The longer you have day trades stocks online, the more you realize that every morning can greatly vary. Some mornings you struggle to even find a single stock trade set-up that fits into your day trade strategy. Other mornings, it’s a situation where it seems no matter where you look, you continue to find worthwhile trades to take. In this video of my personal real life day trading stock results, it was a very active morning. I located a few stocks and these stocks offered up several opportunities to “take a trade”. Here’s the tricky part about being a day trader though. Just because you like a set-up and decide to make a trade, does not mean it will actually be a winning trade. There are no guarantees in the stock market and some days stocks that “look great” end up costing you money. Was that the case here? Sure, I made four trades in 30 minutes; however, did I actually make money on them? I’m certainly not going to tell you that here! Come on the journey with me and take a look at what it’s truly like to day trade stocks online!

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