I don’t know what a knee surgery is, I mean, you just don’t know and that is definitely a major issue with the whole like you said Marty, free information random all over the place. That was an interesting point you made almost in passing that who knows if it was even right. So you’re watching the other thing I wanted I wrote it down actually.
So you have to fill this gap for me because this to me, you were scarred as a child, you think that the markets are fancy suits and people jumping out of the window, and then all of a sudden you just come home and you want to learn how to trade. I mean, where did that come from? How do you all of a sudden, just want to trade one day?
Marty: … Well, there is a story there. Yeah, I have a cousin, who she’s a girl, obviously, I’m not even sure what she did. But she’s got to be the most successful woman that I know. And she had something to do with the markets and trading. I think she traded energy or something. So she got married to somebody else. It was in the same industry and it was me and my dad talking that day and I said, “Anybody can do that. Buy stocks on the stock market and sell that.” Whether that’s what they were doing or not. Now I know that it wasn’t but at the time, and I guess it was right then I think, anybody can do it.
Well, I’ve always been able to do anything I put my mind to, right? I just started watching the videos and I really liked everything around the discipline around it, right? That’s a big part of who I am. If I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it right and I’m going to put all the effort forth, right? So then I got into. I bought the laptop, I got a broker account and then I was trying to hook up multiple monitors and like I said, I never had a computer so right from the gecko turning it on, it was a battle.
Every function on the computer, I’d never seen before navigate myself around websites very few of them over the years, right? And like podcast I know you’ve ever heard of a podcast till I guess in passing or what have you, but then I ended up… So I had the broker account set up and they sent me one more thing I needed to do, which was scan or print off a piece of paper, sign it, scan it and send it back. So now I needed a scanner or something to hook up to my computer, right? And it ended up that’s where that kind of stopped and then I went back up north to work. That was the last time I was up there and I’m going to say I was born a year before but it was probably more like eight months.
And I realize I didn’t want to be back up there and my dad was real busy and what have you. So I came back but that computer got lost in the shuffle, right? So now I came back, I was back at square one again, right? You know it-
Clay: That was a laptop you saved up for, right?
Marty: … Yeah, yeah, exactly right.
Clay: And it got lost in the shuffle. What happened to it?
Marty: Yeah, it just… Clay, I don’t even know. I think when I got back, it may have got lost on the flight. I used to fly back and forth all the time or maybe it got scooped up on a lease and I didn’t even know. One day I looked on the case and it was gone, right? So that sent me back. And then while I was still watching YouTube videos every chance I could get, right? Then it led me down with I got wire roped into all the pumpers out there. I guess you call it there. Captain Redbeard, maybe there [crosstalk 00:22:31]
Clay: There we go. Let’s not use names. We don’t. Thank you for your help. Okay, we’re on the same page here. Yep.
Marty: So I needed a new computer, so I started watching what he was doing and I watched those videos that Nate had. I went over building my own computer so I learned about everything about doing it. I had the list all set up on Amazon and then I just decided that I needed to be portable and ended up saving up again and bought it. It ended up being twice as expensive of a computer as the last one. I think because it was the one Captain Redbeard had.
It sounds so stupid saying it now but thinking back that’s probably why I went for it. To spend the extra thousand dollars. So I got that and I steal all the free stuff, and just putting a lot of time into the free stuff in reading just because it wasn’t on all technical analysis it was Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio their story, Bridgewater. Everything like there’s just, you could go for days and still not see it all. Months, years on YouTube, right? But it wasn’t focused in one area or the other.
And that’s when I started listening to the podcast to. While I was at work I had put the Bluetooth on in the headphones. I’d spent a lot of time in the spray booth. Doing a lot of finishing and stuff. So I am allowed to listen to them then, right? They can do it while I work. But I hear a lot of people saying maybe I was just looking for them to be saying it. If you put a little bit of money in the account and try it before you put the $3,000 or whatever it is Canadian towards the education program, the CTU, which I knew I wanted from day one.
So I funded the account and got working up on the computer. Everything was going good. My actually why I paper traded when I got the computer first. I got actually a journal that picks up here and maybe It’ll keep me in the right path here. December 13th, I started paper trading, and I was up, so the markets open at 6:30am our time. So I was getting up at 4:30 every morning. And I had gotten a lot of this from the podcast. And a lot from what you said, beast modding it, discipline, getting up in the morning, making your bed and just everything about that revolves around not just a trader I found out but as a successful person, right?
Just in regard to all the people that are out there. All seem to have some lots of the same traits in common and discipline is one of the major one. So yeah, I was up every morning and watching the markets. Paper trading it and I got to using appropriates. I was doing extremely well like that. I don’t know what it was just I’m flipping through them here now. I was using proper size but very few did I ever have a red day at all, right? Paper trading. And then [inaudible 00:25:55] I was putting off money away again, to putting a $1,000 to a trading account. So-
Clay: Was this day trading that you were doing when you’re doing all the paper trading or was it a form of swing trading? What exactly was your quote unquote strategy? And I’ll use that very loosely when you’re just, it sounds like tearing it up from the paper trading perspective.
Marty: … Yeah, it was day trading but I got on to the YouTube there and they got the free scanners up there. They’re obviously delayed, right? And then with those free scanners comes with all the people in there and their thought and what they’re doing, which none of them really know. They’re trying and lots of people in there were helpful, but I don’t think themselves really knew what was going on. Whether the person hosting it did or not, but it was just following in the wrong path of the pumpers. I guess is lack of better terms.
