The quicker you realize that you will lose money as a day trader, the quicker you’ll begin to build an honest perspective on the stock market. As nice as it would be to always make money as a day trader, that’s not even close to the reality of the matter. I’ll be the first to admit it may not be the most enjoyable topic to discuss, but it is without question, the most important concept: losing money! I understand! From a marketing and sale’s pitch perspective, it’s better to talk about and show how much money can be made. If you want to have any chance at success as a day trader and make money, you need to learn how to lose money. While I’m aware this statement seems to be totally contradictory, within the world of risk management, it makes total sense. To circle back to my original point, “talking risk management” is one of the most boring topics within learning how to trade, but it must be mastered! Anyone can score a winning trade, but, can what about when you’re wrong about a trade? How will you handle that? Let me show you what I mean with some of my personal day trading stock and option results that I captured on video.

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