There are many methods available to use to make money as a day trader, but I want to share you with my favorite method. While this money making day trading method may sound evil (I guess it kind of is…), it’s just a matter of understanding the human emotions of other day traders in the market. One of the biggest challengers beginner day traders experience is struggling with “making sense” of situations. It’s hard to construct a logical trade plan when you are not exactly sure of the situation itself. By using the method I show you in the video, you will be able to have a much clearer understanding of the trading situation and therefore be able to give yourself a better probability money making trade plan. In order to illustrate this method, I use some of my personal day trading results so you can see how this method can be used (and works!) in the real world of day trading. Stop confusing yourself as a day trader and start bringing clarity to your trades with this method!

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