I want to cover an often times overlooked, but extremely important, stock market 101 topic that will have a huge impact on your overall success (or lack of). As a beginner day trader or swing trader who is just getting started in the stock market, I’m sure you’ve noticed that everywhere you look, people are offering trading groups, services, communities, etc. I would argue that being a member of a trading group is a great way to make money as it allows you an efficient way of scanning the markets. With that being said, there are also some big warnings that you need to keep an eye out for when searching out a trading group to join. The good news is, when you know what to look for and why it’s important, it’s extremely easy to do. If you are someone who enjoys talking “real world examples”, then this video will be for you. I will not be “talking in theory” the whole time, I’ll be using some stocks from my trading group that illustrate exactly what you should be paying attention to. You’ll also get to see a behind the scenes look into my trading groups and how it works.

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