An accusation I hear every once in a while is something to the effect of, “If you are such a great trader, why are you spending your time teaching?”

Some people ask in a sincere way, others state it in a way which implies it as an insult. Regardless of the way it is being thrown at me (even in the case where it is meant as an insult), I have no right to get offended given how shady things can be on the internet.

I am not going to explain all my motivations on why I teach people how to trade; however, if you want to know the four foundational reasons, you can do so in the article I’ve already written: My Motivations for Teaching How to Trade.

If you don’t feel like reading this article on my motivations, I’ll just skip to Motivation #4 on “why” I enjoy teaching, which is I Get Natural Highs from Teaching Traders.

The Natural High Story

A couple of weeks before Christmas, I received the below message via the contact form on my website.


For me, it was pretty cool that my subscription service, The Inner Circle, would be considered “gift worthy”. I’ll be bluntly honest. Two years ago when I started this website, did I ever think any service I created would be looked at as a gift for someone? Nope. I’d be a total liar if I sat here and said I thought this sort of thing would happen. But it has happened, and to me, that makes me feel awesome… ya know… that whole natural high thing.

I offered to do a hand written personal letter (instead of just a personal email) and wrote the below note. Yes, I know, a young child has better hand writing than I do… I fully realize this.


When I was done, I slapped a stamp on it and immediately took it to the mailbox. At this point in time, I’m not sure who was more excited, Emmanuel or myself. I’d never done anything like this before, so the thrill and excitement was very real for me. Once again, it all goes back to the whole natural high motivation. It’s truly awesome!

I of course asked Emmanuel to keep me updated on how Christmas went with his Dad getting the gift.


The next several days I eagerly awaited and was a bit nervous in the sense of not wanting his Dad to think it was a “awkward” type gift.

A couple days after Christmas, I heard back from Emmanuel and the natural highs hit a new high. Not only was I relieved to hear his Dad didn’t think it was an “awkward” gift, but to hear about how much he enjoyed it was sooooo awesome!


And then there was the picture attached… natural highs, once again, go higher. Let’s all be honest with ourselves, the guy knows how to dress too!


Believe It or Not – It’s Up to You

Whether or not you believe me when I say that one of the reasons I teach is because it truly does make me feel “good” (no alcohol or drugs required) is up to you. But I wanted to at least use this actual event to hopefully, for some of you at least, illustrate how natural highs can be created.

I have a passion for teaching, I enjoy doing it, and if you don’t believe me, then cool… the good news is, no one is forcing you to be on my site. 🙂

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