The topic of managing risk as a day trader is not anywhere close to the top of the list of “fun topics to talk about for day trading success”, however, it should be #1 on that list. A a day trader and someone who helps people learn how to day trade stocks with profitable methods, I’m well aware that most people want to hear about how much money you can make online and focus purely on winning trades. Don’t get me wrong, I love to make money online as a day trader in the stock market, but if you are truly wanting to learn how to make consistent money as a trader, the topic of risk management is something you must learn. It’s easy to be a YouTube trader when you are winning, but when you have days that are pretty bumpy, it can be a bit more difficult. If you are looking for a real life look into what it can happen when you day trade stocks, then you will find great value in this video. Unfortunately you won’t always be making money on every day trade you make, but “why manage the risk?”, let me show you…

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