I am now a father of five kids and my newborn, Kit, decided to do some trading with me. Well, kind of. She just happened to be in the same room I was while I did some trades which created an interesting situation from a “video creation” standpoint. I can 100% agree with you that maybe I was unwise to try and create a video given the circumstances, but at this point in time, it is what it is. The good news is, when you have a valid day trading strategy and have faith in it, things can be a bit goofy, however, you can be okay. I will say though, I have learned my lesson from this video and can say with full confidence, that next time I’m in this situation, I more likely than not will not be choosing to make a video – haha! As mentioned earlier, this was probably a poor choice on my end, but given I chose to press the “record” button, I need to put the live day trading video on YouTube, so here it is!

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