One of the biggest struggles I had as a beginner trader when I was just starting in the stock market with day trading was confidence. While you certainly need to be confident in general as a day trader if you want any chance to make consistent money online, it is also extremely important to know when to have “conviction confidence” within a trading strategy. One of the reasons why developing a stock trading strategy and system that fits into your personal risk tolerance is so that you can have well defined trade set-ups that you know you should be extra confident in. I fully admit that these are just words and theory right now, so instead of trying to explain what I mean by this, let me show you some of my personal trading results. In the video you will see I locate a stock trade set-up that I truly love, so I decide to make certain decisions within the context of my overall strategy. How did the day trade play out? Let’s see what happens and do some learning!

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