I will be the first day trader to admit that it is very easy to get sucked into looking at big winning trades that score huge profits! It’s always fun and motivating to look at the stock market and know that there is huge opportunities to make great money. With that being said, we all need to remember that the true power of day trading and the stock market comes in the form of practical results. Our goal should be to find and build a trading strategy that gives us consistent and practical results. From time to time, we should absolutely want to get some larger wins; however, if you want to survive and maintain your day trading account, you need a strategy that will give you slow and steady returns. Will you be able to go buy yourself a private jet with the gains? No. Will you be able to accomplish some pretty awesome personal financial goals? Absolutely! In order to better illustrate this, let me walk you through a trade I made after having spent a mini-vacation with some friends.

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