Let me first just acknowledge the fact that there are many shady people in the world. Add in the component of wanting to sell you something, and oh boy, the waters get that much murkier.

I know whenever I see someone on TV or the internet selling products or services, my skepticism radar goes on high alert. If you are new to this site or any of my free content, then I hope you are looking at me with a skeptical eye… you should be! Let’s be honest. I am a total stranger to you.

skeptical-girl-200x300This also brings about the question (which is very valid):

If you are such a great stock trader and make so much money from trading, then why spend your time teaching how to trade stocks?

My first reply is quite simple. No where on my site or in my marketing do I proclaim to be a great stock trader, nor do I proclaim to make tons of money from trading. While I understand that may be a great marketing sales pitch, it is one I choose not to pursue. As I state in numerous places on my site, I’m not a hot-shot wall street trader and I’m nothing special. I’m just an average guy who trades stocks and teaches others how to trade.

But ‘why’ teach? Well, let me break down my motivations for teaching how to trade into four reasons.

Motivation #1: I Genuinely Enjoy Teaching How to Trade

excited-faceWhile you may be shaking your head thinking what a joke, is it really that hard to believe that some people actually enjoy teaching? I will be the first to admit that growing up and going through the educational system, I truly wondered why some people were in the teaching field as I fell asleep in class. At the same time though, I had some teachers that you could tell truly enjoyed what they were doing (not to mention, those were always the best teachers).

During my senior year of high school, we were required to job shadow three different professions (one week each) and then write a final paper on it. My three weeks were spent with an engineer, a lawyer, and a teacher. While I ultimately chose to major in engineering due to the huge job demand for that profession, the experience I enjoyed by a long shot was with my former 5th grade teacher. She allowed me to teach a few different lessons (and put my own twist on them) and I had a great time with it, but most importantly, I discovered an unknown passion I had for trying to help others learn.

My free stock trading content and my premium services such as ClayTrader University allow me to once again enter into the teaching arena that I enjoyed so much during that high school experience.

Motivation #2: I Make Money Teaching How to Trade

bigstock_cost_value_matrix_-_arrow_and__9732935I am not going to pretend to be a perfect little angel who is doing this all out of the kindness of my sweet little heart. Do I love to teach? Absolutely! Is that the only reason why I do it? Nope.

I teach because people find value in my style of teaching how to trade. Because of this, they are willing to pay me. I gladly accept their payment since, like most people, I enjoy making money.

It’s really nothing complicated. It’s all basic economics. If someone has a service/products that provide value, people will be open to making an investment into themselves in order to better themselves.

I don’t think I can get anymore blunt than that.

Motivation #3: I Make More Money from Educated Traders

Let me be Captain Obvious for a second. We only have two eyeballs. No matter how fancy of stock scanners we may have, there is a chance our own eyes may still miss something. This is why I am a huge believer in stock trading chat rooms. There is one catch though, I want to be surrounded by traders who know what to look for.

When I know traders have gone through my training courses, it assures me they are looking at the proper dynamics when making an alert.

Bottom line, by teaching others how to trade and then surrounding myself with those students, it puts me in a spot where even if I personally miss out on an alert from my scanners, there is a chance that another trader in the room sees the stock and alerts it to me… here are a few real life examples…

I personally missed out on noticing Weibo Corporation (WB) when the momentum initially began, but thanks to a former student in the chat room, they issued the below alert. As you can see, while not a huge amount of profits at $95, when you consider (look at the time-stamps of trades) I made the $95 in less than 2 minutes, I’m not going to complain.


Same situation with this alert on Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. (SRPT). For whatever reason I didn’t notice this stock initially, but thanks to someone I have trained, they took note of it and issued the below alert. Once again, I didn’t make a massive score on it; however, looking at the time-stamp you can see I made $125 in 32 seconds. I would have totally missed out on this opportunity had I not taught this person.

In this final example, I once again missed the quick hitter alert of SodaStream International Ltd. (SODA). However, an alert I teach in ClayTrader University known as a “Christmas tree alert” (aka “xmas”) was alerted in the chat room from a student. As the image shows, I ended up making $655 in a pretty short amount of time.

As I’ve noted already, I wish I could proclaim to educate solely out of the kindness of my heart, but as you’ve seen through only a few real life instances, it truly benefits me to teach others how to trade so we can work together to all make money.

Motivation #4: I Get Natural Highs from Teaching Traders

Kids – don’t do drugs! That’s at least what I was taught growing up. So for me, it is all about finding ways to experience natural highs.

I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel good about myself when receiving a compliment. If you got the email you see below and did not experience some sort of natural high for yourself, then I would honestly question if you’re even a human being. When I got this email, I literally had the best day ever afterwards. It was such a great feeling of accomplishment.

What an incredible run I have had since joining your group 2 weeks ago! I bought FNMA at 3.4 and it's been on a tear ever since! I also bought FREE, LIVE, and FMCC. I am up over 22k in two weeks. That is incredible, and it means so much to me since one of my sons is disabled and we owe 66k in doctor bills. I used to not be able to sleep, wondering how I would pay for all his medical bills. Well I joined your group, cashed in my 401K mutual funds... and started trading stocks using your strategies. At this rate I will be able to pay all his medical bills in a matter of weeks! You really changes my life man. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you have done to help my family! I used to lay in bed at night stressed out not able to sleep, and now I stay awake all hours looking at stocks, financial new, and going over your training video Robotic Trading.

I also simply love knowing I have helped traders “do it right”. What do I mean? Look at this message I got publicly via Twitter. This trader initially shorted a stock, but because they had a plan in place (which I teach how to do), they only took an $80 loss. However, like I also teach, they then switched to a different strategy and sold portions of their shares for gains of $125, $187.50 and then was stopped out of their remaining shares for a gain of $240. In total, after taking a disciplined loss of $80, they quickly turned around and made a winning trade in the amount of $552.50.

This is what professional trading looks like. Having a plan, being disciplined enough to honor the stop-loss, and then turning around and going right back at it. To know I helped this trader get to this point, and then for them to publicly give me credit and thank me… if that isn’t a natural high, then I don’t know what is.

Stock Trader Testimonial 259 Inner Circle

While I completely understand if you don’t believe me when I say this, in many cases, getting positive feedback such as the email above is better than making money. There is nothing better than that natural high feeling, and for me, hearing from students is a great way to make that happen. This email is only a single example. I have well over 100 testimonials that you can browse through here.


These are the four reasons I teach. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, I consider myself an extremely lucky person. To be able to do something I love and have a passion for which also allows me to make money in two separate ways is a a great gig. And then add on the fact that I get a natural high from doing it, that is truly just the cherry on top.

I would love to teach you too. You can get started here or attend my free training event if you are not quite sure about investing into your education.

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