Thinking of investing into some of Cathie Wood funds through her line-up of Ark Invest? For you longer time members, you already know where this is all headed, but goodness… she’s making it too easy! Cathie Wood recently revealed another confession about her strategy and recent results. I had to read the headline multiple times in order to ensure I read it correctly. I couldn’t believe what she admitted! I’m not a very smart person and what she was admitting to was something I was talking about (all documented on past YouTube videos) over a year ago. I don’t say this to brag, because the dots I connected were very basic. You would think someone who is managing millions upon millions of dollars of other people’s money would be able to connect those same dots, but apparently, she didn’t. Anyways, the short answer is… NO, I don’t believe you should be investing into her products due to her lack of wisdom and ability to connect basic dots. If you want more reasoning, then be sure to watch the video!

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