Naked shorts. FTD. Dark Pools. Have you heard of them? At the time of this video they are the main talking points of MEME stocks and short squeeze stock plays. They are getting a whole lot of hype, but in my opinion, way too much hype to the point of now being completed overrated. Let me be clear though. Are they real and do they play a role in how a stock trades and the results it generates? Yes. However, the impact and actual affects they have on a stock are way overblown and dramatized for the online culture to rally behind. By using some simple logic we can begin to see why people should calm down in their focus on these varying dynamics within the stock market. I’m all for traders and investor having passion to succeed and make money, but you need to be very careful that you do not allow your passion to spill over into the world of being unrealistic. It is our job as traders and investors to be aware of the many variables that exist within a trade idea and plan, but the plan can become very unstable and risky if our focus relies to heavily on certain areas and beliefs. Let me show you why naked shorts, FTD and dark pools are all quite overrated!

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