I was just caught right up in the Kool-Aid. There we go. The Kool-Aid, right?
Clay: So you joined a chat room? Or is this all social media? You had mentioned people being in there. What exactly where were you?
Marty: Yeah. It was just social media, but it was the one I was on when I was trading was, it was on YouTube, but it had like a, wow.
Clay: Like a live stream type thing?
Marty: Yeah, you could type in chat back and forth on it. It was a discord. There’s a link to a discord that we went into and then you could be with the other so called traders there I guess.
Clay: The famous discord chat room where you have no idea who anybody is. Got you, got you.
Marty: Yeah.
Clay: Okay, now we’re on the same page here.
Marty: Me while I’m watching the two gingers there on YouTube every day going, “Wow, he made this much money I can’t believe it. Wow, wow.” Just drinking the Kool-Aid like crazy, right? And so I open up the account, and I didn’t say too much to the people around me, right? That I was going to go live. I didn’t want all that pressure, “How much did you make today? What did you lose? Blah blah blah.”
So the first day that I went live, I got up. So it was pre market. So I’ve been up since 4:30 around five rolls around. And I end up entering a trade, I’m pretty sure it was RGB, and I actually did pre-market, and it just went straight up. Pretty sure and I was up like $300 and I’m trying to exit and I can’t exit. It keeps refusing my order. And I can’t figure out what’s going on it. I’m in a panic now, right? I knew all about the Kool-Aid and I told myself, don’t get hopped up in it or whatever.
But it was all out the windows as soon as those dollar figures started going up on the screen I knew there was but people talk about it all the time but you don’t really know what it’s like till you’re in it. So I call the broker, right? I can’t access this trade and there’s this really calm lady that I’ve spoke to before trying to get free live data or whatever for my paper trading.
She just really calm and [inaudible 00:29:26], “I can’t exit this trade what’s going on?” And she is just very calmly she’s like, “Sir, you can’t use market order when the markets not open.” Is that right? Or is it the other way around, the limit order? I had the order in wrong and soon as I clicked it over, boom, it sold so I was up almost $400 which is over five Canadian for me, right?
I was just on top of the world there but I really knew that I had no idea what I was doing. It was such a simple thing that I sat back and thought I watched so much and knew that there’s not nothing that I haven’t heard of it happening before that not knowing what to do, but I had no clue, right?
Clay: It’s funny how and maybe you can correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re clearly have no idea what’s going on when you’re talking to this customer service rep. And all of a sudden, she helps you out. Boom, you sell. Boom, it was a winning trading. And you’re like, “Oh, wow, that was great. I’m so good.” And it seems like your mind conveniently blocked off the fact that you had just been on a phone call really having no idea what was going on at all, but all of a sudden, everything was figured out or all of a sudden you know what’s what’s going on. You got it all figured out even though that’s a funny story to listen to about you just not really having any clue at all, but it sounds like she was a very good customer service rep in terms of walking you through what needed to actually be done.
So I mean, is that pretty accurate you thought that you kind of disregarded the fact that you didn’t know what was going on? And you thought yeah, you’re feeling pretty confident about yourself?
Marty: Yeah, I sure was. Yeah, I was doing it like all the rest that are on YouTube. It was a total Kool-Aid though, right? And then it just happened just like everything else happened. By a couple small winners and then just a slow bleed over a month till my account was done, right? And that’s when I knew-
Clay: Is that the blown up account?
Marty: … Yeah, that’s it.
Clay: Okay.
Marty: Just $1,000 that I was willing to lose just for the experience really, right? And to say that I’ve tried it and maybe luck out on some fool’s gold I guess I was hoping for to, right?
Clay: Well, it sounds like you started off with fool’s gold. You were calling it Kool-Aid, but it sounds like they’re kind of one of the same. You’re drinking the Kool-Aid of fools gold that was being poured to you in terms of all great, but then it was just… So it was a slow bleed, were you using stop losses and stuff like that? Is that what allowed it to be a slower bleed and not just massively blowing it up in one trade? Or was it kind of just randomness?
Marty: Yeah, it was randomness. I was using stop losses, I knew that but I wasn’t. I ended up taking I think a $400 loss two days later, which was way over. So I wasn’t honoring my stop losses. Well, that was the one that I learned that I needed to feel like everybody I’ve seen make these mistakes. I feel I almost had to go make them for myself, right?
So I’m really glad to that it was $1,000 and not five, right?
Clay: Now the account’s gone and then I kind of cut you off very rudely. So from one American to a Canadian, sorry for being rude eh.
Marty: [crosstalk 00:33:05]
Clay: So at this point I think it sounded like you’re headed to saying that you kind of realized that you needed to change things up but I guess is that what occurred after you had bled that $1,000 account? Things needed to change? But pick it back up from that point.
Marty: Yeah, well the whole idea was the $1000 account. Soon as I turned it into enough to pay for CTU that’s what I was going to do, right? And then I knew if I blew it up that I was just going to go back to the drawing board and just start saving for CTU. But in the mix all this I ended up had to do a bunch of dental work, which is real expensive, right?
I don’t know if the dentist is cheap down there but it’s definitely not up here, right?
