One of the awesome parts about being a day trader and trading stocks online is the opportunity it gives you to make money from wherever you are (assuming you have internet access). However, the annoying part about being a day trader are the times where you make a wrong decision. I mean let’s be honest, who actually “enjoys” being wrong? Not me! Here is the other awesome thing about being a day trader, when you have a valid trading strategy and know how to manage a trade, you can be wrong with your thoughts, yet, still walk away from the stock trade you made with extra money in your pocket. This is why taking day trading seriously and learning how to trade with methods that work is so important. If you are just randomly making trades, you will at best get random and breakeven results. On the other hand, if you have a true trading strategy then you will not always be right, but you can still be wrong and make money. How cool is that? Let me show you what I mean with some of my personal day trading results.

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