• See Part 2 HERE
  • This Video Was Taken From This Online Course I Offer – CLICK HERE

Choosing a college is one of the biggest life decisions a person can make. The sad and scary thing about this process is that, for the most part, it occurs for young people who still have an entire life to live. If you want to give yourself a chance at building wealth and being in full control of your personal finances, your college decision will play a huge role in it. It does not take very long of reading headlines to realize how much of a problem student loan debt is in the United States. One of the quickest ways to hinder wealth building is debt, so the logical step would be to avoid massive student loan debt. In this video I share with you the strategy you should be using when choosing a college. Not only will this strategy help you in choosing a worthwhile major to degree in, but it will also ensure that you are not drowning in debt when you graduate. The best way to make a wise choice is to have a practical strategy to assist you, and that’s what this video is all about. Let’s make sure you are putting yourself on a pathway to have financial freedom instead of drowning in student loan debt like so many people in today’s society.

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