So you have stumbled onto my site and this blog post. Great!

Assuming this is your first time here (or maybe you’ve just been on my site a few times), you’re probably feeling a bit skeptical about me and my services. I understand!

Sure I offer lots of free resources, but I also charge money for services, so I take no offense to your skepticism. To be honest, I absolutely embrace it because I love to turn skeptical stock traders into believers.

This past week, I received an email that literally put a smile onto my face. In short, this person was very skeptical of me and my services; however, after taking a leap of faith, they are now a firm believer in my private trading group along with the trading tools I teach.

The Start of the Skepticism

The first time I heard from this trader was via an email that you can see below. As you will read, they were very critical of me and my services, along with bluntly questioning what my true motivations were.

skeptical stock trader

The one thing I’ve learned from those traders who are skeptical is that there really isn’t anything you can do to “convince” them otherwise. They either just need to give it a try, or continue to be a skeptic without ever giving things a chance. With this concept in mind, you can see my email response.

My Response to the Skeptical Stock Trader

For the reasons explained above, I knew there was not anything I could say other than to refer them to my free library of live stock trade videos that show me trading.

The Skeptical Stock Trader… NO MORE!

Fast forward four months, and this very same trader has a whole new perspective on things. I need to note, my favorite part about the email below is the very first sentence.

Hey, just in case you don’t remember the first time I emailed you, there it is below.

This person then included the two emails I have already shown you. I find it honorable that not only did this trader admit to having been a big skeptic (and being wrong), but they also provided the original email correspondences.

Anyways… what does this new perspective look like?

Stock Trader Now a Believer

As you have read, this person is clearly happy they took the leap of faith and gave my services and educational training courses a chance.

A few notes regarding the above email and the “lingo” it uses…

  • Inner Circle = my private trading group service = info found HERE
  • PSSG = The Penny Stock Survival Guide video course = info found HERE
  • RT = Robotic Trading video course = info found HERE
  • L2 = Master Level 2 video course = info found HERE

Got Your Leaping Shoes Ready?

While I understand that this was only one instance of someone being happy with what I offer at my site, I assure you, there are many more testimonials from other traders.

Take a few minutes and read some more testimonials, go to your closet, get out your leaping shoes, take the leap of faith and give my services a try.

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