The fastest way to find success as a day trader is to understand these five facts about day trading. Each of these facts plays a huge role in determining your understanding of the market and how you need to behave as a trader. When you keep these facts as the central piece of any day trading strategy, you will be able to develop rules and systems that make sense and then, in the grand scheme of it all, make you money! I have been trading for over 15 years and I don’t say that because it automatically makes me a good trader, rather, I say it because I have done many dumb things over my career and am well versed in the stupidity a trader can allow to happen. However, when you focus on these five facts about day trading, they will assist you in avoiding the many dumb things traders can do and keep you pointed in the direction of discipline and rational decision making. And no worries, if you are someone who hates being lectured or educated “in theory”, there will be none of that here. I use some of my personal day trading results to illustrate exactly what I mean! Learn these five facts and you are setting yourself up on a solid ground for finding success and making money as a trader!

Previous Month’s Results – See It HERE

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