Clay: I thought all that stuff was paid for, for you guys.
Marty: Yeah, there’s not dental, no.
Clay: Oh not dental, okay.
Marty: Not dental at all, right? And when I worked in the oil patch obviously I was covered by dental but my dad being a small company and what have you. We don’t do that there. So that was the first hurdle, right? So I got that out of the way and then yeah, bought CTU. It’s got to be almost four months to go now. I was thinking about putting notes together for this podcast. Like a little timeline. I wish I would have done that now. I ended up convincing myself that it would be better just to go freewheeling but I don’t think I would do that next time.
Clay: No, you’re doing good. So it was about four months ago then?
Marty: Yeah, I’ve been through all the material once except for is it the Forex one or?
Clay: There is a Forex class. I don’t know, is that the one you haven’t been through then?
Marty: Yeah.
Clay: Okay.
Marty: Yeah. I started that but I ended up, going to go back to that another time and I haven’t actually got all the way through the advanced options ones, which I am right now. But I think I really liked the options and I knew that before but I really think I’m going to focus on the newsletter and paper trading. Swing trading on paper, the newsletters. I think I balance. Yeah, go ahead Clay.
Clay: I was going to say you got ClayTrader University. And it sounds like you’ve totally put an end to your trading then, right? There’s there’s there hasn’t been any other trading that’s occurred?
Marty: No, absolutely not. I was getting up at 4:30 in the morning. So I could just watch free YouTube videos. I called it studying and then trade. So I was doing that first, but now I feel I’m doing it more towards the night. So I’m not getting up in the morning. I’m not even sitting at that computer with everybody on there just because I want to keep focused on what I’m doing. And I went through my social media and I took off and man has it been hard to get rid of those. Well I haven’t gotten rid of them, they just keep coming back.
But trying to get rid of all that PR that just throws a screw, I think into a trader’s journey. The worst thing I did, I think was to take in all that free info.
Clay: But it’s totally logical. So nobody can be like, “Oh, Marty such an idiot.” No, that’s actually the logical thing to do. I mean, you have this library, where he’s grown up with a library, but now the library is kind of been replaced and we’re all taught us kid. Well, I mean, I was taught as a kid, hey you go to the library when you want information you want to learn.
Well, now we have this thing called the internet. So why wouldn’t you go to the internet to learn, but as you’ve described, it’s a little bit more to that out there, than some of it. You can’t just sit there and then all sudden stand up and start walking like you did as a kid. There’s definitely a crawling phase involved in the world of trading. That needs to be factored into a plan for sure. Now, go ahead.
Marty: Yeah, and all that’s exactly right. And really thinking back this is, I don’t usually try things that I know I’m not going to be good at unless there’s a real good reason. So this is one of the really the first things that really I had learned humbled me. Taught me, you got to crawl first, right? Baby steps, yeah.
Clay: Exactly. I like that is, well, I guess I can’t say this with any sort of evidence. But if there’s one of very few things that’s almost guaranteed to humble anyone, no matter where you come from, in life, how smart you are. It’s going to be the markets. The markets are, they’re cruel but they’re also very fair because they don’t care anything about you.
They don’t care, your height, your ethnicity, where you live, how much you make, what your education level is, I mean they treat everybody just the same and they will crush everybody just the same and they love to serve up humble pie but I will say at least you approach it in a manner where it’s not like you throw in $10,000 of your life savings or anything like that and all of a sudden got absolutely crushed or anything.
So we’ll look at the glass as half full. So it sounds like you’re geared more towards in you’re thinking. You want to just do swing trading or I guess what is kind of the bigger picture type goal here? I mean, I know you want to avoid the whole manual labor stuff, but more so from just a trading perspective, type game plan. Do you see yourself waking up super early so you can day trader? Or you mainly want to just stick with more the swing trading or is this still a little too early to tell?
Marty: No, no, I know exactly what I want to do. And it’s day trade. I’d like to spend every minute in front of the computer on the trading stuff. It’s truly I’ve found a passion, right? And you’ve got to have it in this. Again when I first started, I couldn’t figure out I’m telling these people I’ve found a way you could make hundreds if not thousands of dollars a day. You got to put put forth the work and nobody I could see especially in my circle of friends and the people that are around me, I couldn’t figure out why nobody would want to do this, right?
Then I started getting into the CTU and I don’t want to say that it’s simple, but there’s just key things that you need to be doing to make it work and once you get those points, I believe. It all comes together. But it takes a ton of work and time. You need to put into it. I like hard work or whatever. But this is a completely different type of hard work. It’s still mentally straining but it doesn’t feel like a minute of work, because I enjoy it so much, I guess.
Clay: That makes sense to me. I mean, I always try to live by the line my dad told me was like, “Hey, if you find some…” I think it’s a famous quote out there maybe my dad read it from whoever said it, but, “If you find something you love to do, then you’ll never work another day in your life.” So I totally know what you’re saying and that makes perfect sense. But you’re right, it is hard work. But it’s a weird type of hard work because, and correct me if I’m wrong, but hopefully as you’re going through the classes and learning.
It’s not like it’s complicated. There’s just small pieces and each piece is pretty basic when you break it down the right way. It’s like okay, yeah, that makes sense. Okay, no calculus, no algebra, no trigonometry required. It is what it is. But the quote unquote hard part comes in.
