I love being a day trader and day trading stocks and options online; however, as is the case with anything worthwhile, there’s always downsides. One of the downsides in the world of day trading is the fact that the markets offer zero guarantees. Because of this, you need to be prepared for the days where you just can’t seem to do anything quite right. You need to be prepared for the days where your day trading strategy has been working so well, and then all of a sudden, it’s like sand gets into the gears. One lesson I hope you learn from this real life day trading video is simple: day trading is difficult. It certainly has some amazing attributes that are mind blowing when you stop and think about it, but it also comes with the requirement of being able to take a punch to the face. The other lesson I want you to learn is that just because you experience the type of day you’ll see in the video, it does not mean you are doing anything wrong or that your strategy is broken. There is no perfect trader and strategy (due to the markets offering no guarantee), so just stay strong and fight through the rough days.

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