Often times the world of day trading and online trading in general gets a bad reputation. Have you ever told someone you were a day trader or that you trade stocks, crpto, options, etc. online and the person then gives you a sideways look? Sure, maybe they don’t say it straight to your face, but you can tell they think you are some degenerate gambler who is being very… well, stupid… with your time and money. Every stopped to think where this reputation comes from? Why is there this stigma attached to people who are trying to make money online from trading? Thanks to YouTube’s allowing people to comment on videos, I’ve collected a very helpful data point in terms of the origins of this bad reputation and how it spreads. I wanted to go through a recent comment I had on one of my YouTube videos that I believe reveals quite a bit into the psychology of people who attempt to make money from day trading, and then what they probably tell other people. My main goal with this video is to inspire and motivate you to keep on grinding in your day trading pursuits. Even if you’ve come across someone who has made you feel like your goals are unobtainable, I want you to consider that maybe the reason this person is making you feel that way is because they’ve bumped into someone like you’re about to see in this comment who has warped their understanding of how day trading actually works.

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