First, you need to make sure that you have all those small, pretty simplistic pieces, but then you also have to know how to kind of put them together. Are you finding that’s kind of how it’s coming together for you? Where nothing is hard, per say but it’s just making sure you have all those pieces?
Marty: Yeah, exactly what I was trying to say there, thanks. You hit the nail on the head there. Yeah.
Clay: And that’s where, as somebody that’s coming from, I mean, I’m also coming from the free education route when it comes to trading but I’m also biased because I’m the seller of the classes but from somebody that is not biased, because you do not get any sort of compensation at all. I mean, do you find that that is what makes the free education route so difficult is sure the pieces are easy, sure the pieces are simplistic, but when you have so much stuff out there and you don’t know what you don’t know, first off, how do you even know if that’s the right piece? And then second, even if you know you give yourself the benefit of doubt and say that you collect all the right pieces, then that still assumes that you need to put all those pieces together accurately. Is that pretty much kind of your quote unquote hindsight learning as far as the free information route. Do you think that was probably what was causing a stumble the most?
Marty: Yeah, exactly. And then not even. So I knew it was free information. And I knew some of it was bogus. And some of it wasn’t. It was trying to sort to which wasn’t and being confident that I knew what I was doing with it. It definitely wasn’t, right? It didn’t have all the pieces. CTU really opened my eyes mate.
I knew there was going to be a lot of material and I that’s what I wanted. I wanted tons of hours but nobody can really prepare you how much is actually in there. The course material is there and there’s a lot of it there too but just everything else with the webinars. Just getting into your personal trade journeys. Like I’ve been watching those on YouTube, right? And then but when you actually break it down in your personal journal there or your trade journal, it’s completely different.
Clay: I’m a little bit more, I’m kind of… I’m pretty stingy on YouTube, aren’t I? When you actually compare-
Marty: Hey, Clay you should be man. It’s a fair price and for what you get it is extremely good price. Hey guys. You just put the price increase and I was like two days. Remember I was the T-minus 10 guy?
Clay: Oh, that’s what it is. Yes.
Marty: Yeah. There we go.
Clay: This whole time I was thinking, this guy sounds really really familiar and I know I’ve dealt with him. You’re the T-minus guy and wasn’t there a problem. There was like it got to the minus time and then you had a little hiccup or something?
Marty: Yeah, well I was, I found my-
Clay: Oh you’re that. Well that why it… Because I thought you were bogus. Here we go another guy he’s talking with the T-minus and then it gets to zero and you didn’t even do anything but Oh, yes. Now this [inaudible 00:44:28]. Your that Marty.
Marty: … Yeah, It shows Eddie Shanks in the chat room, Eddie Shanks.
Clay: Yes. That’s all crystal clear now. The light bulb has gone off. You’re that person that was doing the T-minus and I did, I’ll fully admit I thought you were bogus. Because right it hit and then you disappeared for a while, right?
Marty: Oh, yeah. And I was like, well, what happened was I filed my taxes and because I only worked a short portion of the year up north. I had amazing good tax returns. So I knew I was getting CTU and I could have got it transferred that day for an extra cost or whatever. Otherwise, I could get it mailed and then seven to 10 days or whatever. So that was my seven to 10 days and then there was a long weekend. A four day weekend or whatever. Fell right in the middle of it. So it put me past the T-minus. You know what I was thinking off, I was like, oh great now those guys think of me I was just another Joe Blow out there.
Clay: [crosstalk 00:45:28]
Marty: [inaudible 00:45:29]
Clay: I did. I thought I was like, “Oh man he was a big talker for sure.” And then yeah, that’s funny. You just did an account for the goofy weekend in the middle of everything. But I’m glad that you were able to pull the trigger. That’s funny. Well to that Marty and now I’m talking to that Marty on the podcast. That’s some good stuff, and you’ve definitely attended. Oh, back to the original point though about the live trade videos. And what Marty is saying is part of the university or part of the trading packages I do.
I have a journal, and part of this journal is just kind of random videos. And one of them is like if I see something occurring for a live trade, I’ll get into a live trade. And I realized as a listener, you’d be like, “Well, yeah, but you do live trades on YouTube.” But yes, the live trades on YouTube. I am very, very stingy on the details. I don’t really give any details at all. But as Marty was alluding to, within the trade journal, I go over each and every thought why I’m doing what I’m doing, what I’m looking for, why I’m thinking certain things.
I mean that’s just kind of one of those differences is, okay, why would I ever do that to the program when I can just watch a live trade video on YouTube? Well, that’s why because I’m much more detailed. But that also brings to the broader point of, please, and I just saw it a couple days ago in the comments section, “Hey, Clay I’ve been watching these live trade videos and doing your strategy and it’s working. And yeah, thanks.” And I just had to link these people to a video where I’m like, please realize that these are not educational videos these are. And I always use the analogy.
It’s like if you’re to watch the Discovery Channel or something like that, and you see them doing some sort of surgery, that is not a how to video on how to do surgery, that’s just a hey, this is what surgery looks like. This is how you know you perform it. This is how it works in the real world. But this is not like how to in terms of hey, now you’re ready to go and perform surgery. The same is true for the live trades on YouTube. They are videos in terms of what trading looks like. Kind of how it works in a general sense, but they’re not meant as like a how to video. Okay, I’ve watched a bunch of these now I’m ready to go and do the guy’s strategy.
