• My November Trading Results. Gambling? Go HERE
  • See My Huge Winning Streak In This Class
  • All Of My Streams Of Income – See HERE
  • How Dan Made 19k In 1 Day! See HERE

As someone who has been day trading stocks online since around 2006, there is no greater pet peeve I have than when people say “the stock market is gambling”. Can some people treat the stock market as their personal casino? Absolutely! Does that ‘actually’ mean the stock market is gambling? Absolutely not! I want to show you some of my real life trading results, not to brag, but rather to demonstrate how the stock market is not random and pure chance. Things that are pure chance and totally random would never allow for the results you will see in the video. While there is no such thing as a perfect trader who makes money on every single trade they make, it is certainly possible to develop a day trading strategy that allows for you to be consistent with your results. I hope these day trading results show you that using the stock market (wisely that is) is a great way to generate some extra income as a job or simply a side hustle. Let’s take a look at my past 20 trading days.

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