I’m not going to even try and hide it. I am insanely frustrated and annoyed with the social media sites and their “we don’t care about our customer” policies. Namely, Facebook and Instagram. If you are not aware, there is an ongoing scam going on where people create fake “ClayTrader” profiles and accounts and then they to get the unsuspecting to send them money. I know. I know. Who would fall for that? Well, as you’ll see, sadly some people do and it seems that neither Facebook or Instagram care too much to make even the slightest of changes that could help prevent it from happening. So yes, I do quite a bit of ranting in this video, but if this can prevent even just one person from falling into the hands of the scammers, then my time has been well spent. Please be aware! I will not message you first and I will never send you a link to ANYTHING other than claytrader.com (or something at the site itself). If someone from Facebook or Instagram happens to watch this, can you please consider making a few small changes that will drastically help in preventing this scams from continuing…

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