I assure you, I promise you, you do not understand, you do not get all the details and the things that truly matter within my strategy just by watching those videos. And I try to always make that as transparent as possible through a video up. In fact, the video I’m talking about is linked in the description section to every single one of those live trade videos, right? I try to offer up a warning. Hey, just remember this as far as these videos are concerned and as I’m ranting and raving about it right now, please fair warning there’s a, don’t watch those live trade videos and then thank you understand my strategy or think you know how to trade.
Yes, you know what trading looks like. Yes, you know what can be accomplished. But there’s a, you would never go and start performance surgery on somebody because you saw a surgery on the Discovery Channel. The same is true here. But good, I’m glad that you discovered that the journal and you’re enjoying that. And I know that you’ve been on a lot of the live webinars. So as far as your chart is concerned, I mean, if I were sitting next to you what would I see on your chart? Have you located a couple favorite indicators or are you trying to keep it simplistic but if I’m sitting next to you and I were to look at your chart, what would I see?
Marty: Yeah, that’s still real working in progress. I think I’m ready now to start paper trading and the next thing is to start putting aside some money to fund the account. I basically plan to start swing trading the newsletters just picking a strategy from the toolbox of the CTU and implementing it. I feel I learn best. I’ve been through all the strategies and took notes on them. I printed out all the the stuff written at the beginning there. Like the pages and pages drawing support and resistance and trend lines. So I’m just going to go to the toolbox and I’m basically going to start with exactly what you do Clay and how you recommend that you do it in those strategies.
I’m not sure which one I’m going to start with. I like the trampoline one there but yeah, just start swing trading, but ideally I want to be… I feel I got a high tolerance to risk. I really got to be careful with that when I get funded but it will benefit me one day as long as it doesn’t ruin me before it does, right?
Clay: Well, you’ve taken a big step, you’re at least self aware to the fact where you’re admitting that to yourself. The worst would be you have a high tolerance for risk, yet you’re somehow tricking yourself into thinking, well, by nature, I’m very conservative, and by nature, I’ll be, but I mean, you’re just flat out saying, “Hey, I have a high tolerance for risk. But I’m not going to look at that and say, therefore, I’m going to be a good… You’re actually being very cautious.” So from an outsider just listening in to hear you talk, at least yourself aware, and that’s a big step. As far as trading is concerned.
The last thing you want to do is not try to make yourself feel better, or try to deceive yourself because you’re like, well, I don’t have to worry about that. So therefore, I’m just going to tell myself that, it’ll be okay. So I mean in that regard. And I guess I mean, I would assume that a lot of the oil patch, that’s higher risk type work, isn’t it?
Marty: Yeah, it was a Derrick hand, so I was 27 meters in the air or throwing joints of pipe there for a long time. It’s high risk, yeah when you look at it that way for sure. And-
Clay: So I may have.
Marty: … Driving. A lot of driving on the roads and that’s one of the most dangerous things we do in the oil patch just because we spend so much time out there and the roads are what they are up there and yeah it’s risky for sure.
Clay: I bet that has piqued my curiosity. What do you mean the roads up there. Are they just not paved and you’re driving… I mean, what makes the roads so risky?
Marty: Well, completely here in BC we got mountains, rivers, trees and the roads are really windy and steep in some spots. Up when you start getting out east it gets flatter and less mountains. You get on the other side of the Rockies and Alberta there and its flat. You can dive straight for miles dead flat. So you’d think that that would be good roads to travel on, but then you throw a blizzard in or something they got up there or other people in the road.
I’ve been out there on the road where you can’t see two feet in front of you in the truck. You’re pulled over on the side of the road waiting for the blizzard to clear, right? Because it’ll actually blow the back truck around on the road. And then there’s so many other people out there it just makes it the most dangerous thing that we do. And I worked for Schlumberger which is a big company here in Canada and the US, right?
Clay: Ticker SLB.
Marty: That’s right. I actually, I guess thinking back I did own some stocks because I was part of their program. They had one of the best for companies that I’ve worked for anyway, investment program. If you did what they said to you to do you retire a millionaire in 25 years there and there was guys who’ve been there over 25 years that stated that was true. Their savings had made them millions just from doing their Schlumberger retirement package or whatever it was they had laid out but it had to do with stocks to.
You could buy the stocks on a discount at a certain time of year or whatever. I didn’t do that, but I wish I did now.
Clay: When I was with Honeywell, I mean, that’s one of the things that got me to want to leave the workforce was Honeywell, same thing. I was surrounded by guys that were there for 30, 40 years and Honeywell stock has gone up like 2500% over the past 30 years or something crazy like that. So yeah, sitting around a bunch of millionaires. But the guys were grumpy and complaining all the time and bitter. It’s just like, I mean, that’s great. But, I mean, is it really going to be worth it if I’m a millionaire one day, but sitting around like these guys, so I’m like, I got to get out of here.
So that was kind of my little side story of what pushed me into the market. But also, yeah, I mean, to give credit where credit’s due though, the bigger companies, they definitely offer some good, stock based programs where if you take advantage of it, and you’re there long enough. I mean, there’s no such thing as a guarantee. So it’s not really a matter of when but there’s a high likelihood that yeah, it’s almost a matter of when you will actually become a millionaire but I digress in terms of that.
