One of the most common questions I get from beginners and those people new to the stock market is in regards to time. More specifically, they wonder if learning how to day trade stocks online as a strategy to make money would be worth their time? That is a difficult question to answer as we all value our time differently, so instead of me trying to broadly answer the question, I want to show you some of my personal online day trading stock results and let you be the judge. On this particular day, I “worked” for 10 minutes as a day trader before making the decision to move on with my day and do other things. This is my favorite part about being a day trader and day trading stocks online, you can live the life you want to with maximum freedom of time. So, in 10 minutes how much money did I make? Would this amount of money be worth your time to learn day trading as a side hustle? Let’s find out…

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