There are many ways to make money. Ever since the invention of the internet and then social media, there truly is no excuse when it comes to, “how can I make some extra money?”. If you are looking for a side hustle and need an idea to create additional streams of income into your personal finances, I have an idea for you. Who knows, maybe you have already heard of day trading and you are officially wondering, “should I become a day trader?”. Let me be very clear about this: day trading and making consistent money is no easy task. Is it possible? Yes. Are you going to learn the skill overnight or in a week? No! Along with this, I don’t know how you value your time, so whether or not becoming a day trader is a good side hustle idea for you is your decision. What I can do though is lay out a framework for you to build your decision from. In this video I will cover a couple of key components to help you in your choosing. How much money is needed to become a day trader? How much time will be required? How much money can you actually make? In what amount of time can it be made? I will be using some of my personal day trading results so you can see all of this in reality, not “in theory”. If you want a realistic view of what day trading as a side hustle can provide, then I’m confident this video will add value to your financial journey!

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