So maybe you’d mentioned this and I missed it. But I know you want to get involved with the newsletter and real quick Marty part of the program that he subscribed to you get, I send out a weekly newsletter every weekend with certain set ups. So that’s what he’s referring to in regards to that. do you have any goals with that? Do you want to take an amount from one level and grow it to another level? Or I guess maybe the better way to structure this question is, how are you going to know or how are you going to be able to gauge when you want to actually jump more so into the day trading, which as you’ve already told us, is your end goal.
I mean, is there some sort of metric you’re using? Because right now, like you said, there’s going to be more so not necessarily day trading per say, but just using some of those newsletter type strategies? So does that question make sense? How do you know when you’re going to want to transition over to being more of a kind of down in the trenches type day trading?
Marty: Yeah, and that’s still open for tweaking here but I found when I was trading live, I was down on the one, two minute time frames. Everything was moving too fast date. So I think if I back off into like, maybe start at the daily timeframe and swing trade it and then I think I will be sitting there paper trading the two minutes or five minutes or whatever but I really, I don’t know maybe you can guide me where I should go from here.
I get a funded account and I’m looking to put about $5,000 Canadian in there, which puts me just over the second multiplier or whatever with the broker that I use, right? So it gives gives me that that extra bit of margin and yeah. Eventually I would like to be able to just get up in the morning, trade for a few hours, take Kaylee to school, go to the gym, play on the lake. There’s a lot of people I don’t know up here especially few people in my life just retired and they found they want to go back to work because they can’t find anything to do and that’s just not me, right?
I have to find a million things to do and a lot of them probably would end up being hard work. I like to build stuff and I’m good with my hands and I don’t mind picking up a shovel here or there either and I really enjoy the woodworking stuff but I would rather just have a hobby shop in the back or after I was done my trading I could go out and do my woodworking. Maybe build toys for kids or something and give them away, right?
I enjoy it. I just don’t want to be doing it for a living and most of all another thing that got me thinking about this is Kaylee, she’s four now. I got lots of skills in many different areas, but not a lot that are going to help a young girl starting out into the world, right? There’s not a lot of things that I could teach her about nor do I want her to work in the oil patch.
She’s going to be way smarter than that. I would think no disrespect to any people in the oil patch. But it’s just a whole different life that I would hope for her, right? And so to try and teach her something that maybe she’d be interested in. Eventually, when I can trade full time and I have some extra time I’d like to learn how to code which is so far away from what I know and what I have been known to be good at.
It’s just completely way out in center field. But so was this trading thing when I first started going. I remember when I first started listening to these podcasts, I was like, yo, maybe one day I’d be on there and it was, I don’t want chew your boat to. I was almost like you’re a kind of a celebrity. I was looking up to you and your guests. I was like, man, that’s really what I want to be doing and some hard work and some discipline and a year or two later and here I am, right? Looking [crosstalk 00:58:28].
Clay: Here you are not finding out how much of a not celebrity I am. So I mean, congratulations. But to go back to your point you mentioned, if I could offer any guidance, and I think the biggest thing I could say is you’ll know when you should be day trading when you can look at a chart and just, I don’t want to say within seconds because that’ll come but that’s not going to be the requirement for you to give day trading a try but you should be able to look at the faster moving time frames. The one minute, the two minute, the five minute, whatever you choose to use and use them in combination with one another, and be able to look and see what’s going on and immediately be able to put together a trade plan.
And until you can really do that, then you’re just not ready. And I don’t say that in a bad way. But that’s kind of a good gauge where until you can flat out look at something and then within almost not to pat myself on the back. But I mean, I can look at a chart and boom, boom, boom, yep, that’s what’s going on. That’s the pattern, I would like to do that. And this is all happening within just a few seconds. And again, I’m not saying you need to reach that level. But if you want to day trade, your chart vision, your understanding needs to be almost at a boom, boom, boom type thing. And until then, you’re just not quite ready and it’s a matter of just continuing to watch more charts form and take shape and that but that would be the kind of the first guideline that I would say as well.
Can you actually put together a logical trade plan in a very quick amount of time because that’s what would be required from the day trading perspective. Does that makes sense?
Marty: Yeah, it sure does and I’m working on that already in the webinars. The first webinar I went to before I got into the CTU. Man you’re asking for the trade plan, I couldn’t even get it typed it in time into the box. Like I just had no idea, all right. I couldn’t get it typed in enough time to get it. But since I’ve been going there and now that I’ve been through the CTU, there’s just a million times different, right? So yeah.
Clay: So you’re making progress. And that’s because I was going to say your first time on a webinar without going through any of the classes, your description. That sounds pretty good. You couldn’t even type quick enough and let’s be honest, probably what you’re typing anyways, was probably not even right to begin with. But I mean, so good. Yeah, and that’ll… You’re clearly in an uptrend. So I would just say follow the trend that you’re in and it’ll be like I said, when you can start to recognize those things in a good rapid amount of time. And I’m like, oh yeah, it would make sense now to try to dabble in with some actual day trading. So I’m glad that made sense.
Marty: Yeah, I think I’m going to start spending some more time in the chat rooms just watching what everybody’s doing, watching what people who know what they’re doing, are doing, right? Or are making an effort to know what they’re doing.
