Get WeBull Charts (and free stock) – CLICK HERE

Let’s talk about how I set up my WeBull charts for trading. Oftentimes as a beginner day trader you simply want someone to walk you through, step-by-step, how to set up a chart so you can get started trading without feeling absolutely overwhelmed. That’s my goal with this video. Let me show you how I set up my charts in a clean and direct way so that the worry of being visually overwhelmed is greatly decreased! I’ve been trading for well over a decade now and I can say with full confidence that a clean and simplified chart helps me way more than a technical chart with lines and indicators all over the place. Am I saying my way is the only way? No! Am I saying my way will get you started with a chart set up that won’t overwhelm you? Yes! If you like the look of my charts in the live day trading videos I do, this video will show you how to set them up in that exact same way!

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