I realize there is a cult following surrounding Cathie Woods, so I’m sure there will be quite a bit of hate on this video, but it is what it is. If I were to describe a certain situation leaving Cathie Wood’s name out of it, odds are you would say in regards to the situation, “oh yeah, that sounds like a total pumper!” This is exactly what we have here with some of Cathie Wood’s most recent actions. I understand it is easy to soak in the lime light when everything is going well and all your hot stock picks are going up; however, how do you behave when things start to go down? I realize no one can be right all the time and that there is no such thing as a perfect trader or investor, but there is a big difference in how you handle yourself when things are going bad. In my opinion Cathie Woods has chosen the pathway that any typical pumper on social media or Reddit would do. What choice did she make? Let’s talk about it in this video with a recently released article…

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