Clay: And here’s the cool thing about that is now that you are much more educated, you will be able to quickly recognize, all right, that person knows what they’re doing, that person is going about it the right way. That person acts like they may know what they’re doing, but they’re saying some goofy things that don’t actually make sense because I actually know what does make sense now. So that’s always the power of knowledge is, yeah, to your point, you could go into not only, I mean any chat room now and you’d be able to quickly start to identify, okay, that person is just full of hot air. Oh, that person actually is talking some sense so I should probably pay attention to that. But to kind of circle back I fully agree with that game plan maneuver of getting involved in the chat room and start not necessarily like you said talk, but just start to observe. I think that would help you out quite a bit.
Well, I’m looking at the time and we’re almost at an hour. I don’t know where the time went, but it went somewhere. And I want to try to keep these right around an hour. So we’ll move into. I mean, did you have any final remarks or anything that you want to throw out there?
Marty: Yeah, just I somehow I jumped over the trading challenge in amongst before I funded the live account, I did it one of those trading challenges. And absolutely, I just wanted to note to listeners that it was not the best thing for me or now looking back, I don’t think it would be good for anybody but it was definitely instilling bad habit, right? I just didn’t want to jump over that because that was a key thing to me that kind of threw another screw into the pumpers, right? To me, that trading challenge was all part of the pumpers now, looking back.
Clay: Thank you for bringing that up, because oh man, that is a crucial, crucial point that I see all the time. And, again, one of those situations where on the surface, I mean, why wouldn’t you. It’s a competition. It’s a way to get better. And I’m assuming Marty, this was some sort of simulation. So you didn’t have any real money on the line, right?
Marty: No, I did not.
Clay: Where did it come from? Where did you or how did you get involved with that? I’m curious.
Marty: Just social media, I think, right? And then links and then yeah, I started talking with them, and then you couldn’t shake them, right? He’s like, “Oh, we’ll just try it.” And totally trying to sell the course material. I actually finally told them, I was played the first few times and I was still played, but I told him that I was investing in my education, but I wouldn’t be with them, right? And that was the end of it.
Clay: Okay, so this was a company, it was some sort of marketing thing then where they wanted to bring people in as part of a competition?
Marty: Oh, yeah, it’s big and it’s still going on right now. Just don’t want to say any names, but it’s onE of the big ones.
Clay: Okay, so the whole idea is, hey, come trade on our simulator or something like that and it’s a big competition. Is that basically kind of how it set up?
Marty: Yeah. And if you make such and such by this and that will give you a funded account.
Clay: Okay, all right, perfect. So what we just described, “Hey, come train on the simulator. It’s, there’s no risk to you. But if you do very well, then we’re going to give you a funded account.” On the surface again, okay, yeah, so I mean that sounds great. But when you have no risk involved, meaning you can’t lose. I mean, you can lose money but it’s all fake money. But yet you’re striving for, well, if I do really well though, and when I say if I can do X by Y. And if I can meet some sort of parameters out there, well then I’m going to get a funded account. So why wouldn’t I maybe go a little bit big, because who cares if I go big and I’m wrong, I don’t have any risk anyways, I just don’t get the funds that account but whatever.
That’s the same spot I’m in right now anyways. But think about what you’re actually doing. Now of sudden, you’re trading in ways, you’re behaving in ways, you’re viewing the market in ways that are not realistic, that are not going to build good habits, because in the big picture, when there actually is money on the line, and you do feel that risk because well, now it’s not virtual money. Those bad habits are going to show up and you are going to notice that wow, trading is much different than what it was during that competition, when I was striving for some sort of reward, but there was no punishment. There was no risk for my reckless behavior.
So definitely, I fully agree with Marty’s take. Don’t even, it didn’t work out for him. It doesn’t work out for anybody. Trading competitions are the absolute worst on the surface, they sound great. But all they do is build bad habits because you’re competing to win. And we as humans, we like to win. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. I’m all for it. Be competitive want to win. But if you are trying to win via a backdrop of no risk of no consequences for your actions, other than the consequence being well, I didn’t win, but oh, well I’ll just move on with my life. That’s a perfect recipe to just form bad habits. So as I rant and rave and continue to go on, Marty, thank you for definitely bringing that up, because that is a valid, valid point that it just does more harm than good.
It builds bad habits, and not that bad habits can’t be broken. But I think I speak for you, Marty, and everybody else, and I’ll speak for myself. I’d rather just not even have a bad habit in the first place that needs to be broken. So sure, they can be broken but let’s skip over that hurdle in the first place. But any other talking points, Marty? Because that last one was actually really good that I’m glad you didn’t skip over.
Marty: Yeah, well, just and anybody listening to do with the podcast, I was debating on whether or not I should write out a little timeline, like I mentioned at the beginning, and I wish I would have done that now to try and keep some focus. I was all over the road there. So I think I would do that a little bit differently next time, which hopefully I’ll be back one day to do it again differently.
Clay: No, you didn’t write down a timeline. So I’ve never invited you back, Marty. You screwed up.
Marty: Screwed up, yeah.
Clay: No, that’s perfectly fine. And I’m glad that this was pretty easy, right? I mean, minus the your one regret is not jotting down notes, but besides that, I mean, good time, hopefully halfway fun.
Marty: Yeah, no, no it was a great time and I’ve been looking forward to it. So long [inaudible 01:07:43]comes that was a bit nervous too and as the day came up, a bit more nervous but not as soon as I heard your voice, it was sounded like I was back in the shower, or I’ve been hearing your voice everywhere for months, right? So I guess it was a little bit of comfort. It’s just yeah, I wish I had some structure of the… So I didn’t jump back and forth from point to point.
Clay: Well, I don’t know at some, it’s a fine line because at one point, you don’t want to risk sounding robotic and all scripted. So I mean, but I also I get where you’re coming from maybe a little structure, but at the end of the day, I mean, if people had a problem with it, well, then they can go and I don’t know, go listen to something else because it’s not like they paid to listen any of this and it’s just somebody taking time out of their day to share their experience. But no, from what I can tell the listeners of the podcast, I’m in there a solid group of people. I’ve never once heard anybody complain about anybody because I think everybody realizes that none of these guests proclaimed to be… Like you didn’t show up saying that you’re some Wall Street hot shot trader or anything like that, but alright, we’ll let’s move it.
Last question here before we move to the fun questions. If you were given the time machine and you could go back to some point at the beginning of your journey, and give yourself, one bit of advice what would that advice be?
Marty: Education. I would just start from a clean slate. No free stuff. I guess the free stuff brings you to find the proper education. You need to find the right education. For me it was definitely CTU. I just wish I would have done that back when my stepdad was telling me that they were fancy suits and jump out of windows.
Clay: I still commend you for being able to get over that mental hurdle that had events scarring. Oh the market no, that’s for people wear expensive price or clothes that just jumped out a windows. But that’s actually a pretty… That one will stand out for a while in terms of people’s initial first impressions. They wear fancy suits and they jumped out of windows. Alrighty then. That’s a quick little description. But as for the fun questions now, Marty I mean, I assume they play movies up there in Canada, but what is your favorite movie?
Marty: Yeah. I’ve been thinking about that. And I’ve watched just a million of them when I was working in the oil patch. I had lots of time, the different jobs that I work. One was a lot of standby time there at the end when I moved up in the oil patch, tons of movies. I really like more documentaries and stuff like that now, but the favorite one when I was a kid which just stands out was Tango & Cash. I remember watching that tons of times and now I don’t even know if it’s a good movie, but I liked it when I was like 10 so.
Clay: There you go. It’s hard to go wrong with the movies like from then, because even if you watch them nowadays, it’s very hard to be like that movie is actually not that good because I think you almost want to… The nostalgia takes over and I don’t think movies from your childhood can ever go bad even if they are bad. You’ll never admit it to yourself. So I think that’s always a safe choice. What about food? What do you like to eat food wise?
Marty: I like lasagna, would be my first, and Greek salad.
Clay: I think we’ve had lasagna. I don’t think we’ve ever had Greek salad. So awesome. Always good to get new food items. So fantastic. And then finally, if you could travel, I’ll throw a little curve ball because I don’t ask this one but it’s written down on our little outline that I always try to follow. If you could travel to one place in the world where would it be?
Marty: No, there you go away. Man I am really fond of where I live. I live in the Okanagan Valley in BC and we got of course beautiful seasons. I really think it’s the best place to live in the world. But to travel I’d have to go to someplace exotic, maybe Yeah. I don’t know Turks and Caicos.
Clay: Okay, I thought you’re going to say Detroit or something like that for exotic but all right.
Marty: Yeah. What?
Clay: No, I would like to get down there to. The nice blue water and all that good stuff, so I’m with you there. And then final question, Marty, three words. And these three words need to be what you would describe and associate with a successful trader, what it takes to be successful. So what would those three words be?
Marty: Discipline, patience, and educated.
Clay: I like it. I’ve heard all those before. But as I always say, when you start to hear the same things over and over again, maybe there’s just a little bit of truth to that commonality. But definitely, I can’t say that those are original words, but you know what, nobody’s really here to be original. They’re here to just say what it is and I’ve heard many people use those. So those are some good solid words and with that will bring this to a close Marty.
So thank you very much for again A, volunteering and then B, taking over an hour out of your day to be here. So I really appreciate it.
Marty: Yeah, I’m just glad to be here. It was a good time.
Clay: Perfect. And just despite your lack of writing things down, I would definitely love to have you back as a guest. So for your listeners out there, definitely stick around you’ll be hearing from Marty again at some point in the future. So Marty thank you again for hanging out.
Marty: Thank you Clay and thanks for everything you’ve done for me so far. You’ve really pulled me through the last education hurdle and put me on the right path where I believe was the future.
Clay: Awesome. Well, if I’m ever up in BC you got to just promise to take me through the woods or something like that, because I do hear it’s pretty nice up there. So can we at least agree on that?
Marty: Now, we should have a meetup, up here.
Clay: We should man. I would that-
Marty: Yeah.
Clay: … Don’t get my mind spinning right now, Marty. I got enough things now. But that would actually be fun because I bet I know that area up or that part of the world is, I’m going to say part of the country but that’s not out west. But out west, as in the northern West, but cool Marty. Well, thank you again. And we’ll be in touch for sure. And like I said, to the listeners, Marty will be back. But before you go to listeners, there’s a final few things.
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Announcer: This has been the stock trading reality podcast. Thanks for taking the time to hang out. To learn more about Clay and the ClayTrader community, including the trading team, premium training and more, visit

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